If You’re Going To Use The Word ‘Fascism,’ Learn What It Means


A couple of days ago, we posted a satirical piece, call it a sati-torial, with a list of headlines we’re never going to see. One of them said “Democrats Realize They’ve Been Using The Word ‘Fascist’ Wrong For Decades.” There’s a lot of truth in there. The way the political left tosses around that word shows that they have no idea what it means.

Or maybe they do. And they’re intentionally applying it wrongly because they’re driven by their depravity.

Either way, we’ve been hearing it for decades. And its use has accelerated in recent years along with the irresponsible usage of “white supremacy” and “white privilege.”

Exactly two months ago, Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Reich wrote a column for the loose-screw Guardian under the headline “​​The modern Republican party is hurtling towards fascism.”

The Independent, another British propaganda sheet, in 2021 ran the rantings of columnist Patrick Cockburn, who declared Republicans were replicating “the structure of fascist movements in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s.”

In a bizarre speech last summer heavy with Third Reich overtones, Joe Biden said “the entire philosophy that underpins” Trump-supporting Republicans is “like semi-fascism.” His press secretary the next day said “It is very clear” that “what MAGA Republicans have done” fits “the definition of fascism.”

Years earlier, George W. Bush had “come to embody the f-word” – fascist – “for a whole generation of activists.”

Trump’s Indictment and the Collapse of Confidence in Our Institutions Charles Lipson


Democracies cannot thrive – and may not survive – when citizens lose confidence in their basic institutions. That is exactly what is happening in America today. This loss of confidence and a bitter ideological divide are our country’s most profound challenges. Those challenges form the essential backdrop for understanding the controversy surrounding Donald Trump’s indictment.

Before turning to the charges facing Trump, consider their larger political setting, which begins with any democratic government’s most fundamental responsibilities: preserving public order, ensuring its citizens’ safety, and applying the law fairly. The institutions charged with those responsibilities are crumbling at the local, state, and federal levels, and millions of voters on both sides of our gaping ideological spectrum know it. Each blames the other and accepts no blame for themselves.

This collapse of public order is painfully obvious in many major cities, where violent crime, massive organized shoplifting, and homeless encampments have become dangerous facts of ordinary life. Law-abiding citizens, the backbone of those cities, have found the quality of their lives declining.

They bear much of the blame themselves. They elected the district attorneys who refuse to prosecute serious crimes and so encourage even more. They elected the mayors and legislators who justify such rampant disorder under the heart-warming name of “social justice.” How do armed robberies, looting, and gang violence qualify as social justice? The same citizens stood silent as police forces were decimated by “defund the police” movements and a torrent of criticism from senior elected officials and political activists.

The results were predictable. The cops hired to “serve and protect” began to retire, without adequate replacements. Who wants that dangerous and thankless job? Many of those who remained on the force concluded that it was smarter and safer to sit in their cars than to pursue criminals. When they know the mayor and city council won’t offer support, why not remain in the squad car, await their pension, and retire early?



This website challenges Western conventional wisdom on critical aspects of US-Israel relations, Jewish-Arab demography, Iran, the Palestinian issue and Middle East affairs, in general.

This website highlights:

*Israel’s contribution to the US taxpayer exceeds US foreign aid to Israel.
*Israel: from a misperceived burden to a force and dollar multiplier for the US.
*The 400-year-old roots of the unique US-Israel nexus.
*The debunked myth of the Arab demographic time bomb, while exposing Israel’s Jewish demographic momentum.
*The gap between Middle East reality and Western conventional wisdom.
*The inherent flaws of the US diplomatic option toward Iran’s Ayatollahs.
*Is the Palestinian issue the crux of the Arab-Israel conflict, a core cause of Middle East turbulence and a crown-jewel of Arab policy making?
*The proposed Palestinian state – advancing or undermining US interests?

The content of this website is based on my 50-year-experience in the areas of Middle East affairs, US-Israel relations and US policy in the Middle East in my capacity as a researcher, diplomat (Ambassador), writer, lecturer, media commentator and consultant to US and Israeli legislators.  

Hopefully, this website adds value for your own endeavors.

Biden’s Banana Republic Fact? Hillary Clinton broke the law in handling her emails. No indictment. by Jeffrey Lord


It was amazing to see Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appointed special counsel, Jack Smith, step in front of the cameras and say of the indictment of former President Donald Trump: “No one is above the law.”

Which is to say, Jack Smith looked the American people in the eye and straight up lied. It was the stuff of a banana republic.

Fact? Joe Biden, who did the same thing with classified documents as Donald Trump — and four times over — is not being indicted. He is above the law.

Fact? As Rep. James Comer’s House Oversight Committee is revealing, Joe Biden now stands accused of routinely accepting bribes from China to enrich his family. No indictment forthcoming. Because Joe Biden is above the law.

As the New York Post reports: 

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has said the FBI has additional documents expanding on an informant file alleging President Biden participated in a multimillion-dollar bribery scheme during his vice presidency.

Fact? Hillary Clinton broke the law in handling her emails. No indictment. Because Hillary Clinton is above the law.

All of which is to say that Biden, Garland, and Smith — with ex-FBI Director James Comey coming in right behind them — are four of the most corrupt officials to come down the pike in all of American history.

No less than the Wall Street Journal, no fan of the former president, correctly warns that: 

[H]is indictment by President Biden’s Justice Department is a fraught moment for American democracy. For the first time in U.S. history, the prosecutorial power of the federal government has been used against a former President who is also running against the sitting President.

Deep State vs. Trump: Persecution Through Prosecution An extraordinary indictment and ongoing lawfare show how hard the “deep state” is working to force Trump to stand down in 2024.


Friday marked a somber day for America as the nation crossed a Rubicon with the 37-count criminal indictment of former President Trump, making it the first-ever federal indictment of a former president in the nation’s history. Trump now faces a maximum sentence of 400 years in prison and a $9M fine due to the indictment.

Ongoing War

Americans must realize that there is more to this situation than meets the eye. The administrative state has been waging a war against Donald Trump, and Friday’s indictment is the most recent development in this ongoing conflict—a fresh offensive against Trump. The administrative state is torpedoing Trump with lawfare, aiming to break his resolve and force him to stand down from running in 2024.

The war actually began before the 2016 election, when the FBI initiated a counterintelligence probe called ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ without proper justification. Following the inauguration, the administrative state launched a relentless assault on the new president, who was a non-politician, through the protracted Russia hoax.

President Trump recognizes this.

At the CPAC 2023, he said: “I didn’t know that they want to lynch you for doing nothing wrong. I didn’t know they want to lynch you for doing a great job. I didn’t know they want to put you away because your poll numbers are better than anybody they’ve seen in years.”

Politically, Trump is winning. He is the frontrunner for the Republican party for the 2024 presidential race.

He is also winning in the game of optics. For example, the recent Durham Report disproved claims that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election. The FBI and the DOJ looked terrible for perpetrating the hoax for nearly three years, and President Trump was vindicated.

Deep State And Media Are Terrified

The administrative state and its media partners are deeply terrified by the prospect of Trump’s potential return to the presidency in 2024. Their fear is palpable, and a few recent examples echo this deep-seated unease.

MSNBC’s Jen Psaki’s sit-down interview with Former FBI Director James Comey aired past Sunday.

Comey told Psaki, ‘Think about what four years of a retribution presidency might look like. He could order the investigation and prosecution of individuals who he sees as enemies.’

California Can Either Charge Its EV Fleet Or Keep The Lights On- It Can’t do Both Wayne Winegarden and Kerry Jackson


Editor’s note: This has been excerpted with permission from the Pacific Research Institute. To read the entire report, click here.

Can California transition to a portfolio of 100% renewable energy sources and still generate enough electricity to meet the state’s future needs, including the addition of millions of electric cars on the road? Using the state’s historical trends to project forward, the answer to these questions is no. Californians will face acute electricity shortages soon if policymakers insist on implementing its current suite of policies.

California is already incapable of generating enough electricity, importing 30% of its current electricity needs from other states. With respect to current generation sources, nearly 60% of California’s in-state electricity generation is produced by natural gas and nuclear power plants. Including conventional hydroelectric generation, which does not count as a renewable source for purposes of California’s policies, nearly two-thirds of the state’s current electricity comes from disfavored generation sources.

It is doubtful that California will be able to generate sufficient electricity to meet future energy needs using only the favored generation sources; and it is not even close.

Overall, total electricity generated will be 21.1% below the amount of electricity demanded — and this does not even account for the impacts from all the likely future mandates. Beyond the electric vehicle mandates evaluated above, officials are rapidly prohibiting connections for stoves, furnaces, hot water heaters, and dryers in new construction projects.

There are reasons to be exceptionally skeptical that California’s current energy policy environment is achievable. Either the policies will cause extreme energy shortages and jeopardize quality of life or the state’s political leaders will need to repeal the current suite of mandates.

Networks devote 291 minutes to Trump scandals and zero seconds to Biden’s by Paul Bedard,


Just as they did in 2016 when it became clear that Donald Trump was the golden goose of viewership, the Big Three networks have turned all their cameras to the former president and practically abandoned covering President Joe Biden.

While Biden’s own classified documents scandal is important, and he is also tied up in bribery allegations linked to his scandal-plagued son Hunter Biden, TV executives apparently have decided that wall-to-wall coverage of Trump is the key to success.

According to a count conducted by our friends at the Media Research Center, which teams with Secrets for the Monday “Liberal Media Scream” feature, ABC, CBS, and NBC have devoted all of their scandal coverage to Trump and none to Biden or the first son.

And the numbers are staggering.

In a report from MRC’s Newsbusters, the three have devoted 291 minutes to Trump and zero time to Biden’s scandals. That is not just a Grand Canyon-sized gap, but figuring each full half-hour newscast devotes 20 minutes to news and the rest to advertising, that amounts to nearly 15 shows devoted to nothing but Trump.

“Over four days (June 8-June 12), the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) broadcast networks predictably crammed their evening, morning, and Sunday roundtable shows with a total of 291 minutes of coverage dedicated to the Trump indictment,” said the report from Geoffrey Dickens, the director of media analysis at the Media Research Center.

“The double standard is breathtaking,” he added, especially when considering the similarities between the classified documents scandals.

The Self-Destructive Donald Trump The document indictment is misguided, but he made it easier for his enemies, as he always does.


Donald Trump pleaded not guilty to federal charges on Tuesday, with the typical array of supporters and opponents. It’s depressing to think this could continue for another two years as the indictment and trial dominate the 2024 presidential campaign. Republican primary voters may be the last resort to spare the country this fate.

We’re on record as believing that Attorney General Merrick Garland’s indictment of Mr. Trump is a misguided use of prosecutorial power that could have destructive consequences. It intervenes in a presidential election campaign, unleashing political furies that are impossible to predict. It keeps Mr. Trump the dominant issue of the presidential campaign, denying the country the larger debate the public deserves.

The shame is that this is exactly what both Mr. Trump and the White House want. Mr. Trump would rather not be charged, but he is already brandishing the indictments against him as a campaign credential. He’s all but saying Republicans must nominate him as the only defense Americans have against Democrats and the deep state. Democrats want to run against Mr. Trump because they think he’d be the easiest Republican to beat, or to ruin in office if he does win again.

GOP primary voters can benefit from reading the latest Trump indictment and asking what it means for a second Trump term. The facts alleged show that Mr. Trump has again played into the hands of his enemies. His actions were reckless, arrogant and remarkably self-destructive. This is the same Donald Trump they will get if they nominate him for a third time.

Mr. Trump believes he had the right to keep the documents under the Presidential Records Act, and we think he has a stronger case than the press claims. But once he received a subpoena for those documents, Mr. Trump should have known he was at legal peril if he concealed them or lied about having them.

Yet if the indictment is correct, that is precisely what he did. He allegedly suggested to a lawyer that he could “pluck” out a page and not turn it over. In the most striking episode, he brandished a classified document related to a war plan in front of his staff and a writer.

China, Pakistan and Turkey Eyeing Kashmir by Uzay Bulut


The history of the Islamization of indigenous non-Muslim populations of Kashmir is similar to that of the Middle East and North Africa: native non-Muslim peoples were first conquered by Islamic armies and then subjected to discrimination and persecution, which led to either death, conversion to Islam or departure/flight.

Due to killings and forced conversions, there are no Hindus remaining in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, although it is still home to ancient Hindu sacred sites.

The anti-Hindu violence culminated in 1989-1990 when Pakistan-sponsored insurgents carried out an ethnic cleansing campaign against the approximately 95% of the Hindus living in the Valley of Kashmir.

Meanwhile, Pakistan remains a major sponsor of global terrorism.

Jihad is a global threat targeting the entire international community. For the safety and stability of the region and beyond, it is crucial not to let jihad succeed. India’s sovereignty over Kashmir and the international community’s support for hosting international events, as well as tourism in Kashmir, are critical for the global fight against terrorism. It is also beneficial to the residents of Kashmir – particularly women, peaceful Muslims, indigenous Hindus and other non-Muslim minorities.

Those countries that oppose Kashmir as part of India and attempt to dissuade international events such as the G20 conference to promote tourism are hardly advocating the establishment of a secular, pluralistic democracy in Kashmir.

Their goal, rather, is to create an Islamist state in Kashmir where women, religious minorities, and moderate Muslims would be persecuted – just as in anyplace else taken over by Islamic theocracy.

Such a state would also be a center of terrorism and instability in the wider region. The civilized world needs to support India’s sovereignty in Kashmir against foreign interference from oppressive states — such as China, Turkey and Pakistan.

When India hosted a key G20 conference in Srinagar, the capital of the Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory of India, on May 22 and 23, even though the conference was reportedly attended by around 122 delegates, including 60 foreigners, it was boycotted by Pakistan as well as its longtime allies, China and Turkey.

The God Particle by Lawrence Kadish


Few of us could master the curriculum when we were in school. Atoms, electrons, charged particles; it was a strange and alien world that few of us understood and even fewer could embrace much less master.

Yet we live in a 21st Century world that has been defined by the fundamental discoveries revealed, controlled, and directed by the laws of physics. Far more than some distant and mysterious field of study, theoretical studies that began decades ago continue to yield results that few could have foreseen, touching people around the globe.

Consider: Quantum physics was originally the study of matter and energy, the building blocks of nature. Few lay people outside of the research labs could envision any outcome from an academic debate over electrons and photons. Yet decades later, it is the legacy of quantum physics that provided the roadmap that led to personal computers, cell phones, and technology that impacts us every day. What became apparent is that the connection between theoretical research and “real world” applications may take decades to become clear but when they do, the world around us changes.

Accordingly, we need to pay attention to the latest frontier in physics.

Scientists say that next “big thing” is the Higgs boson, a particle that was confirmed in 2012 after three decades of theoretical research. One commentator said that discovery “put the bang in the Big Bang Theory of how the universe itself came to be.”