The face of Islamic evil is so evident now, given the Nice butchery of July 14th that even the most morally dissolute and corrupt among the Progressive totalitarians cannot but concede that they could be next. It won’t matter to the jihadist truck driver who he mows down. It could be a life-long socialist or dedicated multiculturalist, or a woman with an infant in her arms or in a baby stroller, it won’t matter, if you’re white and look healthy and happy, you are slated for death. The Islamic killer doesn’t want to bother discriminating between victims.
I could not help but note that in all the videos of the Nice massacre that all the bodies left in the wake of the driver’s rampage were of whites. Let no one deny that Islam is waging not only an ideological war against the West but a racial one. This has been made abundantly clear by Obama and his ilk – Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, et al. – that they wish to destroy “white” culture.
He was a Muslim and French citizen from Tunisia, still harboring a grudge against France over its colonial policies. In the meantime, our cravenly corrupt Secretary of State John Kerry is boasting that85,000 Syrian “refugees” will be foisted on the American people in 2016, so that they can help “transform” the country. One thing that should sit in the craw of all Americans is that Obama, Clinton, Kerry and their ilk will be insulated from the consequences of this planned invasion of aliens hostile to all Western values and won’t need to deal with them.
In the meantime, Black Lives Matter and the New Black Panther Party are promising to disrupt the Republican convention with guns. This is another facet of the race war Obama and his ilk are promoting. To point out that Donald Trump is defying the poisonous PC multicultural party line is to risk being labeled a racist.
In Germany, Germans are subjected to raids by the police for their “anti-migrant” (read anti-Muslim) comments on Facebook.
“German Police Raid Homes Over ‘Verbal Radicalism’ On Facebook,” By Craig Boudreau, Daily Caller, July 13, 2016
The onslaught of evil unleashed by our government, and by European governments is so ubiquitous that I often feel that I can no long tolerate it. I don’t see any pushback or outrage, excepting my own, which got me booted from my own home in the USA. I am very, very tired.