“Curse You, Curse You, Curse You, Mr Blair!”

Just what makes Anthony Charles Lynton Blair tick is very hard to fathom. Admired by some, and loathed by others, this “all-over-the-place” politician may well be judged by history (as he is judged by many already) the worst prime minister of the British twentieth century.

The usual suspects of the Left view Blair as a war criminal for the “lies” that took Britain into the war that toppled Saddam Hussein, and feel exonerated by the Chilcot Report, but to numerous men and women Blair’s crimes are those he committed against his own country during his prime ministership (1997-2007).

In the current issue of the Australian conservative intellectual and literary magazine Quadrant Welshman Christie Davies (author of The Strange Death of Moral Britain) articulates this viewpoint with clarity and passion.

Pointing out the societal, economic, and ecological problems associated with Britain’s record high levels of immigration over the last two decades, with England now the most densely populated country in Europe (419 people per square km) and projected to become even more congested by 2030 (460 people per square km), Davies notes that the warnings of demographers during the 1960s regarding future overcrowding if the birthrate did not fall are never alluded to today.

(Anyone seen the slogan “Zero Population Growth” lately? No. Didn’t think so. Since the immigrant population is driving up the birthrate these days it’s much too politically incorrect to suggest that the maximum number of babies per family should be two. Ever seen the Greens arguing that immigration numbers should be restricted, given the fact that swathes of unspoiled countryside and greenbelt land are now being cemented over to meet the need for housing consequent upon today’s massive population surge? Ah, that’ll be the day!)

David Singer: China Can Exploit United Nations’ Double Standards on Palestine

International support for the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) – despite its rejection of the 1922 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine and Article 80 of the United Nations Charter – could be exploited by China to blunt international action following an unfavourable ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration against China in The Hague.

Having boycotted those proceedings, Chinese President Xi Jinping then immediately dismissed the decision – which denied China had any legal basis to claim historic rights to the bulk of the South China Sea:

“China will never accept any claim or action based on those awards”

His rejection was as peremptory as that of the PLO – which declared in Article 18 of its original 1964 Charter:

“The Balfour Declaration, the Mandate system and all that has been based upon them are considered fraud.”

This position was revised when the Charter was redrafted in 1968 – Article 20 declaring:

“The Balfour Declaration, the Mandate for Palestine, and everything that has been based upon them, are deemed null and void.”

These provisions have been a major contributing factor in preventing a resolution of the Jewish-Arab conflict for the last 52 years.

The international community has not punished the PLO for its unilateral demolition of these international-law building blocks but to the contrary has granted the PLO diplomatic recognition whilst also welcoming the PLO into the United Nations.

Should China be demonised because it also chooses to ignore a determination in international law that it regards as inimical to its national interest?

AG Lynch Tells Congress: ‘It Would Be Inappropriate for Me to Comment Further’ on Clinton Email Probe Melanie Hunter

Attorney General Loretta Lynch said in her opening statement Tuesday that she would not “comment further” on the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server now that the FBI’s probe has concluded with no charges recommended against the presumed Democratic presidential nominee.

“I want to close with a comment about the investigation of Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal email server during her time as secretary of State. As you are aware, last week I met with [FBI] Director [James] Comey and career prosecutors and agents who conducted that investigation,” the attorney general said.

“I received and accepted their unanimous recommendation that the thorough year-long investigation be closed and no charges be brought against any individuals within the scope of the investigation,” Lynch said.

“And while I understand that this investigation has generated significant public interest, as attorney general, it would be inappropriate for me to comment further on the underlying facts of the investigation or the legal basis for the team’s investigation,” she added.

In an exchange with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), Lynch declined to comment “on the facts or the substance” of the case:

Goodlatte: “Let me turn your attention to Director Comey’s conclusions on a variety of points. Secretary Clinton stated that she never sent or received information marked as classified on her server. Director Comey stated that was not true. Do you agree with Director Comey?” Goodlatte asked.

Lynch: “Director Comey has chosen to provide great detail into the basis of his recommendations that were ultimately provided to me. He’s chosen to provide detailed statements, and I would refer you to those statements. I, as attorney general, am not able to provide any further comment on the facts or the substance of the investigation.”

Goodlatte: “General Lynch, I think you will agree that the ultimate responsibility for a prosecutorial decision does not rest with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, but with the Department of Justice, which you head. Have you not taken a close look at the work done by Director Comey, especially given the extreme national interest in this issue to make a determination yourself whether you or those working for you agree or disagree with Director Comey?”

Lynch: “As I’ve indicated, I’ve received the recommendation of the team, and that team is composed prosecutors and agents. It was a unanimous recommendation as to how to resolve the investigation, and … what the information that they have received concluded, and I accepted that recommendation. I saw no reason not to accept it, and again I reiterate my pride and faith in their work.”

Man Dressed as Woman Caught Taking Pictures of Woman in Target Dressing Room By Debra Heine

A man who claims to identify as a woman was caught taking pictures of a woman in the dressing room of an Idaho Falls Target Tuesday.

Idaho Falls resident Sean P. Smith, 43, who also goes by the name “Shauna Patricia Smith,” was arrested on one count of felony voyeurism after taking a series of pictures of the woman while she was changing, according to Bonneville County Sgt. Bryan Lovell.

Via East Idaho News:

A woman told them a man, dressed in women’s clothing, had entered a fitting room in the women’s clothing section of the store. Deputies say the suspect was seen taking photos of a woman in a stall next to him while she was changing.

“The woman was begging for help as she chased the man out the door,” a witness inside the store, who asked not to be named, tells EastIdahoNews.com. “She kept saying she wanted those pictures deleted.”

The suspect, later identified as Smith, left the store, and Lovell says detectives located him Tuesday afternoon.

Lovell says detectives are investigating to see if there are other victims.

The man is reportedly being held in the Bonneville County Jail under his real name, Sean P. Smith, rather than his preferred name, “Shauna Patricia Smith.”

I’m confused because we were told that these pro-transgender bathroom policies would not lead to stories like this one. After the Obama administration in April imposed a directive requiring schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms of their choice under the threat of losing federal funding, Target showed its solidarity by announcing their own misguided “inclusive” policy of allowing customers and employees to use “the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity.” Compassionate libs shouted down the “ignorant bigots” who predicted that sexual predators might take advantage of policies that allow them to gain access to their victims in vulnerable bathroom/dressing room/shower settings. But the example of Sean Smith is just one of many other stories in the news.

Via the American Family Association (AFA), here are a few other recent examples of males taking advantage of liberal transgender policies — mostly at Targets:

New Black Panther Party to Attend Pre-RNC Rallies Carrying Firearms By Liz Sheld !!!!????

The chairman of the New Black Panther Party announced the group will attend pre-RNC events carrying firearms for self-defense.

“If it is an open state to carry, we will exercise our second amendment rights because there are other groups threatening to be there that are threatening to do harm to us,” Hashim Nzinga, chairman of the New Black Panther Party, told Reuters in a telephone interview.

“If that state allows us to bear arms, the Panthers and the others who can legally bear arms will bear arms.”

The group says it expects “a couple hundred” members to attend a pre-convention rally called “National Convention of the Oppressed.” The event is scheduled for Thursday and the Panthers said they would leave Cleveland on Sunday before the RNC officially opens.

“We are there to protect … We are not trying to do anything else,” he said. “We are going to carry out some of these great legal rights we have — to assemble, to protest and (to exercise) freedom of speech.”

“I have people literally calling me saying this is the first time in my life I protested and I loved it.” Nzinga told Reuters. “They want to be a part of something. They tried to be a part of the system and the system let them down so they want to be part of a rebellion.”

Theresa May Becomes Prime Minister; Immediately Stages Shocking Coup by Appointing Boris Johnson Foreign Secretary By Michael van der Galien

https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/07/13/theresa-may-becomes-prime-minister-immediately-stages-shocking-coup-by-appointing-boris-johnson-foreign-secretary/ Well, well … it seems like Britain’s new prime minister, Theresa May, is as tough as a box of rocks. While most commentators expected her to play it safe after officially succeeding David Cameron today, she actually caused a ruckus by sacking Chancellor George Osborne (a close ally of Cameron) and appointing Brexiteer Boris Johnson […]

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.)Shares Personal Stories as a Black Man of ‘Frustration’ with Cops By Bridget Johnson see note please

Senator Scott is one of the GOP’s most conservative stars- who has taken on the Congressional Black Caucus. The Arab American Institute gives him a rank of -4 for his support for Israel…..rsk

WASHINGTON — Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) revealed today that he’s been stopped seven times in the past year by law enforcement for “trivial” reasons in a highly personal speech focusing on experiences of black men and police stops.

Scott called it his “most difficult” floor speech of the week because “it’s the most personal.”

The senator said most police “have two things on their minds: protect and serve.”

However, he added, “we do have serious issues that must be resolved” — the “deep divide” between the black community and law enforcement in many cities, “a trust gap” and “tension that has been growing for decades.”

“And as a family, one American family, we cannot ignore these issues.”

Stressing that Americans should be “thankful” for the good job most police officers do, Scott added that “some do not” do a good job.

“I’ve experienced it myself,” he said. “… I shuddered when I heard Eric Garner say, ‘I can’t breathe.’ I wept when I watched Walter Scott turn and run away and get shot and killed from the back. And I broke when I heard the 4-year-old daughter of Philando Castile’s girlfriend tell her mother, ‘It’s OK; I’m right here with you.'”

“These are people lost forever. Fathers, brothers, sons. Some will say and maybe even scream, ‘But they had criminal records! They were criminals! They spent time in jail!’ And while having a record should not sentence you to death, I say, OK then — I will share with you some of my own experiences or the experiences of good friends or other professionals.”

Scott described the first time he was pulled over as a youth for a headlight not working properly and said he felt “very scared.”

The senator then jumped ahead to experiences he’s had with law enforcement while an elected official.

Academia Indicts America for Orlando Terrorist Attack By Cinnamon Stillwell

Following Omar Mateen’s massacre of forty-nine people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, professors of Middle East studies reacted predictably by blaming guns, American homophobia, Christians, Deep South bigotry – anything but Islamic terrorism. Never mind that Mateen pledged allegiance to ISIS, depicted himself as an Islamic soldier during the attack, had taken two trips to Saudi Arabia, and was interviewed three times by the FBI in connection with terrorism. Excuses must be made, willful ignorance enforced, and the American public bamboozled.

Immediately after the attack, University of Michigan history professor Juan Cole announced, “I don’t think it probably was terrorism in any useful sense of the term.” His reasoning? Mateen didn’t “make demands about U.S. government policy,” and hitting soft targets is “not a form of classical strategic terrorism.” The victims of terrorist attacks – many issued without demands – on cafés, malls, restaurants, resorts, schools, social services, and countless other soft targets would beg to differ.

Cole questioned Mateen’s allegiance to the Islamic State, given reports that Mateen frequented the Pulse nightclub regularly and drank heavily, claiming that “puritanical Muslim fundamentalists of the ISIL sort don’t behave that way.” In fact, Mateen’s libertine lifestyle is a hallmark of Islamic terrorists in the West, who are instructed to blend in. In his case, there may have been several motivating factors, but Cole advanced only one conclusion: “To put all this on Muslims and Islam in general is frankly absurd.”

University of Denver Center for Middle East Studies director Nader Hashemi placed the emphasis on the American public, predicting the worst: “There is a huge danger that in the coming days and weeks that American Muslims/Islam will be collectively targeted and blamed for today’s massacre in Florida.” He claimed, “The 1,400-year-old Islamic faith in itself has little to do with the modern jihadist movement.”

Meanwhile, Omid Safi, director of Duke University’s Islamic Studies Center, decried “[t]he sickness, the homophobia, the violence, and the ease of access to war-grade guns that brought about this vile terrorist attack,” predicting that “the solution” will come about only when Americans “confront this xenophobia and violence in our own society.”

Safi revealed his own bigotry and provincialism by chalking up the attack to imagined Southern perfidy: “Let us not lose sight of the fact that this horrible attack took place in the South, after years of demonizing gays and lesbians.” Aside from the fact that Orlando is hardly a bastion of Southern culture, there is no moral equivalency between the debates over same-sex marriage and transgender bathroom use he cited and the mass murder of gays.

Sticking with the theme of blaming anyone but the perpetrator, Safi noted that “[t]he killer worked for the G4S security firm with a history of abuse in American prisons and the Occupied Territories/Israel.”

Peter O’Brien :The Reef of Gold

Where do professional climateers and deep-green academics look for the mother’s milk of government funding when their dire predictions continue to fall short? Why, the trick is to invent a new threat and crisis, then spout the same old catastropharian nonsense!As ironclad evidence for the falsity of predictions regarding catastrophic anthropogenic global warming continues to evade the notice of the dedicated climate science community, the efforts of alarmists to shore up their industry turn naturally to scaremongering – drumming up frightening scenarios that might happen if we are so foolish as to continue on our fossil-fuelled ways.

Polar bears are now passe, possibly because the overwhelming observational evidence is that their population is not in decline at all (but it might be at some point in the future if if we don’t act now!). So it’s the Great Barrier Reef that has emerged as the latest iconic victim. Just like polar bears, most people will never see it, — and those that do, unlike a close encounter with ursus maritimus, will not risk being torn limb from limb after getting up close and personal.

We’re used to hearing about the reef’s imminent demise almost on a daily basis, but one recent Guardian article pushes the boundary of rigorous argument to breaking point. Professor Hugh Possingham, of the University of Queensland, billed as an expert on “conservation modelling”, tells us that it is now too late to save the entire reef. Therefore, we must determine what bits we can save and concentrate on them. The Guardian tells us:

He conceded it could be “suicide” for politicians to talk of abandoning some parts of the reef over others.

“In politics, there’s a lot of: ‘We can do everything’,” he said.

But a “difficult discussion” was needed with time running out for more research, limits on funding, and the real chance of a “Sophie’s choice” looming for the reef, Possingham said.

Notice the subtlety. The good professor is not actually telling us the sky is falling; he is holding out a flicker of hope. The inference is that we will cry ‘No, some of the reef is not enough. We must save it all. We must act now…” followed by, “We demand more funding for research.”

Settlement of Syrian Refugees in the U.S. Accelerates After a slow start, Obama administration’s annual goal of 10,000 arrivals is within reach By Miriam Jordan

After a slow start, the influx of Syrians to the U.S. has accelerated in recent months, and annual arrivals are likely to reach 10,000 by the end of September, the amount that was promised by the Obama administration.

Last year, the U.S. pledged to resettle 85,000 refugees from all over the world in the fiscal year that began on Oct. 1, including at least 10,000 Syrian refugees.

By March 31, halfway through the fiscal year, only 1,285 Syrians had arrived, according to official data. By June 30, the Syrian number had jumped to 5,211. Overall refugee admissions had reached 49,791.

Among Syrians admitted this year, 20% are adult men, 20% are adult women and 60% are children. The vast majority of the men are in a family unit, said a State Department spokesman.

The deployment of additional staff and resources in Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon and Iraq has enabled both the Departments of State and Homeland Security to review more applications and complete more security checks in recent months, he said.

For instance, between February and April, Homeland Security officers in Amman, Jordan, interviewed about 12,000 individuals referred by the U.N. High Commission for Refugees.

The U.S. resettled 1,682 Syrians in fiscal year 2015 and only 105 in 2014. So far this fiscal year, Michigan, California and Illinois have been the top three recipients of Syrian refugees.

Due to security checks, it takes about two years for a refugee to be admitted to the U.S. Typically, the vetting includes several interviews of family members, together and apart, background checks, fingerprinting and iris scans, among other things. CONTINUE AT SITE