How Palestinians Are Trying to Destroy Lebanon by Bassam Tawil

According to these reports, Hamas could not have carried out the rocket attack without the blessing of Hezbollah, Iran’s terror proxy in Lebanon.

“[T]here are those who seek to turn Lebanon into a military base. What [Hamas] did [by firing missiles at Israel] will be an incentive for other organizations to carry out similar military actions that could drag Lebanon into disaster.” — Elie Mahfoud, a lawyer for Sovereign Front for Lebanon, Asharq Al-Awsat, April 24, 2023.

Hezbollah has proven that it is the only authority in Lebanon and that the Islamic Republic of Iran controls all aspects of the country.” — Kheirallah Kheirallah, veteran Lebanese journalist, Al Arabiya, April 9, 2023.

Kheirallah also took the Lebanese foreign ministry to task for protesting against Israel when it fired back “instead of asking itself what Hamas and its rockets are doing in Lebanon.”

The bad news… is that Lebanon will continue to be used by Iran’s ruling mullahs and their proxies as a launching pad to attack Israel as long as the Lebanese people do not rise up against them.

More bad news: this is exactly what will happen if and when a Palestinian state is established next to Israel. This new state will be used by Iran and its terrorist militias as a base for attacking Israel and killing as many Jews as they can.

Many people in Lebanon are worried that the Iranian-backed Islamist group Hamas and other Palestinian terror factions might drag Lebanon into another war with Israel.

The concern was expressed after several rockets were fired in early April from south Lebanon into Israel. Several reports have suggested that Hamas was behind the rocket attack. According to these reports, Hamas could not have carried out the rocket attack without the blessing of Hezbollah, Iran’s terror proxy in Lebanon.


In my dotage  I confess that I often binge on crime series and movies on the tube. To my great amusement, I just noted that streaming movies come with trigger warnings:

The content may have, we are informed- ‘foul language, violence, sexual content, and smoking.”

Yikes! Explicit smoking????!!!!!

Harvard’s ‘Council on Academic Freedom’ by Alan M. Dershowitz

It is good that so many professors signed on to it [the Council on Academic Freedom] so quickly. It is bad that it is even needed at a place like Harvard whose motto, Veritas, means truth. But “truth” can be a double-edged sword, especially at a university.

The “truth” can sometimes be the enemy of freedom. When people believe they, and only they, have access to THE TRUTH, they see little need for debate, dialogue, dissent and disagreement. Indeed they regard such contrary views as heresy. That has been the way of many religions over the years as well as numerous ideologies such as communism and fascism.

[T]he real headline is that so many faculty members refused or declined to participate in an organization whose goal is to promote free speech.

The shared perspective [of the Council] is in favor of freedom of speech and academic freedom for all views, no matter how unpopular. The goal is to protect the expression of all views and to protect those who are threatened or sanctioned for expressing them.

Freedom of speech, due process, the right to counsel and other fundamental liberties are in peril…. Remaining silent is often the safest course, so self-censorship has become a widespread tactic among individuals who do not support the political correctness of the day.

The fact that more than 100 Harvard University professors have now joined together in a council on academic freedom is both good news and bad news. The purpose of the group, organized by my colleague and friend Steven Pinker, is to ensure that freedom of speech and academic freedom survive at Harvard. It is good that so many professors signed on to it so quickly. It is bad that it is even needed at a place like Harvard whose motto, Veritas, means truth. But “truth” can be a double-edged sword, especially at a university.

Princeton University Hosts Drag Show Featuring Student, Guest Performers By Abigail Anthony

“We’re here to have a f***ing drag show,” the drag queen Rhedd Rhumm said to kick off Princeton University’s annual drag performance on Saturday.

The two-hour show featured student and guest performers, and was sponsored by the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center and the Princeton Pride Alliance.

“Gender is a construct. I’m a woman right now, and in about two hours, I will be a full man,” Rhedd Rhumm said.

“If there was no queer kids here at Princeton, Princeton would not exist,” the performer added.

The event was headlined by drag-queen performer Kim Chi, who was a contestant on season eight of the television show RuPaul’s Drag Race. Kim Chi has nearly two million followers on Instagram and is the owner of a makeup line.

“Is this legal to do on campus?” Kim Chi joked after performing to the song “Sin Wagon” by The Chicks. Additional performers included the drag queen Vanity Ray, who uses the tagline “the nicest narcissist you’ll ever meet,” drag queen Victoria Courtez, and drag king Maxxx Pleasure. The DJ was Mikey Mo, who is deaf.

“We’re all adults here, so we can talk about sex in a non-judgemental, non-shameful manner, correct?” Rhedd Rhumm asked the audience, adding that his day job is education for sexual and LGBTQ health care.

“So, abortion care is very, very important because not only can women get pregnant, not only can cis[gender] women get pregnant, but non-binary individuals can get pregnant as well, as well as trans-masc[uline] individuals, and anybody that falls between that has the capability of getting pregnant,” Rhedd Rhumm said. “So, if they wanna make that choice to get an abortion, that is entirely up to who? Up to them! Who the f*** am I, why am I gonna tell somebody not to do what they want to do? It’s not my body!”

Why Harlan Crow Purchased Clarence Thomas’s Mother’s HomeThe transaction was conducted ethically — but the Left’s attacks on Justice Thomas have nothing to do with ethics. By Mark Paoletta

The attacks on Justice Thomas never stop. Shortly after falsely accusing him of breaking the law by failing to disclose trips he took with his close friend Harlan Crow, the Democrats and their media allies are now smearing the justice by claiming that Crow’s purchase of Justice Thomas’s mother’s home was some scheme to enrich the justice.

This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Justice Thomas and Harlan Crow both acted honorably and ethically in this transaction, and it’s important to understand what led Crow to want to purchase this home. (Full disclosure: I worked on Justice Thomas’s confirmation as a lawyer in the White House in 1991, and I remain close friends with him. I have also co-edited the book Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words and have gone on trips with him and Harlan Crow, with whom I’m also friends. I have also represented Ginni Thomas in the House Select January 6 Committee inquiry.)

Crow, the son of a nationally renowned real-estate developer, was born into a wealthy family. Thomas was born into abject poverty, to uneducated parents, and had a father who abandoned the family when he was two years old. He grew up under segregation in the Deep South. Despite their different backgrounds, Crow’s and Thomas’s shared interests and values led them to cross paths. The two developed a close friendship after first meeting in 1996.

As has been well reported, Crow is a serious collector of American historical artifacts. He strives to preserve, learn from, and celebrate the history of our nation’s journey. As a friend of Justice Thomas, Harlan also recognized that the justice’s life story is one of the great American stories that highlights the best of America.

In 2001, Crow and Thomas visited the justice’s hometown of Savannah, Ga. During the visit, Crow visited the Carnegie Library, which was segregated when Thomas was growing up. It was here that Thomas fell in love with reading and widened his worldview to look beyond the racist laws and practices that were then in place. The library was in disrepair, and Crow wanted to help. He decided to provide funding in 2001 to restore this building where his friend, who was now the second black Supreme Court justice in our history, had first learned to dream. To honor this incredible success story, the gift came with a request to name a wing of the library after Justice Thomas.

Rep. James Comer: Hunter Biden’s Lawyers ‘Testing the Limits’ of Witness Intimidation By Contacting Potential Whistelblowers By Debra Heine

House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman James Comer is accusing Hunter Biden’s lawyers of “testing the limits” of witness intimidation in the Republican-led investigation into the Biden Family’s influence-peddling operation.

Rep. Comer (R-Ky.) said witnesses and subpoenaed individuals cooperating with their probe have told his staff that Biden’s attorneys have inappropriately contacted them with veiled threats about their own potential liability in regard to the Biden clan’s shady business schemes.

“We feel that this is close to crossing the line,” he told Fox News’ Sandra Smith Monday.  “Obviously their objective, in my opinion, is witness intimidation.”

Comer added that his subpoena authority has proven to be a “very fruitful” oversight tool in the Oversight Republicans’ Biden probe.

“We have bank records, we have access to all the bank violations in the Treasury cabinet and now we have whistleblowers who are coming forward,” he said.

When asked if he stands by his accusation of witness intimidation,” Comer replied, “it depends on your definition of intimidation.”

“If you get a call from the lawyers and they remind you of your potential liability in some of these business schemes, then yes, I would consider that witness intimidation,” he said. Comer told Smith that Republicans are now trying to get immunity for the witnesses “going forward” due to the threats.

Evil Triumphs When Conservatives Are Silenced: Peter Smith

Tucker Carlson being sacked by News Corp is a blow. I’d trimmed my regular intake of conservative television news and commentary to Tucker and to Andrew Bolt. Tucker was brave, effective, charismatic and popular. That’s presumably why he had to go. There’s speculation about the trigger for his demise. Exposing the January 6 ‘insurrection’ hoax? That or anything else would be a pretext. The dark side hit back. Cancelling is its forte. Getting rid of the presenter who attracted the largest audience is a message to lesser lights.

Bolt is often very trying. On promoting the COVID jabs, for example. On his one-eyed support for Zelensky, on cancelling Mark Latham, on a predilection for being wishy-washy on other things I can’t remember, but remember switching him off. Still, he is absolutely excellent on the racist Voice, on the climate scam, and on the Stolen Generations myth. All striking at the very heart of national life. On the latter, he seems to me to be alone in having the enormous courage to state the truth, so far as it can be discovered, and quite often too. I might have missed it, but I haven’t heard any of his conservative colleagues on Sky take the same stand. Evil triumphs when conservatives stay silent. Mind you, speaking up can get you thrown to the wolves — a cause for anxiety if you have a large mortgages.

Tucker was anything but silent. The demonic Dems hated him. He threw light on their nefarious doings. And, like cockroaches, they don’t like the light. Am I being too harsh? I don’t believe so. How else do you describe those who support flooding and crippling the country with uncontrolled masses of economic asylum seekers, untrammelled abortion to the point of delivery, gender reassignment surgery for teenagers, the sexualisation of children in classrooms, transgender activism, critical race theory, debilitating and discriminatory affirmative action, nobbling free speech, setting the law on political opponents, turning a blind eye to rioting and looting, turning violent criminals back onto the streets, and whatever other evil takes their fancy?

The Chinese Communist Party Takes Up Residence in America CCP officers are getting arrested within our borders. What’s next? by Michael Letts

So you might have already known about the U.S. shooting down a Chinese surveillance balloon over U.S. shores just a few weeks ago – an act, by the way, that China wasn’t exactly too crazy about. But little did I realize just what kind of occupancy they would be taking up here.

I’ve read two different reports now involving the Chinese Communist Party (or CCP for short) and how they’re taking part in actions right here on our shores. And, honestly, it’s very bothersome to me. And what’s even more bothersome is how little President Joe Biden is doing about it.

The first of these stories revolves around a “secret” police station in New York City, which has since led to two arrests. Apparently, China set them up in an effort to “track down and silence Chinese dissidents living in the United States.”

I’ve heard stories about this police station before, but I find it absolutely shocking that the Federal Bureau of Investigation took so long to crack down on this Fuzhou Police Overseas Service Station, as it was called. You would have thought they’d notice sooner. Alas, not the case.

The second story is much bigger news. The Department of Justice recently charged 40 CCP officers with reportedly targeting residents of the United States.

The group, dubbed the 912 Special Project Working Group (or “the Group” as the DOJ calls them more simply), were set up as “a troll farm to attack Chinese dissidents in our country for exercising free speech that the (Chinese communist) government disfavors.” Not only that, but they were given the task of spreading “disinformation and propaganda to sow divisions within the United States.”

But, as I noted above, they went after U.S. citizens with this particular task. This was mostly done through fake social media accounts across a number of U.S.-owned platforms, where they would “harass and intimidate dissidents and advocates for democratic processes in China,” according to The Epoch Times.

The Top Ten Woke Lies, Part 4 The next two in the series. by Mark Tapson

At the heart of wokeness is a lie – the Marxist lie that human society is reducible to power imbalances between the oppressor and the oppressed. Thus wokeness depends on false narratives to sell itself and smear its opponents.

Below is the next pair in a series of the Top Ten Woke Lies subverting American politics and culture. To see the first 5 lies in the series, numbers 10-6 in ascending order, click HERE, HERE, and HERE.

5) “We’re Not Coming For Your Precious Guns”

“Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47,” declared then-candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke during a 2019 presidential debate. Give him credit for that moment of honesty, because the usual dismissive response from the Left to conservative concerns about endangered gun rights is some variation of, “We’re not coming for your precious guns, you right-wing conspiracy nut!”

The Left’s insistence that they have no intention of confiscating guns but simply want “commonsense gun laws” is one of the most blatant of woke lies. First, we already have commonsense gun laws in this country. It will never matter how many more restrictions we pile on, we are never going to end all gun crime because – steady yourself, because this will blow your mind – criminals by definition do not respect the law. Indeed, the areas with the strictest gun control suffer the most gun violence. Take Chicago (please, as the late comedian Henny Youngman might add). The only people burdened by tighter and tighter gun restrictions are law-abiding gun owners.

Ah, but that is exactly the demographic that leftists want to control. Today’s pro-crime Left is completely indifferent to the scourges of gang-related or black-on-black gun crime. They never launch protests or grandstand in Congress about children killed in drive-by shootings or by stray bullets in the inner city. They have no interest in understanding, much less addressing, the cultural or moral reasons that might explain why America suffers more mass shootings now than in decades past when there was widespread access to guns. They call immediately for more gun control in the wake of a mass shooting rather than waiting for all the facts or ascertaining the shooter’s motivation because the Left doesn’t actually care about getting to the root of gun violence, but about exploiting the most-publicized tragedies to demonize gun ownership itself.

ABC Censors RFK The Left doesn’t trust people to make up their minds and end up agreeing with them. by Robert Spencer

ABC heavily edited its interview with Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Thursday because it didn’t like what he said about vaccines. In doing this, ABC demonstrated that it thinks the people who are unfortunate enough to watch the network are too stupid to think for themselves or evaluate truth claims on their own. It also showed that it thinks Leftist “news” outlets properly have the authority to determine what the American people see and hear and what they do not. The Left is growing increasingly censorious and authoritarian; RFK Jr. is a lone voice on the Left standing against this trend, and so it’s no surprise that he would fall victim to it along with an increasing number of patriots.

ABC’s Linsey Davis poisoned the well from the start, introducing Kennedy as “one of the biggest voices pushing anti-vaccine rhetoric, regularly distributing misinformation and disinformation about vaccines, which scientific and medical experts overwhelmingly say are safe and effective based on rigorous scientific studies.” Then ABC cut Kennedy’s own words about the vaccines, not allowing him to make his case. The network did, however, did show a part of the interview where Kennedy was discussing opposition among his own family to his views on vaccines.

Davis was upfront about the network’s censorship of the video, explaining:

We should note that during our conversation, Kennedy made false claims about the COVID-19 vaccines. Data shows that the Covid-19 vaccine has prevented millions of hospitalizations and deaths from the disease. He also made misleading claims about the relationship between vaccination and autism. Research shows that vaccines and the ingredients used in the vaccines do not cause autism, including multiple studies involving more than a million children and major medical associations like the American Academy of Pediatrics and the advocacy group Autism Speaks.