Judging by Donald J. Trump’s personal campaign donations in New York state, Republicans and conservatives should expect to have his support about 40 percent of the time. And Democrats should look forward to having Trump in their corner about 58 percent of the time.
That is almost exactly what happened when the real-estate magnate and Republican presidential front-runner whipped out his checkbook and distributed his campaign cash.
The New York State Board of Elections’ Campaign Financial Disclosure Website spells out the details at elections.ny.gov. A search last weekend of this database’s entire available reporting window (January 1, 1999 through January 11, 2016) revealed the political donations that Trump made as an individual within the Empire State between January 29, 1999, and March 1, 2015. Trump gave a total of $601,411.66. These dollars were divided among the political parties as follows:
(For more details on Trump’s donations, please see this spreadsheet.)
Trump currently leads the pack of Republican White House hopefuls, with 384 convention delegates versus 300 for Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, 151 for Senator Marco Rubio (landslide winner of yesterday’s Puerto Rico primary), and 37 for Governor John Kasich of Ohio. Although he is asking today for Republican votes in tomorrow’s primaries in Idaho, Michigan, and Mississippi, Trump was a Democrat donor just 18 months ago. On September 2, 2014, Trump gave $2,500 to State Assemblyman Michael Benedetto. His legislative website describes the Bronx Democrat as “an ardent supporter of union rights.” It also states that “the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) presented Mr. Benedetto with a citation for service to the cause of teacher unionism.”