Trump is a vulgarian. Trump is a winner. Trump is not a real conservative. Trump is this, that, or the other thing. Everybody has an opinion.
I have to start by confessing that I like Ted Cruz as a principled conservative. Trump is more like Winston Churchill’s line about Russia: He’s a riddle wrapped in an enigma. Everybody talks about Trump, but nobody knows what he believes.
Let’s look at his actions so far. Forget his words.
The first big fact is that we’re talking about Trump at all, among an exceptionally good field of GOP candidates – much better than Bob Dole and John McCain. Almost any of our runners is better than the Hillary-Bernie socialist throwback team. Hillary could be indicted soon – not saying she will be, but the evidence keeps piling up for culpable and extremely dangerous violations of national security in her State Department. The words “espionage,” “massive bribery,” and “sabotage in time of war” might leap into the headlines any day now.
The second major fact is that Trump keeps defeating the Party Line cartel. Trump’s daily jiu-jitsu blows against the media are unprecedented in recent decades, ever since the P.C. police took over.
That is a big achievement by itself, because Trump’s big mouth is making it possible for millions of Americans to speak their minds honestly for the first time in many years. Big, big news.
Yes, he sounds like a guy on the street in New York or Jersey, but our freedom of speech is worth it. If Cruz wasn’t running, I would certainly vote for Trump, just because the United States needs a break from years of politically correct witch hunts, courtesy of Al Sharpton and the Weird Sisters of Macbeth, come back to haunt us. Obama would never have made it big in politics without years of leftist media indoctrination of the American public.