Obama’s Permanent Protest Why the rise in rioting and civil unrest under Obama is no coincidence, but part of the plan. Matthew Vadum

After making America poorer, weaker, less free, more race-obsessed and balkanized throughout his tumultuous presidency, Barack Obama is gearing up to use his two tax-exempt nonprofits to continue attacking what remains of the republic’s civil society after he leaves office in 14 months.

Obama’s presidency “has been pockmarked by rioting, looting and protests,” as he “encouraged the nonstop civil unrest exhausting the nation,” writes the Hoover Institution’s Paul Sperry. Obama and his “army of social justice bullies” are going to make things worse before he leaves office on Jan. 20, 2017.

Our indefatigable Community Organizer-in-Chief is planning to use Organizing for Action (OfA) and the Barack Obama Foundation to continue punishing America for its imaginary sins and to promote manufactured controversies long after he leaves the White House.

Chicago-based OfA has trained “more than 10,000 leftist organizers, who, in turn, are training more than 2 million youths in [Saul] Alinsky street tactics,” according to Sperry. This “army of social justice bullies” will carry on Obama’s campaign to fundamentally transform America.

U.S vs China: Showdown in the South China Sea? The U.S. seems wary about provoking China even as it builds militarised outputs astride the world’s most heavily trafficked waterways.Michael Auslin

Michael Auslin is a resident scholar and the director of Japan Studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where he specializes in Asian regional security and political issues. Before joining AEI, Auslin was an associate professor of history at Yale University.
There is a real threat here to peace in Asia, and the U.S. must not allow allies such as the Philippines to be browbeaten.
“Expect more.” That is the succinct response of a senior U.S. defense official when asked informally whether the dispatch in October of a U.S. Navy ship within 12 nautical miles of one of China’s newly constructed islands in the Spratly Island chainwas a one-off event.

Officials in the Obama Administration seem well aware that failure to follow on with their highly publicized freedom of navigation operations will send a signal of irresolve to China and Asia. The sail-through did little to settle the issue of Sino-U.S. tussling over the South China Sea, and the question now, is how will China respond.

From one perspective, the length of time that it took Washington to make the decision to send the USS Lassen near Subi and Mischief Reefs itself is an admission that the Obama Administration remains wary of provoking China. Months of public comments by officials from the president on down resulted in no action until last week, and even then, it was but a lone U.S. destroyer sent to transit what until a few months ago had always been considered international waters.

Even worse, claims that the destroyer engaged simply in “innocent passage” as opposed to any legally-allowed military activity on the high-seas further undermines the administration’s argument that it is not tacitly conceding China’s territorial claims.


Because (per Obama’s latest complaint) of “how decentralized power is in this system”, over 30 American governors have told the President they don’t want him shipping battalions of “Syrian” “refugees” to their states. He, in turn, has sneered that his critics are scared of “widows and orphans”. With his usual brilliant comic timing, he said this a couple of hours before a female suicide bomber self-detonated in St Denis.

Nonetheless, the presidential-gubernatorial split is an interesting development. Obama has responded with a brand new hashtag: #RefugeesWelcome. If you live in Hashtagistan, this is another great hashtag to add to such invincible hashtags as #PeaceForParis, #JeSuisCharlie, #UnitedForUkraine and, of course, #BringBackOurGirls. If you live in the real world, the magic hashtags don’t seem to work so well, and these governors seem to think #RefugeesWelcome will perform no better for New Mexico and New Hampshire than the others have worked out for Paris, Ukraine and Boko Haram-infested West Africa.

Daily Mail Reporter Finds It Is Shockingly Simple To Buy Fake Syrian Passports By Debra Heine

It’s frighteningly easy for an aspiring ISIS terrorist to obtain the documents needed to gain asylum in Europe, a Daily Mail reporter recently discovered. According to the Mail’s Nick Fagge, it took only four days and $2,000 to obtain a Syrian passport, ID card, and driver’s license at a Turkish border town:

The genuine documents were stolen from Syria when they were blank. The forger added our reporter’s picture and gave him the identity of a Syrian man from Aleppo killed last year. The documents, on sale for around $2,000, would help an asylum claim in Europe.

The forger who sold us the papers said that they are being used by ISIS fanatics to travel undetected across borders into Europe hidden among tens of thousands of genuine refugees fleeing the terror and destruction.

The forger told Fagge:

ISIS fighters are among the people going to Europe in this way. They are going to wait for the right time to become a fighter for ISIS again.

ISIS Threatens New York City By Debra Heine

A new video released by ISIS on Wednesday praises the recent terror attacks in Paris and threatens a new attack in New York City’s Time Square.

The video was released by the Furat Media Center, ISIS’s media arm, and features several men speaking in Arabic and French. They congratulate ISIS over the Paris attacks and promise that they will prevail.

Before scenes from Times Square are shown, an ISIS jihadist declares that “the attacks in Paris were just the beginning.”

Via Fox News:

The video then cuts to a militant donning a bomb vest mixed with footage of flashing billboards and yellow taxi cabs.
The video ends with a message on screen that reads “and what is to come will be worse and more bitter.”

David Martin Jones – Islam’s Hipster Fanatics

Academic entrepreneurs have tapped and exploited funding opportunities to study Islamic radicalisation, but their failure at all but obtaining grants is rooted in a basic error of perception: youthful recruits to the black flag aren’t radicals, they’re revivalists
Islamic State and its media units release over 90,000 social media posts per day. That’s nearly 33 million posts a year. As the head of MI5 stated, social media is the command and control network of radical Islamism. The appeal of social media is evident. There are no gatekeepers. Messages posted from one remote or hidden location are immediately transmitted to the hip pocket of anyone with a SmartPhone.

After 9/11 a new wave of global Salafist jihadism turned to social media. Abu Musab al Suri developed the strategy of lone-wolf attacks and leaderless resistance online via his Global Call to Resistance. The Yemeni-born, but American-educated Anwar al Awlaki repackaged the message for Western youth and made jihad cooler than hip hop. Awlaki was killed in Yemen in 2011, but by then he had created the Jihadi John phenomenon in the West.

Awlaki and his successors, like the former West Sydney male stripper and boxer turned zealot, Feiz Mohammad, or failed Melbourne rapper, Neil Prakash aka Abu Khalid al Cambodi, use social media to brand the IS product. IS considers this aspect of their movement so important that in August they formed the Anwar al Awlaki Brigade, a special unit that includes at least ten Australians, to promulgate the message and recruit online. The brigade’s media awareness is attuned to Western sensibilities. Segueing off a L’Oreal ad, for instance, a recent recruitment message targeting young Western women runs, “Cover girl, no; covered girl, yes. Because you’re worth it.”

Merv Bendle Non-Muslims, the Wrong Kind of Victims

One day, maybe, Muslims who have fled their Syrian homelands might return. No such option exists for the region’s persecuted religious minorities. Yet even as they are massacred, raped and enslaved, the West rejects their priority claims to resettlement as “discriminatory”
“If you look a little closer, the scene becomes a horror show. Clumps of hair and fragments of bone poke grotesquely out of the ditch. It is estimated that almost 80 women are buried in this mass grave, aged between 40 and 80-years-old. The bodies are of Yazidi women, murdered by Islamic State butchers.” — UK Telegraph

They were butchered because they were non-Muslims and considered too old to be used for sex or sold as sexual slaves by Islamic State. Meanwhile, their daughters and younger sisters were raped, often many times a day. And then, like other stolen loot and war booty, they were listed on social media for sale. The going price was nominal, frequently no more than a packet of cigarettes, and the Islamic State thugs that bought them were promised a great bargain. “Brothers,” proclaimed one such ad, “you won’t be disappointed!”

Like the Christians and Jews throughout the Middle East, the Yazidi people are treated as infidels, devil-worshippers, polytheists and non-persons, lacking any rights or even any status as human beings. Instead, they are being exterminated and subjected to ethnic cleansing. Masses of people whose faith and residence in their ancestral homelands goes back 2000 years are being systematically expunged from the earth.

What Putin Knows By James Lewis

Could Putin ever be trusted as an ally in the jihad war?

Here are some thoughts.

1) Putin can be trusted to act in his own self-interest. If we elect a patriotic American next year (i.e., never a Democrat), a win-win arrangement might be achieved with Russia. Europe and the democratic nations of Asia would follow.

2) Putin was trained as a KGB agent and a fast-rising career star before the Soviet Empire fell apart. He specialized in studying and infiltrating the West, particularly (West) Germany. He is personally sophisticated, speaks fluent German, and understands Europe and the Middle East as well as any national leader today.

In his words and public actions Putin presents as a classical Russian nationalist leader, using the Russian Orthodox Church as his main ideological support. What the Communist Party used to do for the Kremlin — creating domestic direction and credibility — the Patriarch of Moscow is now doing. If you doubt that, please check the web.

It is always possible that Putin is faking it, but he is a Russian nationalist, and those people have always allied with the Orthodox Church.

Eurosocialists like Obama will never understand it, but Russians know that Putin’s strong support for the Church — building hundreds of new churches and monasteries — creates deep credibility among the Russian people. As far as ordinary Russians are concerned, whether they are atheists or not, Putin’s support of the Church puts him on their side.

After the fall of the Communist delusion, the Russian Church and the state know they must work together. Putin believes that the Soviet Union was a noble experiment that failed, and he experienced the breakdown personally. That was traumatic period, with his own career at risk for years. Putin does not believe in Marxism, except as a way to sucker the Obamas of this world. He learns from the disasters of the past.

From Missouri to Paris The left should be held accountable for the alternative moral orders it creates. Daniel Henninger

We are back where we came in. After 9/11, 98 U.S. senators voted to pass the USA Patriot Act. In time, the political and moral solidarity of that moment dissolved. The words “Patriot Act” became anathema on the global left—a moral affront. How long will the solidarity of Paris last?

Before Islamic terrorists murdered 132 people in Paris last Friday, the biggest news story in the U.S. was the bonfire of the academy. Protesters at the University of Missouri forced the resignation of the president of the 35,000-student campus. They said his efforts to reduce racism were “inadequate.” University officials at other campuses expressed solidarity with the Missouri protesters’ goals.

Missouri and Paris have something important in common. Both represent the inability of primary social institutions to defend themselves. American institutions of higher learning are beset by an intellectual anarchy that is eroding their reason for being. In the Middle East, unchecked anarchy has caused millions of refugees to flow into a Europe incapable of handling that crisis and now reeling from its vulnerability to terrorist attacks on normal life.

How has this happened?

Islamic State Understands One Thing: Force By Naftali Bennet

Europe and the U.S. can follow the Israeli playbook to defeat Islamist terror. Here’s how we did it.

On March 27, 2002, a suicide bomber walked into the Park Hotel in the Israeli city of Netanya and blew up the explosives belt he had strapped around his waist. Thirty people, who moments earlier were sitting down for the Passover Seder, were murdered. A celebratory and civilized scene, like those in Paris last week, had suddenly become a field of carnage.

The Park Hotel attack came at the height of the Second Intifada, a conflict that would ultimately claim the lives of more than 1,000 Israelis. More than 130 people were killed that March, and by then there had already been thousands of terror attacks.

My country, Israel, seemed paralyzed and the national sentiment was that the military would be unable to defeat the terror campaign. The only real way to stop the attacks, many supposed experts said, was by political means.