Dedicated to the cause of destroying the boundaries that nature has created, the NYT finally jumped the shark in its lead j’accuse editorial of Nov 5th (In Houston, Hate Trumped Fairness,NYT) Those of who still believe that men and women belong in separate but equal public bathrooms are guilty now of the future suicide of a transgender teenager who won’t be able to pee in the designated toilet of the opposite sex. Think about the excrutiating mental anguish for such a person. I can relate to it, along with most other women who wait in long lines outside the ladies’ room in a theater looking longingly at the men’s room as it remains respectfully under-used.
The Times is spitting mad that voters in Houston exercised their democratic right to defeat a law that would have allowed transgenders access to bathrooms matching their subjective views of what gender they are, regardless of their visible plumbing equipment. There is a classic comic scene in which Joey Bishop is caught in his marital bed with another woman. He looks at his furious wife and quickly questions: “Who are you going to believe, me or your eyes?”