Can Anyone Beat Biden And Trump For Nominations? I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones

Yes, it’s still very early in the nominating process, and both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump face daunting legal questions. Even so, both front-runners for the two major parties maintain comfortable, double-digit leads over their potential challengers. But what happens when the number of possible choices inevitably narrows? Then, the race for each party’s nomination changes considerably, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.

As in past months, we asked Democratic voters who among a list of 18 (which includes a choice of “someone else”) they would support for the nomination of their party. The online nationwide poll of 1,230 voters was conducted from May 31-June 2, with the Democratic primary question having a +/-4 percentage point margin of error, vs. +/-4.6 percentage points for the Republican primary question.

Despite all his recent troubles over bribery allegations, shrinking favorability ratings, and accelerating signs of age-related mental difficulties, Biden still receives 37% of Democrats’ support. That’s 27 points greater than the next favorite, former First Lady Michelle Obama, at 10%.

After Obama, no candidate even gets into double figures, with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders at 9%, Vice President Kamala Harris at 6%, New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at 5%, former Secretary of State and New York Sen. Hillary Clinton and California Gov. Gavin Newsom both at 4%, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, environmentalist and author Robert Kennedy Jr. and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg all at 3%.

In Loco Parentis Gone Loco Peachy Keenan

The American Mind is pleased to publish the following excerpt from Domestic Extremist: A Practical Guide to Winning the Culture War, by contributing editor Peachy Keenan. The book is available today from Regnery.

You had a baby? Look at you—you’re the captain now!

Or are you?

The words on a poster taped to a teacher’s classroom door at a New Jersey public school expose the precarious corner American parents have been painted into. “If your parents aren’t accepting of your identity, I’m your mom now.” The poster featured a drawing of a mama bear tending to her bear cubs, who are each painted the color of a different LGBTQ flag.

Parents, I have bad news. You’ve got competition. Someone posted a job listing looking for a new authority figure in your house, and they hired everyone who applied. Lots of other adults, most of them unpleasant strangers, would like to raise your children for you—or at least get your children to hate you.

This may already be happening—and you’ll be the last to know! All your hard work to keep creeps, perverts, and kiddie-sniffers away from your kids may get reversed in an instant when you’re not looking.

Some parents are okay with this. They can barely handle “adulting” themselves and are thrilled not to make any tough parental decisions. Abdicating their natural role as master and commander of the household is lazy, but it’s a defensive posture. They live in terror of accusations from other parents of “closed-mindedness,” or worse, being a prude.

Tulsi Gabbard: ‘Trump Indictment Undermines Democracy’ By Ben Bartee

“[The] Trump indictment undermines democracy because if a law is going to be enforced, it should be enforced equally and fairly across the board. The selective use of govt institutions and law enforcement to go after political or personal opponents, undermines the very essence of the rule of law, which is the foundation for our democracy,” ex-Democrat Tulsi Gabbard posted to her Locals account recently.

What Tulsi is touching on with the “selective use of govt institutions and law enforcement” is a phenomenon called anarcho-tyranny, in which politically favored individuals in the in-group are permitted to violate the letter of the law with impunity (a good example being the “mostly peaceful” “Summer of Love” 2020 BLM riots).

Meanwhile, under anarcho-tyranny, a robust enforcement regime is foisted upon members of the out-group (in the modern context consisting mostly of alt-right MAGA “domestic terrorists”). Law enforcement, in short, is entirely politicized.

While both Joe Biden and Mike Pence have admitted to housing classified documents illegally — neither of them even having a theoretical defense, as they were never president (at the time) and therefore have no authority to declassify anything — the DOJ has declined to pursue charges against either man because they are favored members of the ruling class in good standing.

That’s Smoke, Not Climate Change Canada’s forest fires provide fresh fuel for a familiar simplistic political narrative. By Mary Anastasia O’Grady

Around 1 p.m. on Wednesday the sky began to darken, and an orange haze descended on Manhattan. I watched in amazement from my Midtown office as Mother Nature dimmed the lights and quietly reminded Gotham City of her awesome power.

What made New Yorkers feel as if they were on Mars was smoke from forest fires that wafted south from the Canadian province of Quebec and hung around amid a stalled weather pattern. People in New York tend to be outside more than most Americans because their commutes involve traveling on foot rather than going from door to door in a car. Residents were told to avoid exposure to the bad air. The Yankees postponed their game with the White Sox. Exceedingly low visibility forced LaGuardia Airport to ground planes for a time. By evening the worst had passed, though the smell of something burning lingered.

If only the effects on public policy were equally fleeting.

Evaluating the causes of this complex event calls for humility, curiosity and thoughtfulness. But politicians are in charge. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer jumped in front of a camera on Wednesday to proclaim that “we cannot ignore that climate change continues to make these disasters worse.” President Biden called the Canada burn “another stark reminder of the impacts of climate change.” Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joined the chorus.

WATCH: Trump Attorney Turns the Tables and Obliterates Sniveling Clinton Crony George Stephanopoulos During Interview on Sham Trump Indictment – Stephanopoulos Melts Down By Cullen Linebarger

Far-left ABC “News” anchor George Stephanopoulos’ attempt to corner Trump attorney Jim Trusty during their interview Friday went horribly wrong and the host went into meltdown mode as reported by the Daily Caller.

As Gateway Pundit readers know, Stephanopoulos is a former Democrat advisor who once served as Bill Clinton’s communications director before entering the media. He has carried water for his favored party since.

Stephanopoulos started his inquisition by trying to get Trusty to agree that Trump committed crimes. Trusty did not fall for the host’s trap, though, and completely turned the tables on him by pointing the actual serious crimes committed by Joe Biden.

Stephanopoulos lost his temper after getting hit with truth bombs. Trusty then finished him off in epic style.

Here is a transcript of the exchange:

Stephanopoulos: Don’t you believe in the principle that no person is above the law?

Trusty: No person is below the law, that’s really the issue here. You’ve got these investigations in Delaware that are 1,000 times more serious by a sitting president who has authorized his DOJ to try to sink the candidacy of his prime opposition while that guy has unsecured documents that he stole out of a skiff dozens of years ago. Look, we’re not talking…

Stephanopoulos (melting down): What are you talking about? “What are you talking about? That is a ridiculous statement!

Time To ‘Just Say No’ To George Soros’s Campaign To Legalize Drugs* By Rachel Ehrenfeld

Eight of the nine 2024 Republican presidential hopefuls presented their vision for America in Iowa last Saturday. Yet, none proposed a policy that could stop or reverse the terrible effects caused by George Soros’s “compassionate” initiative of decriminalizing and legalizing drugs, which began with marijuana.

In his 2004 book “The Bubble of American Supremacy,” Soros stated: “When I decided to extend the operations of my Open Society Foundation to the United States, I chose drug policy as one of the first fields of engagement. I felt that drug policy was the area in which the United States was in the greatest danger of violating the principles of open society.”

Following Soros’s lead, marijuana campaigners claim that legalizing the drug is “a necessary social justice initiative” because, they say, marijuana use led to the mass incarceration of black and brown people. Thus, in addition to changing state laws to allow the use, possession, production, and selling of marijuana, provisions have been added to expunge and vacate low-level marijuana convictions.

Some states, like New Jersey, issued regulations to increase the number of cannabis businesses run by people with prior convictions for marijuana offenses, who were “most harmed by the failed war on drugs,” emphasizing that “social equity” does not necessarily include businesses owned by women, minorities, or disabled veterans.

CO2 is a climate red herring By W.H. Lippincott

CO2 and other greenhouse gases (GHG) such as methane have been suspected for more than a century of being potentially harmful atmospheric warming agents.  The climate movement began more recently with the advent of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1989 and the release of Al Gore’s prize-winning film An Inconvenient Truth in 2006.  Climate alarm began as “man-made global warming” and, when cooling was observed even as CO2 levels continued to rise, morphed into “climate change.”

Those of us who can look behind the virtue-signaling mantra of climate change understand the theory that man-made carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from burning oil and gas are dangerously warming the planet.  We can also appreciate the idea that marginal warming may be amplified by increased water vapor and clouds as a result of elevated CO2.  A large number of computer models are built on the presumptions of this theory.

But are our CO2 inputs to the atmosphere a real threat to our magnificent planet?  The evidence tells us no.  Although we are in the midst of a broadly warming period following the end of the most recent ice age, satellite and weather balloon data suggest that the models (and theory) are off by quite a bit.  The models project much more warming than observed in back casts.  That is interesting but perhaps not definitive.  There is also evidence that the atmosphere has slipped into a new cooling period that could lead to the next ice age.

A seminal review paper by Wijngaarden and Happer (here) illustrates a critical limitation of CO2 radiation transfer that makes it impossible for this trace molecule to cause runaway global temperature.  The limitation is known as saturation.  The key figure from the Wijngaarden-Happer paper diagrams the inhibiting effect of various greenhouse gases on infrared radiation to space.  GHGs reduce Earth’s reradiation of incoming shortwave solar radiation to space as longwave heat radiation.  Reduced reradiation of heat means air and surface warming.

Enough is enough — defend Trump By Clark Wren

Throughout most of my life my attitude toward politics has been this: Don’t get involved. People who get wrapped up in politics gain nothing from it and often ruin their own lives. Live life as best as you can, ignore politics, and enjoy the sweet gifts life has to offer with some of God’s plenty. Usually, this philosophy works, but at a certain point, like all philosophies, it breaks down. Then this philosophy becomes willful ignorance, sticking your head in the sand, and maybe even cowardice.

It is a waste of time to say the latest round of indictments against Trump are politically motivated, and it is a waste of time to say we now have a banana republic Department of Justice. You already know this.

The purpose of all these indictments is to wear Trump down, exhaust him, and convince the general public that he certainly must be guilty of something. The law of averages is not on Trump’s side.

The question now for Trump supporters is what to do about it? No, I am not suggesting in any way that you consider an act of terror. However, the time has come to become much more politically active — like the anti-Trump activists in the summer of 2020. This will also involve, most likely, a cost. Most of you reading this are probably a lot like me — average middle Americans who go to work every day, pay their bills and taxes, and play by the rules.

The rules are being abused to get Trump.

I also believe the reason the elites have used every speck of their power against him is because he is an outsider and dared to support the views of average Allan and average Anne. He also dared to challenge permanent Washington and the complicit press: the swamp and the swamp thing. They could not allow this to go unpunished, and they intend to send a message to all future presidential candidates: Never stand against the one party, the uniparty, the Republicrats, the revolting Republicans and the disgusting Democrats, or we will annihilate you.

The cumulative effect of all these indictments is to sway the undecideds and deny Trump the election in 2024. So the will of the people, the vote, has already been compromised. George Soros funded both Alvin Bragg and Letitia James. Special Council Jack Smith is a Democrat.

One Generation Away From Extinction Maria Bello

Americans are steadily getting used to giving up their freedoms – and as someone who was forced to flee the oppressive dictatorship in Venezuela, that terrifies me.

In Venezuela, even mild criticism of the Maduro regime is treated as a criminal act. For “minor” offenses, you might simply be ridiculed and ostracized by state-controlled propaganda (which is ubiquitous). If you continue to challenge the ruling elite, however, the consequences become more severe – you might be arrested without cause and indefinitely detained, or you might even be subjected to physical torture.

That’s the Venezuela I fled as a teenager when I migrated – legally – to the United States. I escaped a violent, repressive dictatorship.

That wasn’t always the case, though. When my parents were young, Venezuela was a vibrant, prosperous democracy. At one time, foreigners spoke of “Venezuelan Exceptionalism” and our people revered Venezuela’s anti-authoritarian Constitution.

So what happened?

Hugo Chavez – pardoned after a failed coup attempt in 1992 – took advantage of a temporary economic downturn to run for the presidency on a socialist platform, essentially bribing the voters with promises of lavish spending on education, healthcare, and social programs. 

To pay for all this, Chavez gutted the productive portions of the Venezuelan economy. When punitive tax rates didn’t generate enough money, he forcibly seized control of oil companies, telecoms, and other industries, using them as a personal slush fund for his economic Ponzi schemes.

Predictably, this caused an outcry from those who had their possessions taken from them by jack-booted thugs. Chavez responded by imprisoning those who dared to speak out against his illegal abuses. His successor, Nicolas Maduro, uses the same tactics to keep the Venezuelan people from overthrowing his regime.

Medical Journal’s False Consensus on ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ Springer has decided to retract a paper, that received activist blowback, on a technicality. By Leor Sapir and Colin Wright

A federal court on Tuesday temporarily blocked enforcement of a Florida law that prohibits the administration of sex-change procedures on children under 18. The opinion, by Judge Robert L. Hinkle, leans heavily on medical and scientific rationales to argue that it is unconstitutional to ban the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgery on teenagers who feel alienated from their bodies.

Twenty states maintain age restrictions on sex-change procedures, and the problem they face is explaining to judges that American medical associations aren’t following the best available evidence. This is known to European health authorities and has been reported in such prestigious publications as the British Medical Journal. But American judges need some way to evaluate conflicting scientific authorities—especially as institutions responsible for ensuring that medical professionals have access to high-quality research aren’t functioning as they should.

A case in point: Springer, an academic publishing giant, has decided to retract an article that appeared last month in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. The retraction is expected to take effect June 12.

The article’s authors are listed as Michael Bailey and Suzanna Diaz. Mr. Bailey is a well-respected scientist, with dozens of publications to his name. The other author writes under a pseudonym to protect the privacy of her daughter, who suffers from gender dysphoria.

Their new paper is based on survey responses from more than 1,600 parents who reported that their children, who were previously comfortable in their bodies, suddenly declared a transgender identity after extensive exposure to social media and peer influence. Mr. Bailey’s and Ms. Diaz’s sin was to analyze rapid onset gender dysphoria, or ROGD. Gender activists hate any suggestion that transgender identities are anything but innate and immutable. Even mentioning the possibility that trans identity is socially influenced or a phase threatens their claims that children can know early in life they have a permanent transgender identity and therefore that they should have broad access to permanent body-modifying and sterilizing procedures.