Wild Seadogs of the Øresund by Mark Steyn •

Sweden, like most European nations, has been around a long time. I breakfasted this morning in a handsomely vaulted room built in 1307, by the Skandic knight Jens Uffesen Neb. It is now called the Beatles Lounge, because, at my very table, George Harrison and Paul McCartney had once lunched, in 1967. You can’t get much more historic than that, can you? In the photo, George is having a quiet smoke, while Paul looks unusually animated, having perhaps spotted Britt Ekland across the room.

As Miss Ekland testifies, the Swedes are an attractive people. One of their least attractive qualities, alas, is a certain moral narcissism. They promote themselves as “the humanitarian superpower”, and appear to have fallen badly for their own publicity. The other day The Independent carried the inspiring tale of a Danish yachtswoman who had courageously rescued a “refugee” from the hell of Copenhagen and singlehandedly sailed him across the water to Sweden – and freedom:

Annika Holm Nielsen, a 24-year-old Danish youth politician, sailed her yacht across the five-mile strait from Copenhagen to the Swedish city of Malmo, with a refugee on board, in a trip some have compared to the rescue of Copenhagen’s Jews during the Nazi occupation.

She met the man, whom she called Abdul, shortly after he arrived at Copenhagen’s Central Station from Germany, and took him to the marina where a friend moored their boat. “I was standing next to a person who was completely exhausted and in such great need,” she told The Independent. “We took this decision because we thought it was the safest thing to do, it wasn’t something symbolic.” She added: “He told us he had been on far worse boat trips.”

Michael Kile The UN’s Hard-to-Swallow Climate Fare

Australia has signed on to the latest and expanded list of climate goals, a pledge celebrated at the world body’s New York headquarters with a luncheon of re-cycled “food that would have ended up in garbage bins” — a repository many might regard as appropriate for the agreement itself
Distracted by papal fanfare in New York City last week, few spotted the Trojan horse being rolled along the left bank of the East River. It moved quickly, perhaps aware the seven-hectare UN HQ complex at Manhattan’s Turtle Bay was once the site of a slaughter-house. Then, in a masterly piece of bureaucratic theatre — and subterfuge – its cargo of climate-justice warriors was delivered safely inside what inmates dryly call the Peace Factory, and all without so much as a media murmur.

Football fans following the finals series may have missed it, but last Friday a new UN initiative was agreed by 193 countries: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. They not only endorsed a 15-year commitment to end “poverty, hunger and inequality worldwide” — a piece of cake, surely, for minds such as these — but also issued a response to the “demand for leadership on climate change” alleged to be rising from “voices around the world”.


The Alaska times headline will soon read “Polar bears forced to learn Russian as US cedes the Arctic to Putin.” One of the little publicized effects of Putin annexing the Arctic for the Russian Federation is the new requirement that polar bears become bilingual – they must learn Russian. This requirement will filter down to Eskimos, Native Alaskans and Canadians in the near future, as ice cities under Moscow’s control emerge.

And in anticipation of the growing Arctic tourism, Russian language programs are being offered in newly built 5 star hotels made of ice, to encourage exotic education travel, not unlike those during Winterfest in Scandinavia and Quebec. At the Stoly-Ice Excelsior, a luxury residence under development, you will be able to enroll in vodka sommelier classes and caviar culinary institutes. Putin sure understands how to turn an energy rich region into a business enterprise and travel destination.

Consider in the first three months of this year the number of international tourists visiting Russia increased by 16 percent compared to the same period last year and reached 7.3 million, according to Rostourism, citing data from state statistics service Rosstat. Not exactly an unbiased source, but still not bad numbers.

My contacts in Moscow have told me Putin is planning on creating, and competing in a Russian version of the Iditarod to the North Pole, with Santa handing out the awards. In anticipation of Putin’s victory, they are already etching his name on it. One presumes he will win anyway, nyet?


The leftist media’s uproar against Ben Carson’s personal opinion against electing a Muslim U.S. president must be met with a much stronger and direct response from mature and informed Americans.

Dr. Carson’s opinion about Islam is correct, but the lack of a supportive counter-uproar by Americans is giving power to the leftist mainstream media. The Left cannot or will not accurately and objectively determine the dangers of an Islamic president, while there are also those leftists who just don’t want to know the truth.

The media claim that the majority of Muslims are “moderate,” but they ignore that fact that in the Muslim world, the “moderates” are out of power and always will be. The reason is not because they represent the true peaceful Islam, but because Islamic guides and books are not on their side. Islamic books, including the Quran, don’t support the concept of “moderation,” peace or forgiveness, but support the concepts of vengeance, retaliation and jihad. It is a fact that Islamic books have always sided with radicals, with no exceptions.

The only acceptable advocacy regarding Islam in America today is the propaganda that “moderate” Muslims are the real Muslims who reject Sharia and jihad. This is wishful thinking and pure fantasy. Meanwhile Muslim countries call Jihadists and Sharia-lovers the real Muslims.

Raul Castro Meets with Bill Clinton in New York (To Thank Him?) Humberto Fontova

The Stalinist dictator has been busy this week touring the city he long craved to nuke.

“My dream is to drop three atomic bombs on New York City,” sighed Raul Castro to a colleague in November of 1960.

But in between speeches at the UN and meetings with Governor Cuomo and Bill Blasio (the mayor of the city Castro longed to incinerate), the Communist mass-murderer was also buttonholed by Bill Clinton for a friendly chat. Reporting on these meetings, Cuba’s KGB-mentored media included an affectionate mention of Hillary Clinton, former senator with an especially high popularity in the New York neighborhoods that might still be radioactive if Raul and his brother had gotten their way in 1962.

That Castro found time to hob-nob with Bill Clinton speaks well for his manners, especially his spirit of gratitude. After all, if not for the intervention of president Bill Clinton, Raul would and should have been served with U.S. federal indictments for both drug-trafficking (into the U.S.) and murder. (of U.S. citizens)

Muslim Rape ‘Misunderstandings’ Come to Europe Daniel Greenfield

It’s time to clear up all these misunderstandings.

After Muslim terrorist attacks, we’re told that the killers just “misunderstood” their religion. They misunderstood the peaceful nature of Koranic verses such as “Kill them wherever you find them”, “They should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides” and “Strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”.

But the misunderstandings of Islam are just getting started.

Not only are Americans and Europeans being murdered by Muslim terrorists due to these unfortunate misunderstandings, but European girls are being raped because of more misunderstandings.

The principal of Wilhelm-Diess-Gymnasium was concerned about his female students. So he sent a letter warning their parents that the Muslim refugees who had been put up next to the school gym “are marked by their own culture”. And now Germans were being “marked” by their culture.

What’s Wrong With Common Core? By Stanley Kurtz —

Like Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, the EPA’s regulatory assault on energy production, Obama’s anti-suburban moves, American policy in the Middle East and other fundamental transformations, Common Core is so big and sprawling a change that it’s often tough to see it whole. That problem has just been solved by Drilling through the Core, a book that’s bound to become the go to handbook of the Common Core’s opponents.

Drilling through the Core is a collection of essays by the most informed and prominent critics of the Common Core, including Sandra Stotsky, Ze’ev Wurman, William Evers, and R. James Milgram. It includes a wonderful treatment of the Founders’ views on the study of history by James Madison biographer Ralph Ketcham.

But what sets the book apart is the 80 page introduction by Peter Wood. Calmly and with crystal clarity, Wood explains and connects nearly every aspect of the battle. It’s all here, from the most basic explanation of what Common Core is, to the history, the major arguments for and against, and so much more. The controversies over both the English and math standards are explained; the major players in the public battle are identified; the battle over Gates Foundation’s role is anatomized; the roles of the tests and the testing consortia are reviewed; concerns over data-mining and privacy are laid out; the dumbing-down effect on the college curriculum is explained; as is the role of the Obama administration and the teachers unions.



This special edition of The Glazov Gang was joined by Saba Ahmed, an Islamic Lobbyist with the Republican Muslim Coalition, and Mark Christian, a former Islamic Imam who is now the president of the Global Faith Institute.

The two guests went toe-to-toe about women’s rights under Sharia and Ben Carson’s comments about Islam.

Don’t miss it!

Top Hillary Clinton Aide Sent Classified Info to Clinton Foundation By Brendan Bordelon

Top Hillary Clinton aide Cheryl Mills sent classified information about a foreign government to a Clinton Foundation employee, according to an e-mail released by the State Department through a public records lawsuit.

In the July 2012 message, obtained by conservative group Citizens United and reported by the Washington Free Beacon, Mills sent classified information about the governments of Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to Amitabh Desai, Bill Clinton’s foreign-policy director at the Clinton Foundation.

The information was originally sent to Mills by Johnnie Carson, the State Department’s assistant secretary for African affairs. Carson asked Mills if Bill Clinton could push Rwandan president Paul Kagame to meet with his Congolese counterpart Joseph Kabila during a visit to the DRC later that month. He then relayed the classified material in question, which is said to be sensitive diplomatic information. Mills forwarded the entire e-mail to Desai, along with “talking points for Presient [sic] Clinton.”


Since there has been much evasion and obfuscation about Hillary Rodham Clinton’s email use, it seems appropriate to step back and simply review what we know in light of the law. It’s also instructive to compare Clinton’s situation to arguably the most famous case of our time related to the improper handling of classified materials, namely, the case of Gen. David Petraeus.

Instead of turning his journals — so-called “black books” — over to the Defense Department or CIA when he left either of those organizations, Petraeus kept them at his home — an unsecure location — and provided them to his paramour/biographer, Paula Broadwell, at another private residence. (None of the classified information in the black books was used in his biography.)

On April 23, Petraeus pled guilty to a single misdemeanor charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or materials under 18 USC §1924. Many in the intelligence community were outraged at the perceived “slap on the wrist” he received, at a time when the Justice Department was seeking very strong penalties against lesser officials for leaks to the media.