About Those ‘Syrian Migrants…’ By Michael Walsh

Bearing passports from fictional “countries,” the ummah continues its invasion of Europe.

The media wants you to believe that there’s a “refugee” crisis going on in central Europe, and constantly invokes the memory of the displaced persons at the end of World War II to make an appealing comparison. But the truth is far different: this is an invasion of Europe by non-Europeans, swarming over the productive nations of the First World:

Only one in every five migrants claiming asylum in Europe is from Syria. The EU logged 213,000 arrivals in April, May and June but only 44,000 of them were fleeing the Syrian civil war. Campaigners and left-wing MPs have suggested the vast majority of migrants are from the war-torn state, accusing the Government of doing too little to help them.

Um… why should England help Syrians by letting them resettle in the dar-al-Harb? Especially when they’re not all Syrians.

Carly the Survivor By Bruce Walker

Great presidents need to be able to weather great trials and some out unbroken. Great presidents need resilience. Who among the Republican candidates has a life story that shows the sort of resilience? I think Carly Fiorina does. Consider her last ten years.

In 2005, she was fired as CEO of Hewlett-Packard. Regardless of whether the board of directors fired her wisely or not, it surely must have been a tough blow to a woman who had worked her way up the corporate ladder from office secretary to CEO of a giant company. Her path to success was much more difficult than that of Trump, the son of a New York millionaire. Many people would have crawled into a comfortable burrow and stayed put, but Fiorina did not.

In 2009, Carly Fiorina was treated for breast cancer. She survived an illness terrifying for any woman, a disease that brings not only fear of death but the fear of living afterward. No one would have thought less of Carly had she chosen to fall back into a comfortable, safe, and sterile life of charitable work and popular philanthropies, but she chose a very different and much harder path. Fiorina, from this, too, grew stronger.

Flooding the Nation with ‘Syrian Refugees’: American Lives Matter By James Simpson

The serially dishonest administration, represented abysmally by Haute Moron Secretary of State, John Kerry, has haughtily announced that for FY 2016, starting October 1, the administration is raising the refugee cap from its previous 70,000 to 85,000, this year, and up to 100,000 next year, all to make room for Syrian “refugees.” Two weeks ago he told members of Congress the administration wanted to bring in 10,000 Syrians. Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley responded with a letter asking Kerry to clarify.

The administration initially proposed raising the cap to 75,000, but Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration, Ann Richard admitted they might add “more later.” The refugee resettlement industry, which makes about $1 billion/year placing refugees in our communities, is lobbying for 200,000, including 100,000 Syrians. Even Moveon.org has joined the campaign.

Additionally, Obama promised to use other avenues, like parole, asylum and temporary protected status to allow more Syrians. Grassley reminded them that they did not have independent authority to do this. Increasing the cap requires consultation with Congress by law. As it turns out, the law also requires hearings – which to this point Congress has never deemed necessary. Perhaps it’s time for a change.

Methane Madness: Science Does Not Support White House Policy By S. Fred Singer

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on 18 August 2015 proposed regulations to reduce emissions of methane. These regulations would be the first to directly restrict methane emissions by the oil and gas industry; they build on a 2012 rule that sought to curb volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to extract natural gas. Combined, the two regulations could reduce the oil and gas sector’s methane emissions by up to 30% by 2025, compared with 2012 levels, EPA says.

The proposed EPA regs are part of a larger effort by the White House to reduce national methane emissions by 40–45% by 2025. [See go.nature.com/o6uzlj for more detail.] But methane has only negligible influence on climate — contrary to popular belief and contrary to the claims of the IPCC, the UN’s climate science panel. Basic physics does not support White House policies to control methane emissions.

The Science

Methane occurs naturally as a trace gas in the earth’s atmosphere. Its chemical formula is CH4, one atom of carbon surrounded by four atoms of hydrogen. It forms the most important constituent of natural gas, an excellent fuel for generating heat and electricity. When burnt (oxidized), its products are carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (WV). It is also a greenhouse (GH) gas, which by definition means it absorbs radiation at certain wavelengths in the infrared (IR) part of the electromagnetic spectrum. But contrary to UN-IPCC claims, basic physics reveals that its influence on climate is insignificant.


Top 9 Fun Facts About Carly Fiorina

Well, in truth, these are not so much “fun facts” as they are troubling evidence that Carly Fiorina is yet another establishment plant-cum-loser, one of a series employed by the Republican leadership team to diffuse grassroots support of an outside-the-system candidate like Ted Cruz (or, currently, Donald Trump).

With Carly’s rise in the polls, due to two solid debate performances, it’s worth examining her track record to determine whether: (a) could actually win a general election; and (b) she would offer good policy solutions as a commander-in-chief.


The answer on both counts is an obvious “no”. Here’s why:


In June of this year, Fiorina stated she is open to legal status for adult illegal immigrants and full citizenship for their children. During her Senate run, she endorsed the California DREAM Act, which grants in-state tuition to illegal immigrants. Furthermore, she recently stated that border walls and fences are not effective at protecting U.S. national sovereignty.

What Trump Should Have Said Posted By Andrew C. McCarthy

How ironic that, with all the offensive things Donald Trump says, something he did not say is breaking the outrage bank.

Trump is under fire for failing, at one of his campaign events, to refute an overheated audience member who asserted that President Obama is a Muslim and was not born in the United States. Trump did not make these claims or concur in them. He simply decided it was not his job to defend Barack Obama from claims that Obama himself has played no small part in provoking. Trump, instead, ignored the allegations and went on with what he wanted to say: blather about how he was looking into the possibility that radical Muslims are training inside the United States to conduct terrorist attacks here (something that is not merely possible, but has been proved in terrorism prosecutions about a zillion times since I first did it 20 years ago).

As one would expect, our Islamophilic political establishment is in high dudgeon: demands for Trump to apologize have come from Trump competitors with troubling records of cuddling up to Islamists – e.g., Hillary Clinton, Chris Christie and Lindsey Graham – and from Obama’s slavish media, which has never judged worthy of examination either the president’s misrepresentations about his background or his extensive personal ties to Islam, notwithstanding his seven-year record of lies about policy objectives and extensive appeasement of Islamic supremacists.


Hard on the manufactured controversy over what Donald Trump did not say about President Obama and Islam, we now have a controversy over what Ben Carson clearly did say about Islam – namely, that he does not believe it is consistent with the U.S. Constitution and that he “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation.” These assertions would not be nearly as hotly debated if the political class and the media had not sought for decades to suppress all discussion of Islam – other than mindless blather about its being a “religion of peace.” If we had been having the adult discussion we should have been having, it would be well understood by now that Islam is not merely a religion but a comprehensive societal framework with its own legal system. Why is that important to grasp? Because in the West, we recognize a division between the spiritual realm and political life – a division reflected in our Constitution.

Victor Sharpe: Muslim Riots and Media Frenzy

During the course of publishing many of my articles, features and books, I have had the privilege of meeting and corresponding with several exceptional human beings whose work transcends the ordinary.

One such person is Jane Kiel, a young Danish Christian woman whose love for embattled Israel comes from growing up within a deeply religious family in Denmark. Jane’s parents cherished the Bible and showed a deep and abiding appreciation for the Jewish people.

Ms. Kiel has been reporting for some time from Jerusalem, Israel, and especially from the Temple Mount. This is where the two ancient Jewish Temples stood and is Judaism’s holiest religious site.

Jews have been living continuously in Jerusalem under successive alien occupations since they lost their ancient sovereignty in the city to the Romans in AD 70. But since the 1840s they have constituted the largest population in what is now Israel’s ancient and modern capital city.

Corbyn isn’t the Problem, he’s a Symptom of It Melanie Phillips see note

It’s a myth that the left is opposed to fascism – it has always been drawn to power and violence

It reads like satire. Jeremy Corbyn has appointed a convicted arsonist to his team. Lord Watson of Invergowrie was jailed in 2005 by a Scottish court for drunkenly setting hotel curtains alight. The sheriff said Watson presented a “significant risk” of reoffending. Corbyn has now made him spokesman for, of all things, education.
Should one laugh or cry? As a metaphor for the grotesque and incendiary Corbyn ascendancy, this could hardly be bettered. Such is the alarm in security circles about Corbyn that the intelligence services reportedly will censor the information they provide to this opposition leader and putative privy council member. An anonymous serving general has warned that the army “would not allow a prime minister to jeopardise the security of this country”.
At the weekend, Corbyn stepped down as chairman of the Islamist-linked Stop the War Coalition, which also has ties to the Socialist Workers party. The coalition’s website attacks the Queen as someone who “profits from the arms trade” and “lubricates Britain’s wars”.

Anti-Israel Propaganda – Now, in US Elementary School By Tova Dvorin

The trickle-down effect: Palestinian with terror links speaks to third graders in Ithaca, NY about ‘Israeli oppression.’Anti-Israel propaganda has long been a problem on US university campuses – but now it has trickled down to the elementary school level as well, it seems.

Infamous Palestinian Arab “activist” Bassem Tamimi spoke at an Ithaca, NY elementary school on Friday to present to third-graders a presentation on the “suffering” of Palestinian Arab children in Israel.

Tamimi’s visit to Beverly J. Martin Elementary was arranged via anti-Israel activist Ariel Gold, the current head of the North American branch of Sabeel International – an anti-Israel Christian organization actively working to skew Christian dominations toward divestment resolutions against the Jewish state.

Gold and Tamimi met in late 2014, during the former’s visit to the Palestinian Authority (PA) town of Bil’in; she has since then become Tamimi’s official agent for international trips to hawk anti-Israel propaganda. Gold proudly posted a photo from his visit to the school on Facebook.