WEF Talks ‘Gender Equality’ in Nigerian Plastics Amid Genocide By Catherine Salgado


Nigeria is one of the most dangerous places in the world to be Christian, with thousands killed, kidnapped, or displaced every year by radical Islamic extremists. Fortunately the insidious World Economic Forum (WEF) always has its priorities straight. Its big concern for Nigeria right now is gender representation in the area of “plastic pollution.” Yes, really.

Firstly, I am not, of course, belittling the many Nigerian women who work so hard in bad conditions for little pay picking up and sorting plastics in Nigeria. They absolutely deserve better than what they have. But, let’s face it, gender equity and inclusion is hardly one of the biggest crises facing Nigeria right now. Thousands of men and women are coping with a bloody and catastrophe genocide right now, with those who survive frequently losing their homes. But WEF and the United Nations (UN) don’t really want to talk about that, because they would have to admit that Christians are being mass murdered by Muslims. WEF prefers to address a fake crisis like “global warming”—or woke “inclusion.”

Over 60,000 Nigerian Christians had been killed in the decade-long genocide there as of 2021, and of course the number has increased since. Jihadis reportedly killed 4,000 Nigerian Christians and abducted 2,300 more just in the first 10 months of 2022. Meanwhile, as of May 20, 2023, over 120 Nigerians had been killed and over 20,000 displaced in bloody Plateau State.

WEF published a piece June 1 by Priscilla Achakpa, global gender equality & inclusivity advisor for National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP), and Katherine Gilchrist, global gender equality & inclusivity advisor for GPAP (Global Plastic Action Partnership). These woke, wacky women only briefly referred to the jihadi violence from Boko Haram and other groups tearing Nigeria apart. They had a bigger issue in mind—“equity and inclusion.”

Doctors Having To Ration Cancer Drugs Amid Shortages


ABC News reports on impacts ongoing drug supply shortages are having on cancer treatments, with some doctors having to decide which of their patients to treat. Also, Pfizer said an experimental combination of antibiotics is effective at treating some drug-resistant bacterial infections.

ABC News: Cancer Drug Shortage Is Forcing Doctors To Decide Which Patients Get Treatment  Just six weeks ago, Greg DeStefano began a new chemotherapy combination. The 50-year-old, from Northbrook, Illinois, had recently been diagnosed with his fourth round of cancer and doctors were hopeful the medication would treat the tumors growing in his neck. DeStefano was responding well, but then, in late May, he got a call from his doctor and was told one of the three drugs he was receiving — carboplatin — was under a global shortage and because of the way the hospital had to prioritize treatments, he wouldn’t be qualified to receive it anymore. (Kekatos, 6/2)

Those Who Oppose Capitalism Are The Enemies Of Freedom


By now, much of the country has heard or read about the City University of New York law school graduate who was allowed to unspool a spiteful tirade as the school’s commencement speaker. She made a number of vile statements, but her call to “fight against capitalism” stood out to us. She and her fellow travelers know what few casual observers are aware of, that is, an attack on capitalism is an attack on liberty.

Condemning capitalism is nothing new in this country. We’ve heard the angry criticisms all of our lives, and they weren’t novel when we were young. It’s tragic, really, that so many in the West see the tension between “capitalists” and their ideological opponents as merely a conflict between ideas about which economic system we should have.

But it’s more than that. It’s a battle between freedom and subjugation.

Capitalism is not an economic system imposed by government in the way socialism or communism or any form of Marxism or planned economy is imposed on people against their will. Capitalism is merely the economic activity that men will engage in when left alone, when they are free to act as they wish. It is spontaneous, ordered and entirely organic. 

When men are free to trade with each other without government intrusion, they will inevitably seek and sell capital. And why wouldn’t they? It is their nature. Innovators and entrepreneurs hungry to make their ideas flesh need capital to fund their ventures. Those who have capital see opportunities to reap profits, so they trade their capital in an open market for profits to be realized later.

This is not exploitation but the manifestation of liberty. Ludwig von Mises wrote in his 1952 “Planning for Freedom” essay that “planning and capitalism are utterly incompatible.” The former is “conducted according to the government’s orders” while the latter follows the plans of entrepreneurs “eager to profit by best filling the wants of consumers.”

Von Mises also noted in the same essay that “the idea that political freedom can be preserved in the absence of economic freedom, and vice versa, is an illusion.”

Palestinians’ Preferred Candidates: Terrorists Who Want To Kill Jews by Bassam Tawil


For the 87-year-old Abbas and his Fatah faction, the victory of the Hamas supporters was not only humiliating, but also a reminder that when it comes to dealing with Israel, many Palestinians prefer terrorism over diplomacy.

The Hamas-affiliated students also condemned the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority for conducting security coordination with Israeli security forces in the West Bank. Any form of cooperation with Israel, they argued, is tantamount to treason.

The underlying message the Hamas-affiliated lists sent to the thousands of students at the two campuses was: Vote for us because we explicitly and unreservedly uphold the armed struggle against Israel and promise to continue the Jihad (holy war) to murder Jews and replace Israel with a genocidal Islamist state, free of non-Muslims.

It also would not be a particularly good idea to hold general elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip at a time when a majority of Palestinians are voicing support for an “armed intifada” (uprising) against Israel.

Article 13 of the Hamas covenant urges Muslims to wage Jihad on Israel and reject any peace initiatives: “There is no solution for the Palestinian issue expect through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.”

The victory of the Hamas-affiliated lists at the two Palestinian universities in the West Bank should serve as a warning not only to Mahmoud Abbas, but also to the international community, especially the Biden administration, whose representatives continue to promote the delusional and dangerous idea of a “two-state solution” between the Palestinians and Israel.

The university students who voted for Hamas have endorsed Hamas’s call for Jihad and terrorism against Israel. They have endorsed Hamas’s argument that Israel has no right to exist. They have also endorsed the argument that no Palestinian or Arab leader is entitled to make any concessions to Israel.

The officials in the Biden administration, European Union and United Nations who continue to talk about the need for a “two-state solution” are actually advocating the creation of another Hamas-led state, like ISIS, this time in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. A similar state already exists in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, used a launching pad to fire rockets into Israel.

By voting for Hamas once again, Palestinians… are also sending a warning to Abbas and other Palestinian leaders not to make peace with Israel or work with it in any way, or else they will be treated as traitors — further proof, as if it were needed, that the Palestinians have yet again chosen violence, terrorism and misery rather than a bright, promising future, a better economy, and prosperity for their young.

Palestinians have once again shown that their real heroes, sadly, are those who carry out terrorist attacks against Jews and seek the elimination of Israel.

What if Putin Loses His War in Ukraine? Victory over Russia would recast Europe’s politics as well as the U.S.-China rivalry. Walter Russell Mead


Nobody this side of paradise knows how Vladimir Putin’s war will end, but Zbigniew Brzezinski identified the stakes in 1994. “Without Ukraine,” he wrote in Foreign Affairs, “Russia ceases to be an empire.”

Mr. Putin couldn’t agree more, and for him and the Russian nationalists clinging to his coattails, Russia is an empire or it is nothing at all.

A Ukrainian victory—which we can describe as an end to the conflict that leaves Ukraine with all or most of its original territory, independent of Moscow and aligned with the West—would be a geopolitical earthquake. The Russia that Europe has known and feared since the 18th century, an immense and looming presence relentlessly bent on expanding westward, will be gone. The consequences would reshape the politics of Europe and the Middle East and define a new era in U.S.-China competition.

Many in the West hoped that the fall of the Soviet Union would have ended the threat of Russian imperialism, but Mr. Putin’s regime was bent on defying the odds. After all, czarist Russia collapsed in World War I and the Communists had to sign the punitive treaty of Brest-Litovsk with imperial Germany, giving up swathes of land and acknowledging the independence of former imperial territories, including Ukraine. Taking advantage of Western divisions and weakness, Lenin reassembled almost the entire empire of Nicholas II, and Stalin seized still more territory to make Moscow a global superpower.




Yesterday, June 4th,  I went to see the Israel Day Parade on Fifth Avenue in New York City. It was inspiring and cheering to see so many young people-secular as well as orthodox marching and waving Israeli flags. Mayor Eric Adams speaking without a script heralded Israel’s enormous contribution to the health and welfare of the world.

Best of all is the news that Israeli citizens rank among the world’s happiest populations. Despite the media’s obsessions with negative reports about Israel’s fractious politics and defense issues, Israel at 75 has all the vigor and optimism of a teen-ager in a free-wheeling democracy where the future has no boundaries.

Michael Ordman details all Israeli research and development of medicine, agriculture, inclusivity and outreach and succor to victims of famine, war, and natural disasters throughout the world.

Happy tomorrows Israel and God bless America the best corner of the Diaspora. rsk


Please can we join your trial. Following the 100% success of Israel’s Alpha TAU’s last clinical trial of Alpha DaRT on recurring skin cancer (see here previously) medical institutes around the world are clamoring to participate in the upcoming pivotal trials. Alpha TAU has also begun clinical trials for pancreatic cancer.
Weighty cancer discovery. Researchers at Israel’s Weizmann Institute have analyzed the build-up of ammonia that impairs immune cells in 50% of cancer patients. It blocks the protein regulator HNF4-alpha, causing weight loss and tumor growth. In lab tests, restoring HNF4-alpha production stops weight loss and shrinks the tumors.
A remedy for alcohol addiction. Israel’s Clearmind Medicine has been granted permission to begin trials at Sheba Medical Center of MEAI (5-methoxy-2-aminoindane) – a synthetic compound developed in Canada to treat alcoholics. Clearmind spent years making the MEAI-based oral capsules conform to medical standards.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RQikn6O3qw  https://www.clearmindmedicine.com/
Link between Nitric Oxide and Autism. Hebrew University researchers have discovered in lab tests that autism indicators increase as Nitric Oxide increases in the brain. Conversely, inhibiting production of NO increased “social” behavior, and interest in new objects while reducing repetitiveness and anxiety.
https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/371790 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/advs.202205783
Restore hair in one hour. Israel’s Hairstetics has developed an injector to implant multiple strands of hair to the scalp, under local anesthetic, to instantly restore hair to women struggling with baldness. Women suffering from androgenic alopecia receive non-allergenic synthetic hair to match their own hair color.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ace-qdakjs  https://hairstetics.com/
AstraZeneca pilots Israeli heart disease detection AI. (TY OurCrowd) AstraZeneca and the Bellvitge University Hospital in Spain are launching the first pilot program of the HearO™ app developed by Israel’s  Cordio Medical (see here previously) which can detect heart disease when the patient speaks on a smartphone.
Extending burns wound treatment to children. (TY Atid-EDI) The US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) has awarded $10 million to Israel’s MediWound (see here previously). Part of the funding will be used to extend its NexoBrid license to pediatric burns – 30% of the total burn population.
Elderly Jewish Ukrainian woman rescued. Volunteers from emergency NGO United Hatzalah in Ukraine brought a sick, elderly Jewish woman from Mykolaiv to Israel for life-saving treatment. She was taken in a UH ambulance by ferry across the Black Sea to Bucharest and then flown by El Al in a medical cabin to Israel.

Left-Wing Authoritarianism In our shared free republic, we cannot defend the Constitution and our God-given liberty and equality against authoritarian ideologies with one arm tied behind our back. By Thaddeus G. McCotter


The daily issue of Lisa DePasquale’s “Bright” political newsletter never disappoints. Her May 31 edition was quite an eye opener. To wit, via the New York Post, DePasquale highlights the findings of a study titled, “Understanding left-wing authoritarianism: Relations to the dark personality traits, altruism, and social justice commitment”:

The study published in Current Psychology suggests that left-wing extremism is associated with toxic, psychopathic tendencies and narcissism [and] found a link between higher levels of left-wing authoritarianism and higher levels of narcissism. The authors coined the term ‘dark-ego-vehicle principle’ to describe the phenomenon where individuals with dark personality traits are attracted to political and social activism as a means to satisfy their ego-focused needs rather than working towards social justice and equality. The study also noted that some activists use social justice as a guise for unhinged behavior and prioritize self-presentation, moral superiority, and social status over genuine social causes.

This makes sense. After all, one need only think of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and other left-wing monsters to see the “dark-ego-vehicle-principle” at work in the capture of organizations and movements, and their subsequent implementation of purges and democides. Yet, even on a smaller scale, one can see numerous instances of organizations of all political and apolitical stripes being captured to varying degrees by their most narcissistic and aggressive left-wing members, leading to the group’s increasing left-wing authoritarianism and, in some instances, embrace of violence, at the expense and/or eclipse of its original goals. 

This study of left-wing authoritarianism constitutes a validation of John O’Sullivan’s “First Law”:

All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing. I cite as supporting evidence the ACLU, the Ford Foundation, and the Episcopal Church. The reason is, of course, that people who staff such bodies tend to be the sort who don’t like private profit, business, making money, the current organization of society, and, by extension, the Western world. At which point [Robert] Michels’s Iron Law of Oligarchy takes over—and the rest follows.

Trump Needs a Reality Check on the mRNA Jabs By Stacey Lennox


President Donald Trump returned to Iowa on Thursday after canceling a rally due to weather in the first-in-the-nation caucus state earlier in May. He met with smaller groups of Iowa voters in a few events canvassing the state. A voter told him at one stop, “We have lost people because you supported the jab.” Then she appears to ask him what he would do differently. Given all we know about the clot shots now, Trump’s response was astonishing.

“Well, you know, everyone wanted a vaccine at that time. And I was able to do something that nobody else could have done, getting it done very, very rapidly,” Trump responded. “But I never was for mandates, so I thought the mandates were terrible. And you know, there’s a big portion of the country that thinks it was a great thing.”

Oh, where to begin? First, the portion of the country that thinks the jabs were a great thing will never vote for President Trump. They are on the side of the aisle with Trump’s new best buddy Andrew Cuomo and still wear masks outdoors. A Rasmussen poll noted in January that almost half of Americans believed the shots were causing unexplained deaths, and more than one in four believed they knew some that had died due to the jab.

At the time, 60% of Republicans believed there was a reason to be concerned about the safety of the mRNA shots. Additional studies have been reported since then that implicate the mRNA shots, specifically the spike protein they generate, to a whole host of medical problems from acute onset blindness to impairing the immune system’s ability to fight COVID-19 infections in the future after repeated vaccinations. Evidence about the shot’s role in causing myocarditis in young men continues to accumulate. And honest providers will tell you that they don’t know the long-term prognosis for young Americans who suffered from heart-related adverse events.

Jim Jordan takes on a corrupt legal establishment By David Zukerman


On June 2, the internet was filled with reports of House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan’s letter of June 1 to Attorney General Merrick Garland seeking information as to the FBI’s role in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation of President Trump’s handling of classified information.  That the FBI was given a role in this matter by Garland is obvious from the FBI’s SWAT swoopdown on the president’s Florida residence last August.   

Here are selections from the Jordan letter. First, the opening paragraph:

“On May 12, 2023, Special Counsel John Durham released a report detailing the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) failings in opening and conducting an investigation — code named “Crossfire Hurricane” — into debunked allegations of collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and the Russian government. The extent of the FBI’s bias and reckless disregard for the truth, which Special Counsel Durham laid out in painstaking detail, is nothing short of scandalous. The FBI has tried to dismiss the report’s findings by claiming to have “already implemented dozens of corrective actions” to prevent similar misconduct in the future. The FBI’s window dressing is not enough. The Special Counsel’s report serves as a stark reminder of the need for more accountability and reforms within the FBI. Accordingly, as Congress conducts oversight to inform these legislative reforms, we write to ensure the Justice Department act to preserve the integrity and impartiality of ongoing investigations from the FBI’s politicized bureaucracy.”

Chairman Jordan rightly described “the FBI’s bias and reckless disregard for the truth” in its earlier probe of President Trump, as “nothing short of scandalous” and underscored “the need for more accountability and reforms within the FBI.”  And to end the politicization of the FBI — under Garland’s stewardship, it is fair to infer.

“Public trust in the FBI is low.  Recent examples of political bias in FBI and Department of Justice operations show that the so-called “corrective measures” the FBI instituted after Crossfire Hurricane have done nothing to address, let alone cure, the institutional rot that pervades the FBI. It is clear that Congress must consider legislative reforms to the FBI, and the Committee has been engaged in robust oversight to inform those legislative proposals. In the interim, however, due to the FBI’s documented political bias, the Justice Department must ensure any ongoing investigations are not poisoned by this same politicization.”

Trump’s Abraham Accords proceed into cyberspace By Julio Rivera


One of the president’s most significant foreign policy achievements just got even better.

The Abraham Accords were a series of agreements brokered by the Trump administration in 2020, aimed at normalizing diplomatic relations between Israel and several Arab nations. The main participants in the accords were Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Bahrain.

The primary objective of the Abraham Accords was to establish formal diplomatic ties, including the exchange of ambassadors, opening embassies, and fostering cooperation in various fields.  The agreements encompassed several areas such as trade, tourism, investment, security, technology, and cultural exchanges.

Prior to the Abraham Accords, Israel had formal diplomatic relations with only two Arab nations: Egypt and Jordan.  The accords marked a significant shift in the region’s dynamics, with Arab countries openly recognizing and establishing diplomatic ties with Israel.

From Israel’s perspective, the accords provided an opportunity to expand its diplomatic reach, enhance regional stability, and foster economic cooperation.  The participating Arab countries sought to strengthen their relations with Israel, potentially benefiting from increased trade and economic opportunities, security cooperation, and access to advanced technology and innovation.

The Abraham Accords are considered a notable achievement of the Trump administration’s Middle East policy, aiming to foster peace and stability in the region through diplomatic initiatives.

Now, years after their creation, the groundbreaking cooperative is expanding, as a bipartisan group of U.S. senators have unveiled a new proposal known as the Abraham Accords Cybersecurity Cooperation Act of 2023.

The bill, which is co-sponsored by members of the Abraham Accords Committee in the Senate, Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), and James Lankford (R-Okla.), follows a Department of Homeland Security announcement from earlier this year that noted that expanded cyber-cooperation among the Abraham Accord countries was in the works.

The act will enhance the current partnerships between America and the Abraham Accords countries as they seek to strengthen their individual and collective defense against cyber-attacks from countries like Iran, Indonesia, and others that continually target critical infrastructure and wage all forms of cyber-warfare.