End American Gerontocracy: Josh Hammer


President Joe Biden’s viscerally jarring fall on Thursday in Colorado Springs, while on stage dispensing diplomas to new U.S. Air Force Academy graduates, underscores a terrifying reality: The octogenarian denizen of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, palpably in the throes of debilitating mental and physical senescence, is not well. The sight of the commander-in-chief physically falling in front of a graduating Air Force Academy class, no less, is outright depressing to active-duty servicemen and telegraphs national weakness to America’s many adversaries abroad.

Make no mistake about it: Joe Biden is an absolutely massive liability as president of the United States, in charge of the nuclear football and primarily responsible for issues of war and peace. His vice presidential junior sidekick and would-be successor, the cackling nincompoop Kamala Harris, may well be totally insufferable, but this column has argued — and still maintains — that Biden should resign for the good of the country. At a bare minimum, it is foolish and selfish in the extreme for the doddering dolt from Delaware to seek reelection in 2024.

Biden’s Centennial State fall is hardly the only recent example of a high-ranking senior citizen appearing less-than-stellar in the public eye. The 89-year-old Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), whose political career first began in 1970 (one year before Biden’s), recently missed over two months of senatorial work while recovering from a nasty bout of shingles and encephalitis. When she finally made her way back to the Capitol, Feinstein, in the words of a May 18 New York Times article, “appeared shockingly diminished.” Since returning, the now-wheelchair-bound Feinstein has required additional staff assistance to merely cast her votes and has apparently forgotten she was ever out of commission to begin with: “No, I haven’t been gone,” she told Slate on May 16. Come again?

Overall, an incredible 68% of U.S. senators in the current Congress are aged 60 or older. The single most popular subgroup, at a whopping 34% of the putative “world’s greatest deliberative body,” is the sexagenarians — most of whom are old enough to receive Social Security benefits. The constitutional minimum age for being a U.S. senator is 30, but the cumulative share of senators in the current Congress under the age of 50 is a paltry 10%. There are three times as many senators in the current Congress aged 70-79 than there are senators aged 30-39. That ought to be alarming — these men and women are charged with decisions pertaining to declaring war and assessing our most sensitive intelligence, among other crucial matters. As for the U.S. Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett is the youngest justice at age 51, and five of the nine black-robed oracles are old enough to potentially receive Social Security benefits.

Comer wins: FBI relents, agrees to deliver subpoenaed memo alleging Biden bribery to Capitol FBI Director Christopher Wray was facing a potential contempt vote when the deal was struck.By John Solomon


Facing a potential contempt of Congress vote, FBI Director Christopher Wray relented and has agreed to bring a subpoenaed document from the Biden family investigation to Capitol Hill for lawmakers to inspect on Monday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer announced Friday.

The document in question, an FD-1023, contains uncorroborated allegations that an informant provided the FBI in June 2020 alleging that Joe Biden, when he was vice president, was engaged in a bribery scheme to change US policy in return for $5 million to his family’s businesses, lawmakers have said.

Congress was alerted to the document by an FBI whistleblower who raised concerns the allegations were never fully investigated. Comer and Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa demanded to see the document, and Comer followed with a subpoena.

As recently as Wednesday, Wray indicated he would not turn over the document in compliance with the subpoena, but would let lawmakers come read it at the FBI. But a deal was struck late Thursday for the FBI to bring the document to the Capitol, officials said.

“Chairman Comer will receive a briefing from the FBI and review the document on Monday,” his committee told Just the News in a statement. “Chairman Comer has been clear that anything short of producing the FD-1023 form to the House Oversight Committee is not compliance with his subpoena. This unclassified record contains pages of details that need to be investigated further by the House Oversight Committee.”

In a statement to Just the News, the FBI said it wanted to accommodate Congress while also protecting sensitive confidential human source information that often is recorded in memos even before it is corroborated.

Leading GOP Election Officials: Feds’ ‘Treasonous’ Interference Is A ‘Direct Attack’ On U.S. Elections By: Shawn Fleetwood


‘These agencies are supposed to protect us, and [yet] they are the ones who are perpetrating this fraud on the American people.’

Several leading Republican election officials are sounding the alarm about the federal government’s persistent interference in U.S. elections.

Jay Ashcroft and Mac Warner, the secretaries of state of Missouri and West Virginia, respectively, recently told The Federalist they are increasingly worried about the mounting evidence documenting federal agencies’ interference in prior elections to the benefit of the Democrat Party.

Ashcroft pointed to the long-awaited report from U.S. Attorney John Durham that confirmed what The Federalist has been reporting for years: The FBI possessed no real evidence that then-candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russian government officials when it launched its investigation into the Trump campaign leading up to the 2016 election.

The political investigation — which was “based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence” — would continue throughout the 2016 election and well into Trump’s presidency.

This type of behavior from government agencies “is what you expect out of a banana republic,” Ashcroft said. “It is a direct attack on a foundational aspect of our country, that being fair, free elections.” As it turns out, he noted, “the largest purveyor of misinformation and disinformation with regard to elections [over the course of] the last several years has been the federal government.”

The Anti-Western Nuclear Club: North Korea, China, Russia and Iran Dangerously Target the West by Majid Rafizadeh


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ordered this January that his country carry out “exponential” expansion of its nuclear arsenal and the manufacturing of a more powerful ICBM.

“Today, China, Russia, North Korea and Iran continue to invest in technologies to expand their capabilities to hit the United States with nuclear weapons. All four countries have also escalated their threatening rhetoric, indicating their willingness to use nuclear weapons in a military conflict. By expanding their nuclear programs, each has made clear that our nuclear arsenal is no longer a deterrent to their potential use of nuclear weapons..” — Rep. Mike Turner, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, Fox News, May 4, 2023.

Russia is most likely helping Iran to boost its nuclear program in exchange for the weapons that the Islamic Republic is supplying to Russia for use against Ukraine.

The headline of a report by Iran’s state-controlled Afkar News read: “American Soil Is Now Within the Range of Iranian Bombs”. The report boasted: “The same type of ballistic missile technology used to launch the satellite could carry nuclear, chemical or even biological weapons to wipe Israel off the map, hit US bases and allies in the region and US facilities, and target NATO even in the far west of Europe….”

“After 9/11, the George W. Bush administration revived missile defense…. In 2009, the Obama administration scrapped this plan. Then it canceled key parts of its own plan, leaving the U.S. and Europe vulnerable to an array of threats and potential nuclear coercion by adversaries.” — Rep. Mike Turner, Fox News, May 4, 2023.

“[T]he Biden administration has shown a lack of foresight. In its 2021 Missile Defense Review, President Biden ignored our defense industrial base supply chain issues…” — Rep. Mike Turner, Fox News, May 4, 2023.

Unfortunately, through its failure to take on the Free World’s adversaries in a serious, credible way, the Biden Administration has been empowering tyrants and rogues states, at the forefront: North Korea, Russia, China and Iran.

The anti-Western nuclear club — North Korea, Russia and China, with Iran close to joining the club — have become emboldened and empowered as never before, thanks to the Biden administration’s feeble leadership.

An Officer and a Gentleman—and a High-School Student The Philadelphia Military Academy offers a chance for career development and upward mobility.By Carine Hajjar


Kaheem Bailey-Taylor was leaving a party last August at a cousin’s house in Northern Philadelphia when he heard gunshots. “The suspect started shooting out the door towards us,” he says. Police soon arrived and cleared the house. Mr. Bailey-Taylor followed officers in to assess the situation. Minutes later, he was sitting in the back of a police car applying pressure to a partygoer’s gunshot wounds.

Mr. Bailey-Taylor isn’t a paramedic or a cop; he’s a 17-year-old high-school junior. He is cadet colonel at the Philadelphia Military Academy, where all students are enrolled in the U.S. Army’s Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program. On my visit to the academy, Mr. Bailey-Taylor helps show me around. As we sit in the back of a 10th-grade class on first aid, he leans over and tells me that he used these skills, along with his lifeguard training, the night he helped save the partygoer, one of his classmates.

The class starts like any other, with the buzz of chatty students. It then cuts to silence in unison as a student leader takes his position at the front. Then students recite the cadet creed in one voice: “I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school and the Corps of Cadets. I am loyal and patriotic. . . . I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life. May God grant me the strength to always live by this creed.”

Kaheem Bailey-Taylor Photo: Philadelphia Military Academy

Patriotism, duty and accountability may not be in vogue in most public schools, but here—and in the nearly 3,500 JROTC programs across all military branches nationwide—the values of the cadet creed are a proven formula for success. A 2017 RAND study found that JROTC cadets have better-than-average grades and attendance records and are less likely to drop out than other high-school students. The Philadelphia Military Academy’s graduation rate is 92%; the district average is 75%.

The Downside of the Debt Deal Is a Weaker Military The already stretched armed forces will absorb a real cut after inflation.


The debt-ceiling bill passed the Senate on Thursday evening with 63 votes, though not before several Senators warned about its cuts to military spending. They have a point that will have to be addressed.

Republicans succeeded in reducing domestic discretionary spending, but the political price was agreeing to President Biden’s defense budget request of $886 billion for 2024 and $895 billion in 2025. That’s a 3% nominal increase in 2024, and it at least breaks the Democratic Party’s long-time demand that every defense dollar be matched with one for social welfare.

But Mr. Biden’s number is a real cut in defense after inflation. The deal means U.S. spending on the military could fall below 3% of the economy for the first time since the height of the post-Cold War peace dividend in the late 1990s.

No one thinks the world is more tranquil today than in 1999, as Vladimir Putin prosecutes the first European land war in 80 years. The Biden budget shrinks the U.S. Navy to 286 ships by 2025—as China ramps up to a 400-strong fleet designed to subdue Taiwan.

Book Review by Mark Durie: Kidnapped in Iraq: A Christian Humanitarian Tells His Story


Iranian-French humanitarian worker Goodarzy recounts his experiences in Syria and Iraq in Kidnapped in Iraq. He weaves together three strands.

The first tells about Goodarzy’s kidnapping in Iraq by a Shiite militia and how four captives found comfort in their Catholic faith while being shuffled from one place of imprisonment to another. Remarkably, the Covid-19 pandemic brought their release.

The second, which makes a majority of the book, recounts Goodarzy’s work in 2014-19 for the humanitarian organization SOS Chrétiens d’Orient. He travelled extensively for it throughout Syria and gives eyewitness testimony of a story rarely told: the struggle of Syria’s Christians to survive. He stresses that most of the parties involved attacked or betrayed Christians. While Sunni groups—ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Qaeda in Syria), Turkish forces, and the Free Syrian Army—did the greatest damage, Kurds were also no friends to Christians. As one old man said, “The Sunnites slit our throats for the caliphate. The Kurds hand us over to the same swine for their Kurdistan.” The only party which protected Christians was Assad’s Syrian Army, supported by Russian, Iranian, and Hezbollah allies.

The third strand contains a lament for France, which Goodarzy believes has become rootless, “incoherent,” “stagnant,” and a country “suited more and more to its retirees than to its rising generations.” When Goodarzy received news of the Bataclan nightclub massacre in Paris, he recalled the words of Syrian Christians, “What is affecting us here at home today will strike you tomorrow!” He found the French response deeply disappointing:

NYC Law Promotes ‘Fat Pride’ and ‘Size Freedom’ By Janet Levy


In his works on rhetoric, Aristotle said that a speaker can hope to persuade his audience only if the message is underpinned by logos, an appeal to reason; pathos, an appeal to emotions; and, above all, ethos, the appeal that derives from the speaker’s own character and credibility. On that last, vital count, Mayor Eric Adams of New York City (NYC) failed miserably last week as he signed legislation (Intro. 209-2022 A) banning discrimination by weight and height in employment, housing, and public accommodations.

But before we get to Adams’s hypocrisy, let us look at the grievance of size discrimination per se. Manufactured and overblown by ‘woke’ activists, it stands on shaky ground. Body-positive activism denies the fact that being overweight is unhealthy and upends attempts by healthcare professionals to drive home the message that there is a strong connection between obesity and a host of conditions such as hypertension, high LDL cholesterol levels, diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, kidney failure, and cancer. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says there is a well-established connection between obesity and morbidity and mortality.

By blaming society for the misery felt by outliers in weight, height, or other physical traits, body-positive activism diverts them from the hard work of changing what can be changed and accepting what cannot. With faddish references to “fat pride” and “size freedom” and spurious charges of “fat shaming,” many people choose to reject a rather obvious salubrious solution: adopting a healthier lifestyle.

Fortunately, the new law permits height and weight standards to be used in situations in which job performance necessitates certain physical traits.  For example, law enforcement, firefighters and defense forces constitute categories with requirements that would be exempt from the strictures of Intro. 209-2022A.  Similarly, the bill permits operators of public accommodations to consider height and weight criteria as part of what is reasonably necessary for normal operations.  With these broad-brush exemptions, it’s hard to discern what purpose the law serves.

Now for Adams and his compromised ethos. The mayor, a former police officer who has been a crusader for healthy eating and fitness, ended up making a statement of questionable veracity while announcing the new law: “Science has showed (sic) that body type is not a connection to if you’re healthy or unhealthy. I think that’s a misnomer (sic) that we are really dispelling.”

George Soros and the New York City Subway Tragedy Soros wants Daniel Penny to be the last hero. We can save our cities and our country by making sure he is just the first.  By Maurice Richards


The tragic death of Jordan Neely and the despicable legal lynching of Daniel Penny are not random events.

Democrats have instituted globalist-inspired programs and policies, transforming major cities like New York into dystopian hellscapes. Public safety has been abandoned. Predatory criminals, the drug addicted, and the violently mentally ill roam the streets and subways with impunity. Police are either absent or passive spectators. States attorneys protect criminals instead of their victims.

The result is law-abiding citizens have been left to survive on their own. And when heroes like Daniel Penny stand up to protect their lives and those of their fellow citizens—they are crushed.

The Common Thread of Evil 

The common thread of evil which runs through every social catastrophe in America can be traced to George Soros—the dark soul of the Democratic Party.

Every Soros-financed initiative is designed to facilitate the destruction of the roots of Western culture and the foundation of American civilization. His objective is to tear down society by unraveling our culture, values, and traditions. That twisted vision is now the platform of the Democratic Party. 

Here are some items from Soros’ globalist playbook that are already destroying America with links to the front organizations he finances to implement it. 

Open borders.
Subverting the rule of law by financing the election of pro-criminal states attorneys.
Drug legalization.
Normalizing mass homelessness, untreated mental illness, and drug addiction.
Defunding the police.
Perpetuating the big lie of “systemic police racism.”
Prison abolition.
Institutionalizing the antiwhite racism and perpetual black victimhood of critical race theory.
Spreading transgender ideology and the depraved genital mutilation and castration of children.
Unlimited abortion in America and globally.
Global legalization of prostitution.

Bidenites quietly drop DNA requirement for illegal border crossers claiming to be ‘families’ By Monica Showalter


If the recent scandal of migrant child labor in the U.S. ever bothered the Bidenites, you wouldn’t know it from their latest idiocy on admission of illegal border crossers into the U.S.

According to the Immigration Reform Law Institute’s Brian Lonergan, writing for American Greatness:

 … as of May 31, the federal government ended familial DNA testing at the southern border. Don’t expect to hear about this on the news, but it is a move that will have tragic consequences while also revealing the galling cruelty and hypocrisy of the Biden Administration.

Lonergan explained what’s been going on that prompted a need for it:

 Because recent U.S. immigration policy has favored family units over individuals crossing illegally, cartels have begun to “rent” children to their migrant customers looking to enter the United States. Once the migrants successfully cross the border, the children are then recycled back to Mexico and assigned to another client.

Along the way, these “rentals” are often subjected to violence and sexual abuse. Breaker boys, children who worked in coal mines in late 19th century America, faced an easier predicament by comparison.

In other words, the cartels are running a rent-a-kid operation in order to get illegal border crossers into the interior of the country as a “family unit” which the Biden administration is still allowing, despite its claims about running a tougher border operation after the end of Title 42.

The kids are used as fodder to get an illegal migrant into the U.S., and then recycled back to Mexico to “serve” as another phony parent’s kid, and abused horribly in the process. For some, when they get too recognizable to Border Patrol agents, they are eventually shipped into the states as “unaccompanied children.”