Where is the ‘Ummah’ Now? Douglas Murray

I have just returned from a trip abroad to find Britain and Europe in a state of madness. I will not reflect on any connections between these events. But perhaps a reader could enlighten me as to why in recent days Britain and Europe appear to have decided that Syria’s refugees are entirely ‘our’ responsibility. Other than a generalised sense that we are all human beings, Europeans are about as far down the list of those responsible as it is possible to be.

Neither this country nor any of our European allies have made any significant intervention in Syria’s civil war. So why should Hungarians and Slovakians, Austrians and Poles be expected to bear such a significant responsibility for this?

Whenever Britain or America or Israel do have any involvement in any Islamic country we hear a very great deal about the ‘Ummah’. The OIC and the Arab League, for instance, never miss an opportunity to talk about the brotherhood and unity of the Islamic nation and how much any ‘hurt’ or offence to any part of this entity hurts and offends the whole.

U.K. Labour Party Elects Socialist Jeremy Corbyn as Leader By Jenny Gross

Longtime leftist lawmaker draws on grass-roots disillusionment, now faces task of resolving main British opposition party’s divisions.

LONDON— Jeremy Corbyn, a leftist former union organizer, was elected the leader of the U.K.’s Labour Party on Saturday, a result that signals a more socialist direction for the country’s main opposition and could herald a realignment of British politics.

The 66-year-old lawmaker, long on the margins of British politics, secured a convincing victory with 59.5% of votes, winning 170,955 more than his closest rival. Mr. Corbyn’s antiausterity, antiwar and egalitarian message energized thousands of grass-roots supporters who had become disillusioned with the party.

Mr. Corbyn will now have to try to unite a party that is deeply divided, a situation laid bare by infighting during the leadership contest. Following the party’s crushing defeat in May’s general election, Labour members and politicians have battled over whether to tack left or claim the center ground in the footsteps of former Prime Minister Tony Blair, who led the government between 1997 and 2007.


A National Deficit in Candlelit Vigils

Where is our compassion! Sure, we’ll soon admit lots of Syrian refugees, but mostly of the Christian persuasion. The shame in overlooking those who would enrich our multiculturalism with their heritage of insularity, head-lopping and misogyny is palpable.

Multi culti haute coutureHarrumph! We can’t be outdone by the “Krauts”, if our esteemed German friends and allies will pardon that rude expression. I say bring in a million Syrian refugees tout de suite. What’s this measly 10, 12, 20, or 40,000 all about? Where is our compassion? Richard Di Natale and Sarah Hanson-Young, you should be ashamed to low-ball our duty in these tragic circumstances.

My circumstances are not what they were. Marital difficulties, which I prefer to avoid detailing, have severely dented my prosperity. I now live in what the real estate guys call a one-bedder. Nevertheless, I am willing to take in two Syrian families. We can sleep in shifts. I would of course require (fairly) modest compensation from the government. Even better, I will move out entirely and allow three families their living space, slightly cramped though they will be. Of course, the compensation would need to be somewhat higher and it would be only reasonable if I were provided with spacious accommodation in the Hilton during the time of, shall we call it, my sacrifice for the benefit of humanity.

Would my immediate neighbours object to living in close proximity to three families of Syrian Muslim refugees? Surely they would not. For example, I am confident that the lady next door would not object to dressing modestly and donning a hijab to avoid upsetting her new neighbours. Though, I admit to not having broached the subject with her. In the unlikely event she was beset with any troubling doubt or discomfort about it, I would advise her to ask herself what the aforementioned Sarah would do?

As it stands, we are stuck with Mr Abbott’s mean-spirited policy. He only wants to bring in 12,000 refugees (only slightly edging out Bill Shorten who gets the wooded spoon in the compassion stakes). To boot, he wants to only take women and children and families from persecuted communities living in refugee camps. Come on, Mr Abbott, we know that means mainly Christians, with the odd few Yazidis and the like, thrown in to make it look even-handed.

We need a Hall of Shame for Senate Iran deal enablers By Larry Bates

Why is it that it is easier to find a list of those very few Democratic senators who refused to follow Obama into his love-fest with Iran than it is to find a list of those who sold our future into the hands of hate-mongering Iranian clerics?

The left knows how to stigmatize its enemies. Those on the right, on the other hand, are often too nice to want to even identify those senators who scuttled our interests in their zeal for Obama’s Iranian dream trophy. That needs to change.

There will come a time when the disaster inherent in our Senate’s myopic submission to Iranian scheming will become all too apparent. At that time, I want the list of senators who invited disaster upon us all to be readily available. In fact, we should start collecting funds for a new Washington monument – a sort of Hall of Shame that remembers this Iranian version of the Alamo, a means of reminding our children and future generations which senators were responsible for their economic, social, and security miseries.

Syrian refugees: ‘Trust not the horse’ By Jeannie DeAngelis

If one were to ask your everyday educationally challenged American what a Trojan horse is, the answer would probably include at least one reference to an equine-sized condom.

Conversely, on the Syrian-Turkish border, where ISIS militants are more interested in world domination than they are safe sex, soldiers of the Islamic State are well aware of the Trojan horse concept and are totally prepared to reprise the mythological scheme as a way to infiltrate enemy terrain.

In Greek mythology, the Trojan horse was introduced after Paris of Troy took Helen from her husband Menelaus, the king of Sparta. During the legendary war that ensued, hidden inside a horse that was constructed by a master carpenter/warrior named Epeius, Greek soldiers were able to enter and overtake the city of Troy.

The Greeks deceived the Trojans by persuading them that the huge stallion was an offering to Athena and that by accepting an offering to the goddess of war, Troy would become impregnable.

Although the oracle Laocoon warned, “I fear the Greeks, even when bringing gifts…trust not the horse,” the Trojans chose to disregard wise counsel, fell for the ruse, and allowed the huge wooden structure inside the city gates.

Solving the European Migrant Problem by Barry Shaw

The problem is that these people do not escape the Middle East. They bring the Middle East with them.

Let Europe accept the Christians. Let Muslim Arab countries accept the Muslim Arabs.

The problem facing Europe is not only the vast number of migrants flooding the continent. It is that, from past experience, these people do not escape the Middle East. They bring the Middle East with them. The result is enormous strain on the social fabric of the host nations. It becomes increasingly difficult to assimilate the immigrants with the people already there, as governments try to accommodate the overwhelming weight of strangers who do not know their customs and do not speak their languages. Multiculturalism was a dream. It failed. In its place seems to be an emerging nightmare of unmanageable proportions.

Is Europe Losing Control Over Its Destiny? by Soeren Kern

The move by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels to force European countries to throw open their borders — and to require them to provide migrants with free clothing, food, housing and healthcare for an indefinite period of time — not only represents an audacious usurpation of national sovereignty, it is also certain to encourage millions of additional migrants from the Muslim world to begin making their way to Europe.

“We are not facing a refugee crisis, we are facing a migration crisis… Let us not forget that those arriving have been raised in another religion, and represent a radically different culture. Most of them are not Christians, but Muslims. This is an important question, because Europe and European identity is rooted in Christianity. Is it not worrying in itself that European Christianity is now barely able to keep Europe Christian? If we lose sight of this, the idea of Europe could become a minority interest in its own continent.” — Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary.

“[T]he continent is experiencing a mass movement of people not seen since the aftermath of the Second World War. Unlike the end of the war, however, none of the masses currently on the move is European… The control over one’s own borders is one of the most important characteristics — and responsibilities — of a modern state. Countries lose control over their destinies and even cease to exist when they lose control over who gets in.” — Arthur Chrenkoff, New York Observer.

Statistics show that of the 625,920 people who applied for asylum in the European Union in 2014, only 29.5% were from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.


Rep. Wittman won re-election in 2014…He is opposed to amnesty, voted for construction of the Keystone Pipeline without limiting amendments, and rated a minus 2 from the Arab American Institute for his support for Israel….He is running again in 2016….rsk

Washington – Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-1) voted today against the approval of President Obama’s proposed agreement on Iran’s nuclear program. The legislation failed by a vote of 162-269.

“The House’s actions today reflect the will of the people. Iran has previously shown its willingness to break the terms of previous deals, and I have no doubt that they’ll do so again,” Wittman said. “I have visited the Middle East many times to meet with members of the U.S. military and engage with leaders of nations in the region, and I fully understand the threats posed by a nuclear-armed Iran. With the security of our partners in the region at stake, it is critical that any deal effectually prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. I do not believe this agreement includes the enforcement mechanisms necessary for preventing Iran’s government from pursuing nuclear capabilities, and I could not support it.”


I can’t wait to hear the environmentalist lies on this one. Check it out:533,000 more square miles of ocean covered with ice than in 2012
BBC reported in 2007 global warming would leave Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013
Publication of UN climate change report suggesting global warming caused by humans pushed back to later this month
A chilly Arctic summer has left 533,000 more square miles of ocean covered with ice than at the same time last year – an increase of 29 per cent.

The rebound from 2012’s record low comes six years after the BBC reported that global warming would leave the Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013.

Instead, days before the annual autumn re-freeze is due to begin, an unbroken ice sheet more than half the size of Europe already stretches from the Canadian islands to Russia’s northern shores.

The Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific has remained blocked by pack-ice all year. More than 20 yachts that had planned to sail it have been left ice-bound and a cruise ship attempting the route was forced to turn back.


I was told only yesterday by a self righteous prig that “Israel and Jews above all have an imperative to help the oppressed “refugees”….Is that so? Among all the 613 commandments and in the entire Torah where is it written that Jews have an imperative to commit suicide and help their enemies who hate Israel “above all?”…rsk

Despite fleeing civil war and exposure to hardships in crossing the Mediterranean, migrants still have energy to bash the Jewish State.

LAN — At a migrant reception center near Milan’s central train station, two-year-old Mahmoud sleeps on a pillow in a pair of patched-up grey pajamas, exhausted after fleeing Damascus a month ago with his parents and relatives.

Their nightmarish journey across the Mediterranean Sea from Libya was marred by beatings, starvation and dehydration, and the fear of drowning in rough waters. Yet despite the cruelty at the hands of Libyan smugglers, despite the suffering that was inflicted upon them by their own government that forced them to flee for their lives, Mahmoud’s family and other Syrian refugees I met still view Israel as their real enemy.

“First of all I respect all religions, including Judaism… In Syria we have all races and religions living together, we are all brothers… but Israel, Israel is the ultimate enemy, that’s what we’ve been told since we were kids,” said baby Mahmud’s cousin Adman, 21, who studied tourism in Syria. “But I want to stress something: Jews are not my enemy. Zionists are my enemy.”

Adman was surprised that he was being interviewed by a Jewish reporter, and, more so, for an Israeli newspaper.