Myth #3: The Noble Illegal Immigrant
Somehow from all the photos of the thousands swarming into across the border, we have constructed the would-be illegal alien into a nobility of sorts. But well aside from the hypocrisy—we fired military personnel who chose not to be vaccinated, but welcomed in illegal aliens who have no proof of vaccination, or a negative Covid-19 test—what is noble about 1) deliberately breaking U.S. law to enter our country, 2) deliberately breaking U.S. law by residing in a country in which one has no legal authority to do so, 3) obtaining fraudulent IDs and documents to perpetuate 1) and 2)?
Moreover, what about the legal immigrant, the law-abiding individual who plays our fool by waiting years to enter our country lawfully, and is subject to all sort of intrusive audits and questioning? Is it such a noble thing to cut in front of the line and swarm the counter, while the law-abiding remains in line, assured that he will almost never be served?
So much of our media propaganda is perniciously false. We are told repeatedly aliens are starving and without food. But from photos of entrants, the chief medical worry is more likely obesity than starvation and too many cell phones rather than none at all. According to most surveys, Mexico has one of the highest obesity rates in the world. California hospitals discover that 3 out of 4 admittees are found upon admission, for any cause, to be pre-diabetic or actually suffering from diabetes. If one examines the explosion in Medicaid budgets in the border states or the inability to easily access public services, illegal immigration is often the unspoken culprit.
And is this surprising? In a post-modern society, when an entrant arrives 1) illegally, 2) without English fluency, 3) without a background check, 4) without a high-school diploma, 5) without valuable skill sets, 6) without capital, and 7) in non-diverse fashion—then what is he supposed to do for support other than crowd the entitlement offices and hope that the sympathetic staff (the greater the number of illegals the greater the budgets of these bureaucracies) of these various state and federal offices liberally dispense their largess?