In 1958, former FBI Special Agent W Cleon Skousen published The Naked Communist in which he listed the then current communist goals for infiltrating, transforming, and ultimately taking over America. A hero to some, fringe writer to others, Skousen had a perspective both fascinating and shocking to reexamine today in light of recent events including those concerning the Iranian nuclear “negotiation,” gay marriage, Obamacare, power grabs of both Presidents Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin, the advance of Islam, the support for illegal immigration, the ubiquitous charge of “racism,” the endless expansion of “civil rights,” and the dismantling of our Constitution.
Given Barack Obama’s success in executing the “fundamental transformation” of America, Skousen’s list gives profound insight into what might truly motivate the nation’s “smartest president ever.” While Obama cleverly attempts to sell his many efforts as just small steps here or there in simply “deliverin’ to the folks a little something extra” as we slowly progress toward “a more perfect union,” his whack-a-mole shotgun assault upon all aspects of American life more perfectly models a systematic and well-orchestrated march toward many of these very goals.