The swamp is deep and the IRS crocodiles are hungry By Jack Hellner

Maybe the IRS should spend their time administering the tax code instead of targeting people they don’t like and protecting criminals whose policies they like. 

These days, it is no different than when they targeted Tea Party members for the sole reason that they did not like President Obama’s big government and high-tax policies. 

Biden compared Tea Party members to domestic terrorists back then, just like he compares MAGA Republicans to domestic terrorists today.

It is Democrats who continually gin up racial hate and division while they pretend they want unity and most of the media cheers. 

Why should we hire 87,000 more IRS agents when the ones we have are more interested in protecting themselves instead of doing their job?

Look at this news here:

IRS Axes ‘Entire Investigative Team’ Probing Hunter Biden Taxes: Report

According to an exclusive report late Monday night from The New York Post, the IRS “removed the ‘entire investigative team’ from its long-running tax fraud probe of first son Hunter Biden in alleged retaliation against the whistleblower who alleged a coverup.”

Biden’s latest financial disclosures are out and he showed no gifts. What about the gifts when Hunter uses kickbacks to pay Daddy’s bills? I bet those gifts have never been shown on any gift tax return. I bet IRS agents don’t care.

What the WHO has in store for us By Vic Hughes

The brilliant and evil Saul Alinsky, in his seminal book Rules for Radicals, said in Rule 4, “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”  We are about to get a critical lesson in how the U.S. Constitution is going to be used to destroy America.  The World Health Organization (WHO) is about to do that by getting “emergency” medical powers to control U.S. “healthcare” and much more.  Sadly, that appears inevitable.

Here are some predictions about what’s coming.  Their goal will be to do as much irreversible damage as fast as possible to U.S. health care system.  This is for all the marbles.  To paraphrase H.L. Mencken, the elites have waited a long time to shaft the common folk (who are insolently rejecting their Frankenshots), and we are about “to get it good and hard.”

The agreement will pass in the next month and immediately become law.
Using the immediate implementation provisions of the agreement, a “potential” health emergency will quickly be declared.
The WHO will claim very broad powers over “U.S. Healthcare.”  They will either delegate their powers to the CDC, et al. or, more likely, create a new unrestricted “Liaison Agency” (“LiAgency” — Fauci?) to implement the WHO powers.
Near-term actions will include:
Mandatory digital health passports (probably first for travelers, then for everyone).
Mandatory vaccines for everyone (first to travel, then to get access to Healthcare, then to get access to anything).
Since Tedros (head of the WHO) has already declared medical “misinformation” a major health problem (“an epidemic”), a “MisInfo” Directive will provide the legal basis for the more than willing U.S. government (and media Mafia) agencies to massively censor any dissenting medical opinions. (Good luck, Substack.)
First, using Rule 13 — “pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it” — they will target the “worst” MisInfonistas (as enemies of the global state) and any new info they publish.
Next, they will broaden it to include all new “MisInfonistas” publications.
Then they will disappear all past historic MisInfo and eventually outlaw its use.

The Numbers Are In on How Biden-Era Funding Is Skewing Scientific Research Ever-Wokeward By Steve Miller

While pushing record spending for research and development, the Biden administration is working not just to advance science but also progressive ideology. In line with the administration’s “whole of government” commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, recent grants and requests for proposals from the National Science Foundation encompass research that: 

Examines how artificial intelligence may exhibit bias against “disadvantaged groups.”  

Looks at the negative experiences of minorities studying engineering and finds ways to create a culture that makes “diversity, equity, and inclusion a priority in the engineering enterprise.”  

Creates “equitable mathematics” by exploring how math instruction “may serve to marginalize students.”

Critics, including some scientists, claim such projects are outside the scope of the National Science Foundation, whose $10 billion annual budget is one of the government’s prime mechanisms for supporting basic research in the non-medical sciences. Through 11,000 awards each year to academic and corporate researchers, the NSF sets the agenda for inquiry in a wide variety of fields including computer science, environmental science, mathematics, engineering, and the social and psychological sciences. 

Durham Report Condemns the FBI’s Russia Probe — But Don’t Expect It to Make a Difference Jonathan Turley

“Raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated.” Those words from the Durham Report summed up one of the most damning investigations in the Justice Department’s history.

In the 305-page report released Monday, special counsel John Durham concluded that the Trump-Russia investigation was launched without a required minimal level of evidence and shattered a host of departmental standards. Let that sink in: The Justice Department — as well as the media that covered it — effectively shut down a duly elected presidency, based on what turned out to be a politically engineered hoax.

That would make anyone angry. Really angry. Trump-level angry.

The fact is, in this instance, Donald Trump was correct when he said he was the target of a political hitjob funded by the Clinton campaign and maintained by virtually every media outlet. There is a word for that: disinformation.

Democrats such as former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff of California have pushed for censorship by claiming that disinformation is a threat to democracy. Well, this is that threat — the real one. This actually left an administration mired in a faux scandal for years, with high-ranking officials paraded before grand juries and their guilt then proclaimed nightly on cable news shows.

The Left’s War on the Rule of Law There’s no greater threat to our form of government than attacks on the Supreme Court and the judiciary’s legitimacy. By Ed Meese and Kelly Shackelford

The left was able for decades to get through the courts, including the Supreme Court, what it couldn’t get through Congress. Today, however, liberals are trying to subvert the legitimacy of the Supreme Court because it contains a majority of justices committed to the Constitution and the rule of law. Suddenly, instead of repeatedly approving the left’s agenda, the federal judiciary has become one of its greatest impediments. Believing they can no longer win at the court, progressives now want to change the rules of the game. Rather than improving their legal arguments and strategy, they are attacking the referees.

The first contours of the plan emerged in March 2020. As the justices prepared to rule on a Louisiana abortion law, Sen. Chuck Schumer stood in front of the Supreme Court and declared that Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch had “released the whirlwind” and would “pay the price.” He warned that they wouldn’t “know what hit” them if they went forward with “these awful decisions.” The pattern of attack that emerged since then makes it clear that Mr. Schumer meant what he said. The judiciary, and the justices themselves, are in the left’s cross hairs—sometimes literally.

The first step of the left’s plan to transform the courts was to end the filibuster. Breaking this longstanding Senate procedural norm would eventually give the majority party power to overhaul the membership, structure and jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. Next came a push for court-packing, both via legislation and President Biden’s presidential commission on court reform. Although these efforts weren’t successful, Democrats haven’t given up. They still want to end the filibuster and pack the court and are merely waiting for the right political moment.

A slew of attacks on judicial norms constituted the next step in the left’s plan to transform the courts. Liberal activists called for term limits for Supreme Court justices. They pressured Justice Stephen Breyer to retire during President Biden’s term. They protested outside the justices’ homes after the Dobbs decision leaked, and a potential assassin even targeted Justice Kavanaugh.

Why the Durham Report Matters to Democracy It is a damning account of the corruption of the FBI and its accomplices.

Two special counsels, several inspector general reports and six years later, the country finally has a more complete account of the FBI’s Russia collusion probe of the 2016 Donald Trump campaign. Special counsel John Durham’s final report makes clear that a partisan FBI became a funnel for disinformation from the Hillary Clinton campaign through a secret investigation the bureau never should have launched.

The 306-page Durham report released Monday afternoon is far more comprehensive than anything issued by original special counsel Robert Mueller. Mr. Durham had already unfurled some of the narrative with his prosecutions of Russian national Igor Danchenko and Democratic lawyer Michael Sussmann. He lost those cases, though the indictments laid out how the Clinton campaign used foreign nationals, an oppo-research outfit, and political insiders to feed the FBI and the media lies about Trump collusion.

The Durham report gives a fuller picture of the FBI’s complicity under former director James Comey and deputy Andrew McCabe. It scores an FBI that “failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law.” Here are some of the specific findings:

• No basis for investigation. The FBI lacked “any actual evidence of collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia when it violated its standards and jumped over several steps to initiate a full investigation, including probes into four members of the Trump campaign.

In A Healthy ‘Democracy,’ John Brennan Would Already Be In Prison By: David Harsanyi

The former CIA director should have been driven into exile years ago.

The just-released Durham report confirmed that the FBI not only failed to corroborate the Steele dossier, Hillary Clinton’s oppo-doc against Donald Trump, but it regularly ignored existing, sometimes dispositive, evidence to keep the investigation alive. Some officials were credulous. Others were devious. But no one “stole” our democracy — other than perhaps intelligence officials and the journalists who helped feed the collective hysteria over Russia.

John Brennan, Hamas-loving authoritarian and partisan propagandist, almost surely knew it was a con from the start. Yet he spent four years on television sounding like a deranged subreddit commenter. Even after privately admitting he knew there was no collusion, Brennan kept lying and using his credentials to mislead the public.

From Durham’s report:

CIA Director John Brennan and Deputy Director David Cohen were interviewed by the Office and were asked about their knowledge of any actual evidence of members of the Trump campaign conspiring or colluding with Russian officials. When Brennan was provided with an overview of the origins of the Attorney General’s Review after Special Counsel Mueller finding a lack of evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian authorities, Brennan offered that “they found no conspiracy.”

‘Breathtakingly Corrupt’ FBI EXPOSED in Durham Trump-Russia Report By Victoria Taft

Special Counsel John Durham called the FBI’s acts in the Crossfire Hurricane (Trump-Russia) probe “sobering” and said the actions displayed a “lack of fidelity.” But Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) said the probe exposed a “breathtakingly corrupt” FBI that is “subversive of the Constitution.”

Somebody might want to take Christopher Wray’s airplane away, halt those billions for a new FBI building, and get the FBI Director a new pair of underpants after this report.

In a series of tweets, Lee, a Constitutional scholar, said the Durham report laid bare the series of political decisions to get Trump instead of following its own rules.

Lee said that “the gravity of the misconduct uncovered by Mr. Durham cannot be overstated.”

“The LEAST one can say of it is that it involved a malicious use of federal law-enforcement officers to conduct a contrived investigation utterly lacking any valid, factual foundation from the very beginning. That is itself incredibly troubling—and also unconstitutional,” he wrote. But he said that the Durham Report indicated that the FBI corruption “was SO MUCH WORSE than that.” He stated that the ramifications of the Report showed “a powerful, long-respected, federal law-enforcement agency” using its power “to render a presidential candidate unelectable—entirely in the absence of any valid, good-faith basis for doing so.” [emphasis added]

Even Amid Trump’s Legal Troubles, His Lead Widens: I&I/TIPP Terry Jones

Former President Donald Trump has been much in the media in recent weeks, but not all or even most of the coverage has been favorable. Even so, he has stretched his lead against a field of potential Republican challengers significantly over the past month. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden’s lead against the Democratic field remains essentially the same, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.

In the online poll, taken from May 3-5, we asked 703 Democrats and those leaning Democrat, and 469 Republicans and those leaning Republican who their preferred candidate would be. The margin of error for the Democratic sample was +/- 4.0 percentage points, and the Republican sample was +/- 5.0 percentage points.

The ever-controversial former president’s lead hasn’t disappeared or even diminished in recent weeks, despite being charged with numerous crimes.

In the most recent poll reading, Trump stands at 55% support, up from 47% in April and 51% in March. His nearest challenger, Ron DeSantis, claims 17% of the GOP’s voters, down from 23% in April and 21% in March.

Do the math: Trump has extended his lead over the popular Florida governor to 38 percentage points, versus 24 percentage points last month and 28 percentage points in March.


For the last few years, the stench of wokeness has enshrouded our nation – in schools, corporations, politics, and cultural institutions. It arrived under the names “Political Correctness” and “Diversity;” as it came in on T.S. Eliot’s “little cat feet,” unobtrusively, but seductively and relentlessly, backed by the arrogance of the self-righteous. While many of its proponents want a world where racism does not exist, where sexuality is a choice, and where a sustainable climate allows mankind to flourish, the world they have created has the absurdity of Gulliver’s travels to the kingdom of Balnibarbi and the island of Laputa.

It is the folly of wokeness that augurs its demise: that slavery defined our nation’s founding, and that racism infects all white people, at least those who do not hew to a progressive line; that biology does not define a man and a woman, and that gender is a choice; and that unless we all give up gas stoves and drive electric vehicles the world will become uninhabitable.

At the same time, we face real problems: failing public schools; a shrinking military; a permeable southern border; federal debt that, as a percent of GDP, is higher than at any point since World War II; persistent inflation; an aging population that will require more entitlement spending; a decline in global influence; a general sense of pessimism expressed in declining birth rates; and a President who, as Bruce Thornton recently wrote, “makes Chance, the Gardner look like Abraham Lincoln.”

Students score poorly on international tests in math, science and reading, and they fail questions regarding history and civics. We have been divided into tribes, into oppressors and the oppressed. Those who are seen as victims (and their heirs) are condemned to victimization for all eternity. California has considered reparations to descendants of slaves, including those five to seven generations removed.  Ignored is the instinct for people to better themselves. Neglected is the Biblical admonition from Ezekiel 18:20: “The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father the guilt of the son.”