The Impending Thermidor Reaction in Jacobin America At peak woke, our reign of terror is beginning to lose momentum because its continuation would destroy all the work of 247 years of American progress and sacrifice. By Victor Davis Hanson

The decade-long French Revolution that broke out in 1789 soon devolved into far more than removing the monarchy, as it became antithetical to the earlier American precedent. American notions of liberty and freedom were seen as far too narrow, given the state, if only all-powerful and all-wise, could mandate “equality” and force “fraternity” among its subjects.

Each cycle of French revolutionary fervor soon became more radicalized and cannibalistic—until it reached its logical ends of violent absurdity.

Originally, the idea of curbing the power of a Bourbon king through a parliamentary republic became lethally counter-revolutionary.

Soon even attacks on the Catholic Church and the abolition of the monarchy entirely were deemed insufficient. The king himself and his consorts had to be beheaded. Monasteries and churches were to be ransacked, and priests exiled or lynched.

The sometimes moderate Girondins, who favored constitutional government, were mostly executed by their former friends among the Montagnards. In turn, the latter were soon deemed too conservative for the emerging crazy Jacobins. So they, too, had to be decapitated. The ensuing year-long reign of terror guillotined thousands of innocents, deemed guilty of being guilty of something.

By 1793, the revolution had turned nihilist and suicidal. The foundational date of France was recalibrated (not as 1619 but) as 1789—or “year one.”

Jacobins sought to wipe out religion, both materially and spiritually. They replaced God, first, with the atheistic “Cult of Reason” and then a stranger still “Cult of the Supreme Being”—a dreamed-up, living, humanistic god that only the murderous Robespierre could fully envision, but eerily similar to our own Green New Deal deity.

The months of the year themselves were renamed, the days of the week renumbered and relabeled. Statues were toppled, first at night, later in shameless daylight. Place names were erased and renamed. The original revolutionary heroes were not to be mentioned; their uncouth successors deified. Money was printed to “spread the wealth”—until it was worthless.

Murderous cancel culture ran unchecked. Yesterday’s French revolutionary became today’s counterrevolutionary—and tomorrow’s decapitated.

Almost everyone who originally had opposed the absolute monarchy, and, like the Americans, wished for a constitutional replacement, was eventually executed by revolutionaries who were then executed by more radical revolutionaries. The longer and more radical the revolution ran, the meaner, dumber, and more deadly the revolutionaries who emerged from the woodwork.

Moochers and Looters Why don’t people in Latin America learn from the mistakes of the past? by John Stossel

There’s a socialist wave in Latin America. Mexico, Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil recently elected leftists.

These politicians at least distance themselves from thugs like Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro, but all propose socialism-lite policies giving government more control over more people.

Why don’t people in Latin America learn from the mistakes of the past? Gloria Alvarez, a social media star from Guatemala, is running for president of her country to try to educate people about the damage socialism does.

People do need educating.

“It’s like Stockholm syndrome,” says Alvarez in my new video. “When you ask people, ‘Who should take care of health, education, football, arts, whatever?’ They always answer, ‘government.’ How are you going to not have corruption if you leave everything in the hands of the government?”

Alvarez’s campaign is based on social media. Her TikTok announcing her campaign garnered 1.5 million views.

ABC Poll: Trump Up 6 Points on Biden; DeSantis Up 5

President Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign is going to have to overcome some difficult numbers, including a record-low approval rating (36%), a majority doubting his mental acuity (63%), and strength by his GOP challengers, according to the latest ABC News/The Washington Post poll.

Biden had led former President Donald Trump throughout ABC News/Washington Post polling before the 2020 election, but Trump is up 6 points (44%-38%) on whom voting-age adults would “definitely” or “probably” vote for in 2024.

Most alarmingly for Biden’s reelection hopes, a large majority (63%) say Biden, 80, lacks the mental sharpness to serve effectively as president, which is up from 43% in 2020 and 54% a year ago in the poll. Also, 62% say Biden is not fit physically to be an effective president.

Biden Unleashes The Regulatory Kraken — And There’s No Land In Sight

In the span of a few weeks, the Biden administration has proposed regulations that would effectively ban gas stoves, force a massive shift to electric cars, sharply raise the cost of dishwashers, increase loan costs for frugal borrowers, regulate puddles as “navigable waters,” and limit hunting and fishing across the country. It will soon release a proposed rule targeting power plants with hugely expensive carbon capture mandates.

This is just the tip of the spear.

As the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Clyde Wayne Crews put it recently, “President Biden is leading an unprecedented expansion of the administrative state. In two years, his administration has imposed 517 regulatory actions with some $318 billion in total costs.”

The newest attack on freedom, Biden’s dishwasher regulation, would require new machines to use 27% less power and 34% less water, making already barely functioning dishwashers virtually useless. (It takes nearly three hours for dishwashers today to “clean” dishes. President Donald Trump tried to loosen these anti-consumer mandates.)

Another rule would eliminate 98% of all top-loading washing machines on the market today. There are new efficiency mandates in the works for everything from microwaves to toothbrush chargers.

“The effort is forcing manufacturers to produce more costly products they say reverse innovation by decades and potentially eliminate thousands of U.S. jobs,” the Washington Times reports.

The Securities Exchange Commission, meanwhile, wants publicly traded companies to disclose the “climate risks” of their operations. The rule “could shift $18.4 billion to consulting firms, lawyers, and data providers,” according to an analysis by Bloomberg Intelligence.

In a World Gone Mad, the Jordan Neelys Rule By Rick Moran


Jordan Neely was a mentally ill homeless man who had terrorized the citizens of New York — especially subway passengers — for many years. He had been arrested at least 40 times for crimes ranging from assault to disorderly conduct and fare evasion. And on the day of his death, several eyewitnesses report that Neely had made repeated threats to the well-being of passengers, “stating his willingness to ‘hurt anyone’ and saying that he was unbothered by the prospect of returning to jail or being killed,” according to NRO.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says Jordan Neely was “murdered” because he “was houseless and crying for food in a time when the city is raising rents and stripping services to militarize itself.”

So passengers and bystanders are just supposed to allow Mr. Neely to terrorize and assault them with no thought of defending themselves?

You picked the wrong hobby horse to ride, AOC.AOC isn’t the only one demanding “justice” for Neely. Protests erupted in New York with demonstrators shouting, “No justice, no peace!” Protesters are also heard yelling in the video, “Abolish the police.”

Without a doubt, the most outrageous response by a politician goes to Governor Kathy Hochul, who says Daniel Penny, the Marine who initiated the chokehold on Neely — and may have saved someone’s life — killed Neely “just for being a passenger” on a train.

The Jordan Neely Rorschach test Is this a black man, destroyed and choked by oppression, or the inevitable result of societal decay? By Dan Buck

Most of those who follow the news have already seen the distressing video. A black man, Jordan Neely, walked onto a New York subway train screaming obscenities and ranting about his own destitution. Another passenger, a former Marine called Daniel Penny, came up behind him, took him to the ground and placed him into a chokehold. Neely lost consciousness and died.

A Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist could not create a better scenario that perfectly exemplifies everyone’s societal meta-narratives, a Rorschach test onto which we can map our assumptions and biases. It resembles a “what do you see? Two women or a wine glass?” kind of picture. Is this a black man, destroyed and choked by oppression, or the inevitable result of societal decay?

Pundits and politicians are already arguing, convinced that this event affirms their priors. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted that Neely “was houseless and crying for food in a time when the city is raising rents and stripping services to militarize itself while many in power demonize the poor.” His aggressive outburst on the train was a cry for help and society responded with murder.

Conversely, Inez Stepman, a senior policy analyst at the Independent Women’s Forum, has pointed out that the Neely had forty-four prior arrests and an active warrant. A just society does not ask commuters to abide threatening scenarios on their daily commute. When DAs refuse to prosecute low-level crime and cities leave the mentally ill on the streets, disorder swells and vigilantism is inevitable.

Ohio May Start a Free Speech School Ohio State could soon have a redoubt for free academic inquiry.

Free speech on campus has been making a modest comeback of late, as more schools look for ways to reintroduce classical liberal principles of civic debate and expression. The latest step forward is in Ohio, where the Legislature is planning a new school for free expression and academic inquiry in Columbus.

Lawmakers on Wednesday introduced a bill to create the Salmon P. Chase center for civics, culture and society at Ohio State University. Named for the former Ohio Governor who was also a Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, the school would be an independent academic unit on campus that would focus on the “historical ideas, traditions and texts that have shaped the American Constitutional order and society.”

The school is intended to encourage greater academic diversity. It will “create a community dedicated to an ethic of civil and free inquiry, which respects the intellectual freedom of each member,” according to the legislation. Classes will include lessons on the “books and major debates which form the intellectual foundation of free societies.” A school with a similar writ will be created at the University of Toledo College of Law.

Ohio State’s plan, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Robert McColley and Sen. Jerry Cirino, follows a similar effort at the University of North Carolina, where the trustees this year announced a new School of Civic Life and Leadership. That plan enraged many in the school’s left-leaning faculty who are trying to block the project.

Biden Says ‘My Son Has Done Nothing Wrong’ The President sends an inappropriate signal to the Justice Department.

“Mr. Biden’s claims about his son’s innocence complicate the job of federal prosecutors. Such a high-profile probe is always fraught with political implications, and many Americans will assume political influence if there is no indictment. But Mr. Biden shouldn’t feed those suspicions with his public statements.”

President Biden says he doesn’t interfere with the Justice Department’s prosecutorial decisions, but influence can take many forms. One is to send a public signal in an interview that Attorney General Merrick Garland will hear.

That’s what Mr. Biden did Friday when asked in a rare interview about the probe into his son Hunter’s misadventures. “My son has done nothing wrong,” the President said on MSNBC. “I trust him. I have faith in him, and it impacts my Presidency by making me feel proud of him.”

That’s a highly inappropriate message from a President. He’s essentially telling prosecutors that they are wrong to bring an indictment because Hunter is innocent of any criminal behavior. Some might think it’s only natural for a father to defend the son he loves, but the Justice Department is part of the executive branch that he runs. Mr. Garland and his prosecutors work for the President.

Trump or Biden? A dreadful choice If Biden’s campaign is built around voters hating Trump, Trump’s is built around seeking revenge. Charles Lipson

“What a revoltin’ development this is.” That catch phrase from the 1950s sitcom The Life of Riley succinctly describes America’s political morass today. It sums up Washington’s diddling over the debt ceiling, the administration’s inability to close the southern border and, most of all, the dismal quality of the two presidential frontrunners.

The phrase, “what a revoltin’ development,” was Chester A. Riley’s description of his woeful situation at the end of each episode — sitting on his front steps, bemoaning his fate over the consequences of some bad decision or ill-conceived scheme. Then, we sympathized as viewers. Now, we identify as American citizens, looking at the country’s leadership.

Let’s begin with the sitting president. Joe Biden’s physical and cognitive deficiencies are painfully obvious. The only ones silent about them are the legacy media, imitating the fairytale crowd who pretended to see nothing as the naked emperor walked down the street. Biden’s shortcomings are just as obvious — and just as unspoken. White House correspondents surely know them but won’t say the silent part out loud. Such is journalism today. Partisan commitments outrank honest reporting.

If the media says little, Joe himself says even less. His only public events are carefully scripted. The reason is evident as soon as he veers off script. Last week, for instance, a child asked him about the last country he visited. Joe couldn’t remember. Another child correctly answered, “Ireland.” This was the president’s much-touted trip to his ancestral homeland.

Joe was never the sharpest pencil in the drawer, but that’s not the issue today. The issue now is about the cumulating effects of age on his cognitive capacity. Those problems were already evident in 2020 and helped shape his campaign strategy. They will do so again this time.

Biden’s successful 2020 campaign was based on a shrewd decision. Stay in the basement, shut up, and make the election all about Donald Trump.


I was re-reading an early article from May 26, 2003, titled “The Divine Zionist Roadmap” written by Rabbi Eliezer Waldman. It dealt with the liberation of Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel, in that miraculous Israeli victory of June 1967 over Arab genocidal aggression.

It also dealt with the liberation of the ancient sites of the Jewish towns and villages that had for too long been occupied by the Jordanian Arab regime.

The Jordanian Arab Legion, officered by British mercenaries, had illegally annexed the biblical heartland of Israel known as Judea and Samaria in 1948 and had renamed it the West Bank; a name the world since then has gleefully and shamefully embraced. Incidentally, only Britain and Pakistan ever recognized that Arab land grab.

Rabbi Waldman, in writing of the Israeli victory over the Arabs, stated, “…We were then blessed by divine miracles that not only helped us overcome our enemies but united us again with the heartland of Israel. Thousands of people filled with the enthusiasm of Jewish faith, returned to our liberated towns in the hills of Judea and Samaria, so that the song of redemption could be heard again in these hills after 2,000 years of desolation.

“Thus, we established the significant reality of 250,000 Jews living a normal Jewish life of faith and joy in Yesha today. More than all the distorted plans and roadmaps drawn up by foreigners, we are sure that this reality will determine the future life of Israel and its redemption process.”