As a little girl, I was always reminded by my mother that gum chewing was in poor taste. She would recite this little ditty and it has stuck with me ever since. It seems so apropos when watching the spectacle of our President-of-Poor-Manners as he gallivants the globe and chews gum at formal events.
The gum-chewing girl and the cud-chewing cow.
What is the difference
I will allow.
The intelligent look on the face of the cow.
Obama should make every American with a modicum of decency feel ashamed and sickened as he continues his coarse and boorish behavior. We used to be known as the Ugly American, a term used to refer to perceptions of arrogant behavior by Americans abroad, but Barack Hussein Obama truly epitomizes such genuine arrogance.
In 2006 Jayne Clark wrote the following for USA Today/Travel/Destinations
. . . research aimed at discovering the roots of anti-American sentiments around the world points, in part, to the American personality. People overseas don’t just dislike our foreign policy; they dislike us. And that’s unsettling to U.S. businesses with interests abroad, as well as to the U.S. tourism industry vying for a share of incoming foreign travelers.
Historically, people would separate the American government and the American people. But that distinction is being blurred. Typically, [Americans] were admired for our way of life. It was a lifestyle that many aspired to, and that’s not the case any more.