Judi McLeod is the Editor of Canada Free Press
Ferguson, Missouri throws a new window wide open to the world. Hijacked by globe-trotting gangs of anarchists, socialists, communists and Islamists, Ferguson, MO proves in digitalized real time that anarchists, socialists, communists and Islamists not only share the same bed, but are the real racists.
The protesters burning down homes and businesses and rioting and looting today in Ferguson are in fact exploiting the death of Michael Brown by making it second to Palestine. The signage and banners hoisted high by masked millennials do not bear the name of the media-dubbed “gentle giant” killed by now resigned police officer Darren Wilson. They read: ‘Occupation is a Crime Ferguson to Palestine’; ‘Resist US Racism’. ‘Boycott Israel’.
It is not the death of Michael Brown that enrages the protesters but the ‘Occupation’ of Palestine. The irony is that Israel does not occupy Gaza. Hamas occupies Gaza.
How does Boycotting Israel bring Michael Brown back to his grieving mother?
How does the torching of stores and homes by arson boycott Israel?
What’s happening in Ferguson is proof positive that the anarchists, socialists, communists and Islamists were only waiting for the right moment—and the most convenient powder keg—to stage worldwide mass outrage.
Authorities should expose the hijackers for what they are, kick them out of town and send them back to the hide-y-holes from which they crawled.
Al Sharpton and the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) millennials organized by the Canadian-headquartered AdBusters magazine, are the commie-Islamo-Nazis’ most reliable useful idiots.
But even as the acrid smoke hangs over Ferguson on Thanksgiving weekend, the highjackers, who opened the door to anarchy, have also opened a window for the world masses who now clearly see how the Communists and radical Islamists operate in full sync.
The mainstream media and the Internet’s social networks are hyping it up in a way they never hyped ISIS.