Beverly Perlson of Band of Mothers has sent the following letter to the Secretary of Defense about the horrendous miscarriage of justice that has imprisoned Sgt. Derrick Miller for “pre-meditated murder” for defending himself and his men in Afghanistan.
This is another shameful, shameful case where it becomes clear that the US government would have preferred mourning US casualties to supporting still-living troops who have survived the deadly pitfalls of COIN.
October 31, 2014
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel
Dear Secretary Hagel:
Sgt. Derrick Miller is an American son currently serving a life sentence in Ft Leavenworth, convicted of premeditated murder for his defensive actions on the battlefield in Afghanistan on September, 26, 2010. I write to you as the very proud daughter of a father who served in the Navy in WWII, a very proud sister of a brother who served in the Marine Corps in Vietnam, and the very proud mother of a son who served 4 deployments in the 82nd Airborne in this war. With every inch of my being, I love our military and I understand and appreciate the tremendous personal risk our noble Sons and Daughters take who willingly serve to protect this country they must love so dearly. The great benefits of freedom and safety all Americans enjoy, delivered up to them by these brave Americans can never, in my opinion, ever be overstated. I know I will never truly comprehend the horrors and the enormous stress that the men of my family and their brothers have witnessed in war. I struggle with that as I do believe it is the responsibility of every American to appreciate to their deepest depth what these brave defenders of our freedom endure. However, and in spite of my great loyalty to these most noble and courageous Warriors among us, I do believe I am quite capable of questioning intelligently, the unjust and coercive circumstances leading to the imprisonment of some of our Sons in Leavenworth. I am a mother and never have been one for turning Brothers against Brothers and I am certainly not one who supports sacrificing and punishing our American Sons to appease the very brutal and sneaky enemy we are fighting.
My purpose in writing this letter to you is to ask for your review of the troubling “charge” of premeditated murder in Sgt. Derrick Miller’s case, and furthermore, the troubling witness testimony that led to the egregious life sentence of Sgt. Miller. My original intent was to ask for your consideration of a reduction in the sentence of Sgt. Derrick Miller. I believe the charge of premeditated murder is absurd, given the proper protocol this Soldier followed and the coerciveness involved in the witness testimony of his conviction. In my opinion, this conviction, considering all the facts of the case, present a horrifying predicament for all our Soldiers serving in war.
However, as you are presently reviewing the records for transfer of 79 Gitmo detainees out of Gitmo, I respectfully ask for your same review of Sgt Miller’s record, and for that matter, a review of all our Sons serving in Leavenworth in relation to their actions on the battlefield of this war.