State Dept Press Corps Shapes US Response to Netanyahu’s UN Speech By Lori Lowenthal Marcus

In question after question during the state department press briefing, members of the press mischaracterized and ridiculed Netanyahu’s UN Speech. Any ground given by the spokesperson became the headlines.

The State Department press corps continues to spin madly against any statements or positions taken by the Israeli government, as made clear in the daily press briefing comments following Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Monday, Sept. 29.

Those who paid close attention to Netanyahu’s speech will recall that he made one overarching point. That the Islamic terrorist groups now arrayed around the world, but centered largely in the Middle East, share a common ideology that is a danger to everyone who does not share that ideology. And that ideology is global Muslim domination.

Netanyahu labeled them all “Militant Islam.” In this group he named, in addition to ISIS, Hamas and the Islamic State of Iran, “Boko Haram in Nigeria, Al-Shabab in Somalia, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Al Nusra in Syria, the Mahdi Army in Iraq, the Al Qaeda branches in Yemen, Libya, the Philippines, India and elsewhere.”

To support the position that all share the same goal of global Militant Islamic domination, he quoted the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi; the leader of Hamas, Khaled Mashaal; and the founding and current rulers of the Islamic State of Iran. All three state clearly as their doctrine that their ultimate goal is for Islam to be the supreme faith of the entire world, and for that goal to be realized through force.

Baghdadi: “A day will come when the Muslim will walk everywhere as a master, the Muslims will cause the world to hear and understand the meaning of terrorism and destroy the idol of democracy.”

Mashaal: “We say this to the world: by Allah you will be defeated. Tomorrow our nation will sit on the throne of the world.”

Khomeini: “We will export our revolution to the entire world until the cry of ‘There is no god but Allah’ will be heard throughout the world.’

And this, from the current commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards: “Our Imam did not want the Islamic Revolution for this country. Our duty is to prepare the way for an Islamic world government.” And this, from Iran’s current foreign minister: “We have a fundamental problem with the West, and especially with America. This is because we are heirs to a global mission which is tied to our raison d’être.

Turkey? Antisemitic? Who, Me? by Burak Bekdil

“Why are you running away, you sperm of Israel?” — President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to a Muslim protestor.

“Being a sperm of Israel in Turkey means… to get used to living on hate speech, insults and curses every day; held accountable for every act of the Israeli government although you may never even have stepped foot in Israel; treated as a ‘foreigner’ in the country where you were born, served in the military and you pay taxes.” — Vedat Haymi Behar, digital marketing solutions coordinator, in Radikal.

Last May an explosion at a mine in western Turkey killed 301 miners. Ankara declared national mourning. But President (then-Prime Minister) Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s response to the town’s grief was unusual for a head of a government.

After protestors scolded him, he, with his bodyguards, went into a supermarket and, as video footage revealed, Erdogan grabbed one protestor, a Muslim, by the nape of the neck and yelled: “Why are you running away, you sperm of Israel!” After the incident the man also told the press that he was slapped by Erdogan; then, thinking better of it, the man testified that he had been beaten by Erdogan’s bodyguards, not by the prime minister; and he finally apologized to Erdogan for “forcing the prime minister to insult him.”

The man had been one of the protesters demanding an explanation for the negligence that caused the tragedy. Three months before the accidental explosion occurred, members of the opposition in parliament had claimed that there could be an accident due to bad safety procedures at the mine. Members of the government benches had claimed everything was fine.

A few days ago Erdogan was in the US, and, as Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum put it most realistically, the only content specifically designed for a New York audience was a protracted “I’m not an anti-Semite” defense: “I am very sad to see that my country, myself, and my colleagues, sometimes, are labeled as being antisemitic.” Pipes wrote: “As he [Erdogan] spoke about being labeled an anti-Semite… I was glad to be in New York and not Istanbul.”

Will the real Erdogan please stand up: From “Why are you running away, you sperm of Israel!” to… “I am very sad to see that my country, myself, and my colleagues, sometimes, are labeled as being antisemitic.”
What would an American expatriate think, for instance, if a terrorist organization kidnaps three American teenagers, brutally murders them, then a senior member of the same terrorist organization publicly confesses to the crime, but the local authorities do not even raise a finger to indict the man? This is exactly what happened in Turkey, except that the victims were not American, but Israeli.

Anjem Choudary, in His Own Words by Soeren Kern

“In the Quran it is not allowed for you to feel sorry for non-Muslims. I don’t feel sorry for him.” — Anjem Choudary.

“Eventually the whole world will be governed by Shari’ah & Muslims will have authority over China Russia USA etc This is the promise of Allah.” — Anjem Choudary.

“Under the Koran the sale of alcohol is prohibited and if one were to also drink alcohol, that would be 40 lashes.” — Anjem Choudary.

“We [Muslims] take the Jizya, which is ours anyway. The normal situation is to take money from the kuffar [non-Muslim]. They give us the money. You work, give us the money, Allahu Akhbar. We take the money.” — Anjem Choudary.

The British Islamist firebrand Anjem Choudary has been released from police custody after he was arrested for allegedly being a member of a banned terrorist group.

Choudary and nine other radical Muslims were detained during dawn raids in London on September 25 as part of an ongoing Metropolitan Police investigation into Islamist-related terrorism.

Choudary—one of the most high-profile jihadists in the United Kingdom, and well known for his relentless resolve to implement Islamic Sharia law there—is a former spokesman of the Muslim extremist group, al-Muhajiroun (Arabic: The Emigrants).

Al-Muhajiroun—which repeatedly celebrated the terrorist attacks on the United States in September 2001—was banned under the UK Terrorism Act 2000, in January 2010.


Subject: BBC presenter mimics Israeli spokesperson (& Mossad reaches out to new candidates)

I attach items on a variety of issues. This dispatch can also be read here:

There is also another dispatch today, titled:

Israel delivers aid to Iraqi refugees (& Lady Gaga: Media is wrong on Israel)



1. Israeli-released Turkish “aid worker” killed by U.S.-led airstrike in Syria
2. The sound of silence
3. BBC news anchor suddenly sounds like Israeli government spokesperson
4. Unlike most Western media, Reuters has reported on civilian deaths
5. American voters favor more action against ISIS
6. British jets using Israeli technology intelligence
7. A tale of two acronyms
8. Campaign by Western Muslims against extremism grows
9. India continues to draw closer to Israel: leaders hold unprecedented meeting
10. Mossad reaches out to new candidates


Maybe President Obama is beginning to understand the Islamist threat against America. Maybe. If he does, we’ll owe a debt to the Americans who lost their heads to the barbarians. He still doesn’t understand what he has to do about it.

He talks about “degrading” the barbarians, when the word he should be using is “destroying.” He must make it clear that he takes no prisoners and is not interested in “bringing the enemy to the bargaining table.” It’s too late to “win their hearts and minds.” He must make them dead, and for good measure promise to bury them with pig entrails, as John J. Pershing dealt with Muslim extremists with dispatch and efficiency in the Philippines just before the outbreak of World War I. He threw the fear of Allah into them, and maybe Mr. Obama could, too.

Mr. Obama can’t come to terms with who the enemy is and how it must be dealt with. He talked brave talk in an interview with Steve Kroft of the CBS program “60 Minutes,” but the president, who was deprived of an American childhood, never heard the proper answer to the boast by the schoolyard bully: “Yeah, you and who else?”

He sends his warplanes on missions to “degrade” the positions of the Islamic State, or ISIS or ISIL as it’s usually called, and takes pains to limit damage. They’re still hitting pickup trucks and now the occasional wheelbarrow. (The president is still learning about machinery.)

But he isn’t conducting a buildup of planes and forces, one that would persuade the foe that the United States means sustained business, relying instead, as Rowan Scarborough reports in The Washington Times, on whatever planes are already on hand in the region. The president apparently has a strategy, developed since his earlier admission that he didn’t have one, of waiting on Iraqi troops to get their act together and go to war. If the past is a guide, this will be the mother of all waits.

The Battle Over Islam on the Streets of L.A. — on The Glazov Gang

The Battle Over Islam on the Streets of L.A. — on The Glazov Gang

Louis Lionheart shares his experience of engaging Muslims about their religion on 3rd St. Promenade.


The other day a young college student responded to the question: “What is Ebola?” His answer: ” I think it is the capital of Nigeria.”

Dumb? Not really….just ignorant but really does no harm. On the other hand, the abject ignorance of those who routinely opine about the Arab/Israel wars, wringing their hands about “occupation” and usurpation of Arab lands in Palestine, is far more harmful. It libels and endangers the Jewish nation.

Here is the antidote that I highly recommend:

A new video has gone up.

“The British Mandate: Part 1” is now available. You can see it directly via the following link:

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“The British Mandate: Part 1” traces the start of British civilian rule in Palestine with the arrival of Sir Herbert Samuel. Jews are at first thrilled that a co-religionist is picked as Britain’s first high commissioner. But their joy turns to disappointment as Samuel appeases the Arabs.

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David Isaac
Executive Director


The Obama Middle East foreign policy lens is focused on one issue at the moment: the defeat of ISIS. In pursuing this goal, the Obama team is seeking allies including former enemies such as Iran, notwithstanding claims to the contrary. While the U.S. now sees Iran as a potential stabilizing force in Iraq and Syria, Tehran is chafing at what it considers the tough negotiating stance of the U.S. on its nuclear program.

No one at the moment – on either side of the negotiating table – has specifically referred to linkage, but the firm position of Ayatobllah Ali Khameni is a sign Iran believes it has new found leverage over Washington. A White House spokesman contends, “The United States will not be in a position of trading aspects of Iran’s nuclear program to secure commitments to take on ISIS.”

On the sidelines are allies of the U.S. apprehensive about the American position. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, the UAE have vowed to assist the U.S. in the effort to destroy ISIS, but they are reluctant to use Iran as the instrument for doing so. The fear is that a stronger Iran, one with nuclear weapons, becomes an imperial threat to the region. As Secretary of State John Kerry underscores the importance of Iran’s role in the war against the Islamic state, Sunni leaders shudder.

Establishing a balance between a harnessed Iran nuclear program and an Iranian army deployed as a regional balance wheel is a proposition emerging from the evolution of recent events. Already Iranian officials are calling the U.S. negotiating position “unreasonable.” Iran’s foreign minister, Jawad Zarif, said, “what do they, [the U.S.], want?” “Iran has been… the first that came to the aid of the Iraqis in dealing with that problem.”

What the Iranians cleverly avoid is the sectarian divide in the Middle East. With Iraq, Syria and Iran united as a powerful bloc of Shia dominated governments, it poses a threat to their Sunni counterparts. In fact, the Sunni states accuse Bagdad of fueling the rise of ISIS by marginalizing Iraq’s minority Sunni population, a stance adopted by the former Maliki government.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu maintained that the nations of the world should not ignore the threat of Iranian nuclear weapons even if some officials “are saying that world powers should go easy on Iran’s nuclear program so it will fight ISIS.” This Netanyahu stance is consistent with the position of most European leaders.


The signs were all there, glaring, waiting to be seen. The predisposition to violence, time spent in prison, emotionally unstable, website postings. Alton Nolen was not an aberration. He was if anything a ticking time bomb with a short fuse. His firing from Vaughn Foods was simply the catalyst that tripped the trigger in his mind to move from jihadi thoughts to violent action.

One small switch, one perceived slight and he was gone. Doing what he had heard and seen of others, specifically ISIS members beheading innocent victims in the Middle East. The call to him was clear, at least in his twisted mind. Several radical Islamist groups had recently urged American “lone wolfs” to act in the name of Allah and attack innocents where ever they could.

Could this action have been stopped before it started? Should authorities have known beforehand what an individual like this could do? Is there a profile or tell-tale signs that authorities should have picked up on? The answer is yes.

Over ten years ago a US Intelligence agency report on the profile of potential terrorist (violent extremists) was issued that stated in part;

“Based on a variety of reporting – including a preliminary analysis of a small sample of US converts to Islam who become associated with extremist violence…we assess… Some individuals, particularly those who convert in prison, may be attracted directly to jihadi violence at the outset of their conversion for opportunistic rather than ideological reasons. For this group, jihad represents a convenient outlet for aggressive behavior.”

The report goes on to say:

“In an apparent play on this psychological vulnerability…extremist groups are actively recruiting prisoners…”


One must really hand it to President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron for their anti-ISIS speeches at the U.N. on Wednesday: They managed to condemn ISIS, or the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq, without much uttering the words “Islam” and “Muslim.”

Not once did Cameron in his UN speech mention “Islam,” but rather “Islamist extremism,” surely a redundancy in terms. He did, however, utter “Muslims” or “Muslim” five times. The rest of his speech stressed that other Muslims were also being killed by the “extremists” and, echoing George W. Bush from nearly a decade and a half ago, indicated that ISIS had “hijacked” Islam, thus exonerating Islam. He mentioned “evil” once, at the end of his speech.

Did Hitler “hijack” Nazism? Did Stalin “hijack” Communism? Did Ruhollah Khomeini “hijack” Islam?

Obama mentioned “evil” once, also, and uttered “Islam” four times. From him we heard the usual puffery about Islam being benign and peaceful and the cornerstone of Western civilization, and repeated his assurances (to Muslims) that we are not at war with Islam. It’s a statement he made in Cairo and in Ankara, Turkey (“In Ankara, I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam. “) It’s an “extremist ideology” that has declared war on the West, it’s the “violent extremists” who are responsible for the thousands of deaths and the carnage, not Islam itself, implying that Islam is just a hapless spectator to horrific crimes, and not the perpetrator of them.

Obama will not acknowledge that Islam is nothing if not “extremist” or “radical” or “violent.” However: Islam is as Islam does. That is the immutable fact which Obama and his ilk disguise in their patter of dhimmitude, multiculturalism, and moral relativism.

One can even pronounce a proscribed word and not mean that it has any connection to reality or the word’s actual meaning. Obama has made a rhetorical career of it.

Obama will throw a tantrum and berate his military advisors if they try to “paint all of Islam with the same brush.” That is, as a conquering, murdering, raping, looting ideology, as ISIS is and does. If the future indeed does not belong to those who “slander” the prophet of Islam – that is, identify Mohammad as the conquering, murdering, raping, looter he was, provided he actually existed – then the West is cooked per halal style, with our throats cut with knives or machetes we handed to our executioners , our property looted, our womenfolk sold off as sex slaves and concubines, and our children enrolled in politically correct madrassas.

Denial, willful ignorance, wishful thinking: the hallmarks of our age. If you know the truth about ISIS and Islam, as Obama does, and deny the truth, that is to side with Islam and ISIS. Cameron is merely a knee-knocking fool, whose middle name must be ostrich.

Everyone but a semi-literate dolt reading the British press knows that the term “Asian,” when it occurs in a story about the Pakistani grooming gangs or an attack on white Britons, stands for the prohibited and unmentionable term “Muslim.” But it isn’t only careless usage of the term “Muslim” which could incur judicial disapprobation, jail time, and financial and personal penalties, but the wrath of Muslims over their “outraged religious feelings” or the alleged imputation of their ethnicity, as though mentioning a criminal’s Islamic affiliation was tantamount to expressing one’s “racism.”

Euphemisms, except in certain, defined circumstances (such as in dramatic dialogue, or in lyrics or poetry, or in humor), are corruptors of language and of minds. Euphemisms are not metaphors or similes for anything. Their purpose is to disguise facts, not serve as guides to facts or as a means of clarification. Their primary purpose is to help a mind evade perceiving and dealing with reality. A euphemism used in dramatic dialogue can be justified if it stresses a disguised fact; but there is no justification for employing a euphemism when dealing with reality.