Speaking at the United Nations on Wednesday, President Obama performed the signal feat of cramming his head so far up his own ass that his head actually emerged from his mouth again, thereby creating the first human Escher loop. His speech at the United Nations was chock-full of moronic platitudes, internal contradictions, and morally disgusting sentiments.
Here are the top fifteen:
“Together, we have learned how to cure disease, and harness the power of the wind and sun.” Which is, of course, why disease remains rampant in Africa – so much so that Obama is sending 3,000 troops there to combat Ebola virus – and why America garners a whopping 4.13 percent of her electricity from wind and 0.23 percent from the sun. But the Godking hath reined global forces to his chariot, and shall ride the moonbeams!
“We are here because others realized that we gain more from cooperation than conquest.” Well, no. We are here because civilized nations banded together to defeat Nazis and then communism, not because of some global revelation about the power of cooperation. This is a third grade rendition of history.
“We believe that right makes might – that bigger nations should not be able to bully smaller ones; that people should be able to choose their own future.” If Obama believes this, he has the mental capacity of a chipmunk. Obviously, right does not make might. If it did, millions of Jews would still be living in Germany and Poland, the Soviet Empire never would have risen, and the Yazidis would be decimating ISIS. We actually believe that it is the duty of right to grow its defense capacity and then fight for its principles – both notions foreign to President Obama.
“While small gains can be won at the barrel of a gun, they will ultimately be turned back if enough voices support the freedom of nations and peoples to make their own decisions.” Again, no. Millions of voices have cried out for freedom in North Korea and China for decades, to no avail. It isn’t about raising voices. It’s about strategically outflanking evil nations and crippling their capacity to continue functioning.
“My message to Iran’s leaders and people is simple: do not let this opportunity pass. We can reach a solution that meets your energy needs while assuring the world that your program is peaceful.“ Iran’s mullahs are still laughing at this one.
“America is and will continue to be a Pacific power, promoting peace, stability, and the free flow of commerce among nations. But we will insist that all nations abide by the rules of the road, and resolve their territorial disputes peacefully, consistent with international law.” The Chinese politburo is still laughing at this one.