It’s getting lonely out here, Dear Israel. Around here in the United States we don’t have too many friends, either. We look to you to pick it up. Drop the Gaza malaise. Pick up the Entebbe Spirit. We are counting on you. Who else do we have out there in the big world?
People we don’t know now rule your neighborhood, and strangers in this very country of ours now push us around.
At a restaurant in a small town in Vermont, Winooski, a sign that promoted bacon offended a Muslim lady. She demanded that the sign get taken down. It was, immediately. That wasn’t enough. Terrified owners of the restaurant apologized and said it would never happen again. Imagine that – in the land of the free, home of the brave.
We turn to you, Dear Israel, to get us back on track. We share the same values as articulated in our Liberty Bell: “Proclaim Liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.” This was borrowed from The Book of Leviticus and we do not take that summons lightly.
We have fought and died to preserve those liberties and so have you. That was before. This is now. You have had your setbacks. We have ours.
If you don’t have the moxie to properly defend your own people, Netanyahu, in other words, if you can’t do it for yourself, do it for our sake, here in America.
In 1967 and again in 1973 as you defeated the Arab armies you shared with us the booty of captured Soviet tanks and fighter planes. Our generals say that this exchange of Intel was so vital that it absolutely turned the tide of the Cold War in our favor.