Primary: August 19, 2014
To see the actual voting records of all incumbents on other issues such as Foreign Policy, Second Amendment Issues, Homeland Security, and other issues as well as their rankings by special interest groups please use the links followed by two stars (**).
U.S. Senate
John Barrasso (R) Next Election in 2018.
Mike Enzi (R) Incumbent 2014**
Rated -1 by AAI, indicating a mixed Arab/Palestine voting record. (May 2012)
IMMIGRATION An important part of securing our nation is securing our borders. Illegal immigration is just that – illegal and should be treated as such. Federal law provides enforcement authority to address the illegal population within our borders, but these laws have not been enforced properly. Better enforcement of our laws is the first step. I oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants. Congress should continue to examine our immigration policy and determine what legislation is needed and in what areas, but for me – amnesty is off the table. Amnesty rewards people for breaking the law. It puts illegal immigrants at the head of the line in front of those who are following the rules in order to gain United States citizenship. Below are my principles on how the Senate can address immigration reform. This six-step proposal reflects ideas and concepts from a host of proposals already discussed. We could enact any one of these sensible proposals today and produce results tomorrow. Amnesty for illegal immigrants is not a part of this proposal and I will not support amnesty.
HEALTHCARE – Fight to Dismantle Obamacare:
Mike has worked against Obamacare at every opportunity. Fox News called him the “Paul Revere” of the Anti-Obamacare movement. Before the law passed, Mike took to the Senate floor to denounce several possible bad effects which proved true.
Mike Enzi has been a steadfast opponent of Obamacare from the beginning. As early as 2010, he was proposing market-based healthcare solutions directly counter to monstrosity of the Obamacare legislation.
He voted against Obamacare in committee and on the floor of the Senate. He co-sponsored legislation to fully repeal Obamacare and another to fully defund it. Mike has supported 17 bills that would dismantle the worst parts of the law.
Mike also led an effort to overturn the HHS “grandfathering” regulations that has resulted in millions of Americans, including 2,600 Wyoming residents to date, being forced off their insurance coverage.