It appears most everyone today is practicing what Pastor Gil referred to in a recent sermon – “situational ethics” – truth and right get to be bent to fit our agenda, instead of following a Higher Truth that compels us to do what is right, including being honest, even when it is inconvenient.
Perhaps someone might want to send that sermon as a reminder to our elected officials, most notably the hysteria mongers who are claiming women’s movement, freedom of choice, and reproductive rights have been undermined because of the Supreme Court decision freeing Hobby Lobby from a few of the Obamacare mandates that are in contradiction with the company owners’ religious beliefs (abortion).
The truth – the inconvenient truth? Hobby Lobby still covers the majority of contraception options most women select, just not all of them. Hobby Lobby’s owners, on religious grounds, don’t support abortion, certain forms of contraception. That is not the same thing as denying their workers a variety of viable options. It just means that some options are not being paid for by their healthcare benefits.
Stop the presses! Oh my gosh…someone might have to pay out of pocket for something they want. The world is coming to an end!
Who says you have to work for Hobby Lobby? If their benefit package isn’t what you want, you have the option to work for someone else, or pay for what you select. But in the purple dimension of Obama where unicorn ponies take us to the land of wishful thinking, individual responsibility is akin to a four letter word. How unpleasant indeed!
In Obamaland where we are owed something by someone else, and where affinity anarchy is alive and well – using gender and ethnicity issues to rev up the base, anyone in disagreement with the narrative must be challenged.