In this edition of Conversations That Matter with The New American’s Alex Newman, Linda Goudsmit, author of multiple children’s books on critical thinking and “reality-testing”; multiple books on education philosophy; and the upcoming book Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier, Reality Is; confirms how education in America is being weaponized to create generations of people unable to distinguish between objective reality (what really is) and subjective reality (feelings). She emphasizes that, in order to have a truly free society and constitutional republic, it is critically necessary to agree on what is objectively real.
1. Alex, we are a world at war, whether people acknowledge it or not. It is globalism versus the nation state. The globalist war on the nation state is a culture war fought without bullets, that targets the nation’s children, because children are the future of every society on Earth. And the classroom is globalism’s chosen battlefield, because whoever controls the educational curriculum controls the future. Why is that true?
Because children live what they learn. Education is an industry, and like all industries, it produces a product. The goal of America’s enemies is to produce an unaware, compliant citizenry for the planned globalist Unistate. The war on America’s children is both informational, and psychological warfare.
2. The globalist social engineers are skilled strategists who are busy applying wartime psychological tactics to “change the hearts and minds” of American children. Their strategic goals are to replace parental authority with government authority, and to move society from objective reality to subjective reality. I want to be clear about the meaning of these two terms.
Objective reality is the adult world of facts, subjective reality is the childish world of feelings. So, in subjective reality, little Johnny may be convinced he is a bird and can fly, but in objective reality, if Johnny jumps off a tall building he will fall to his death, because gravity is a fact of life in objective reality, regardless of Johnny’s feelings.
Interfering with a child’s developing ability to reality test, is a staggering deceit, and a monstrous abuse of power.
3. Recently, you interviewed a friend of mine, Deborah DeGroff, who wrote a stunning book titled Between the Covers: What’s Inside a Children’s Book? Her extraordinary research on content and reading levels, exposes the deceit, and truth of illiteracy in America today. In the past, when children were told that every student was a butterfly, the children knew it wasn’t true, because they could see that some students were really smart, and others weren’t–––no matter what the teacher said. At that time, children were still learning to read with phonics. It was a time before sight-words and whole-word instruction became ubiquitous, and well before Hi-Lo reading even existed.
I had never heard of Hi-Lo reading before reading Deborah’s book. Basically, instead of teaching children to actually read with phonics, a deceitful system was developed to adapt to the alarmingly low reading levels across the country. Hi-Lo is a reference to the fact that the content is considered upper grade (high school interest level), but the actual reading level is lower grade – sometimes a second or third grade level!!