Mia Love (R) Challenger



HEALTH CARE Incentivize shared decision making between patients and health care providers
Eliminate barriers to purchasing health care coverage that best suits an individual’s or family’s personal needs by allowing people to purchase the insurance of their choice across state lines
Align incentives for health care providers with the outcomes they provide
Provide for the portability of individual health care plans (e.g., allow people to carry plans from employer to employer)

Support tax-free savings for health needs
Cut out fraud and bureaucratic waste, and protect benefits for those who qualify
Support tax incentives aimed at extending private insurance coverage
Improve individual control over health care decisions by supporting consumer-directed health care options, health reimbursement arrangements, health savings accounts, and other free market options
Oppose taxpayer-funded abortions
Support the ability for states to develop consumer-based health care models that allow for customized solutions to their citizens’ health care needs
Repeal Obamacare because more government, greater bureaucracy, and higher taxes are not the answers to our health care problems. If there is ever a chance to repeal Obamacare, you can count on my vote to do so.


Secure the border – and not just for the purpose of preventing illegal immigration, but also to stop the flow of illegal drugs, illegal weapons, and possible terrorism from coming into our country
Support meaningful immigration reform and rules of naturalization that result in clear, straightforward, fair, and thorough rules that will allow immigrants to participate in the American Dream while protecting the best interests of American citizens
Incentivize good behavior and our ability to track who enters and who leaves our borders by charging a fee (perhaps of a few thousand dollars) to people who come to America on visas, and then refund that money when they leave
Support the SKILLS Act, which will help the American economy by incentivizing highly skilled foreign students who graduate from U.S. colleges with advanced degrees in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to work and remain in America by making it easier for employers to grant them green cards and H-1B visas


Vote against all net tax increases
Support a simpler tax system that reduces the tax burden for working Americans
Eliminate the federal death tax (also known as the estate tax)



To see the actual voting records of all incumbents on other issues such as Foreign Policy, Second Amendment Issues, Homeland Security, and other issues as well as their rankings by special interest groups please use the links followed by two stars (**).

U.S. Senate

Orrin Hatch (R)Next Election in 2018.
Mike Lee (R) Next Election in 2016.

Primary: June 24, 2014

District 1
Rob Bishop (R) Incumbent

http://www.votebishop.com/ http://robbishop.house.gov/


Rated -1 by AAI, indicating a mixed Arab/Palestine voting record. (May 2012)


ENERGY Voted for construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline without limiting amendments.

Rob believes we can protect our environment while allowing for wise stewardship and multiple uses. Stewardship means respecting and enhancing the land and its natural resources. The prudent development of our natural resources and energy not only adds to our energy independence but also greatly impacts job growth and economic recovery. As the Chair of the Western Caucus, he was the lead sponsor of an all-you-can-create energy bill and has led the fight against the Obama Administration’s anti-energy agenda.

BORDER SECURITY AND IMMIGRATION We need to secure the borders and better enforce the laws already on the books, and that’s the way Rob votes. He is the lead sponsor of HR 1505, legislation ensuring border security takes priority over environmental land regulations. The bill has drawn national attention and is viewed by many as the first critical step in real immigration reform. We must do first things first – and securing our border is that first thing.

HEALTH CARE As a state lawmaker and as a Congressman, Rob has pushed back against an ever-encroaching federal government. He voted against ObamaCare and has voted to repeal it. As the leader of the 10th Amendment Task Force, he continues to champion returning more power, authority and money back to states and individuals.

NATURAL RESOURCES AND PUBLIC LANDS As a member of the Natural Resources Committee, Rob has a strong knowledge of and concern for the use of our lands. He believes in wise management of our lands, which entails protecting private property rights and the Western way of life Utah enjoys as well as using the resources on those lands. With roughly 2/3rds of Utah’s lands controlled by the federal government, the right of our state to control its own destiny, be energy rich, create jobs, and properly fund our education system will always be hampered by the heavy hand of the federal government. Rob is the Chairman of the Public Lands Subcommittee and has consistently fought for our rights and our lands. He helped kill the Wild Lands proposal from Secretary Salazar and called out the Interior Department on their plans to lock up even more land by creating new national monuments using the Antiquities Act. He has been the primary sponsor of the APPLE Initiative and continues to spread the message that Utah needs and deserves more its own land back.
Donna McAleer (D) Challenger


A West Point graduate and president of her class, Donna McAleer served her country honorably as an Army officer overseas at the end of the Cold War before going on to work in both the public and private sectors. During her years in uniform, Donna was stationed in Wurzburg, Germany and served as a platoon leader, company executive officer, and deputy public affairs officer with various units in the US Army’s 3rd Infantry Division and 7th Corps. In 1991, Donna left the service to pursue an MBA at the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. In 2013, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta appointed Donna to serve on the Defense Advisory Council for Women in the Service. In 2012, Donna was the Democratic candidate for Utah’s 1st Congressional District.


HEALTHCARE Regardless of where one stands on the spectrum of opinion about healthcare reform, just about everyone can agree that health care costs in the United States are out of control. We have many of the best treatments and services in the world, but also the most expensive. The US spends more on health care than any other industrialized country. More than 16% of Americans (approximately 50 million people) and 14% of Utahns (392,000 people, of which nearly 20% are children) do not have any kind of health insurance. For those that do have health insurance, premiums are expected to reach 24%, nearly a quarter of median family income by 2020!

ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE Climate change is another threat to American security. The Department of Defense calls climate change a threat multiplier, meaning it makes bad conditions worse. Droughts, floods, rising tides, extreme heat and other severe weather phenomena of climate change, and the starvation and massive tides of desperate refugees these conditions cause, lead to abject misery and destabilization around the world They also allow anti-American extremists to gain footholds in nations overwhelmed with disruption caused by massive climate fluctuations. We saw this in the floods of Pakistan in 2011, when al Qaeda took advantage of the chaos to recruit new followers.

Experts may differ on the best formula for reducing carbon emissions, but they all agree that a steady, orderly, planned transition towards a greater mix of traditional and renewable energies is the smartest way to get there. Whether you believe climate change is of human origin or not, reducing carbon emissions can mitigate the trend toward extreme weather. Pretending our actions do not impact the climate fluctuations leading to temperature extremes and violent storms plaguing the United States is irresponsible. We deserve elected officials who care about the lives of our children and our children’s children, and who believe in investments to make our energy economy cleaner, sustainable and more balanced.

Solutions exist to address economic, environmental and security issues associated with energy but such solutions requires a strong and independent person to bring together the stakeholders and agree on these solutions. Job growth, economic development, environmental health and national security are all critical items to the next decade in Utah and the west . Without responsible leadership, these energy issues will be driven by special interest groups seeking their own agendas as opposed to the benefit of all Utahns.

IMMIGRATION The subject of immigration reform over the past several years has produced much rhetoric–and a shocking symbol of our failure as a nation founded by immigrants to rationally address the issue and modernize our system: the border walls along the U.S./Mexican border. There is an equally important practical reason for immigration reform: our economic health. More than ever, in today’s integrated global economy a nation’s best and strongest asset is its people. Immigration reform will strengthen the U.S., attracting the best and the brightest to our country and ensuring we have enough workers in all sectors of the economy to remain competitive and sustain our economy now and for the future. Our immigration laws were last overhauled in 1986. Immigration is a federal issue and I support comprehensive reform. If we want to compete in the 21st century global economy, we need to pass 21st century immigration reform. The stonewalling on immigration exemplifies the political dysfunction and grandstanding in Washington. The current immigration system is complex. Many legislators advocate for simplification and in June 2013, the U.S. Senate passed S. 744, the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, a comprehensive bill reforming the immigration system, including providing a pathway to citizenship for more than 11 million undocumented immigrants in our country. The bill passed 68 to 32 (Sen. Hatch supported it, Sen. Lee did not). While the bill has good and bad points, it is a step in the right direction. But House Republicans are holding up the process refusing to allow that bill to come to the House floor for debate. Instead many House legislators are calling for piecemeal solutions to immigration reform, including a push for increased border enforcement, instead of passing the comprehensive Senate version. This despite the fact that a coalition group of religious leaders unprecedented in scope–it includes Southern Baptists, conservative Catholics, and religious progressives–is calling for immigration reform.

Most undocumented workers are hard workers who contribute to our economy. They are here for the most noble of reasons: to seek a better quality of life for their families. Their path to residence and citizenship should be simple, straightforward and direct. It is time to bring undocumented workers and immigrants out of the shadows, and offer an opportunity to obtain legal status, even citizenship, if they are willing to pursue it.

District 2

Chris Stewart (R) Incumbent

Elected in 2012
http://www.stewartforutah.com/ http://stewart.house.gov/



ENERGY Energy independence is vital to national security. In order to become less dependent on foreign energy, we must be able to pursue responsible development within our own borders. Maintaining a diverse energy portfolio will protect our current and future interests, while creating jobs at home. Utahns, and particularly those within our district, are dependent on energy-related jobs. These jobs are increasingly threatened by poor land management strategies and over-regulation from bureaucrats.

I support the responsible development of oil, natural gas, clean coal, and a variety economically viable renewable energy options. We are fortunate to live in a district full of scenic and natural resources. Multiple use land policies enable their responsible use, while protecting their integrity. I am committed to protecting environmental integrity while also supporting energy development to bring in needed revenue, jobs, and overall security.

Stewart: New EPA Regulations are Pure Fantasy – Jun 2, 2014 Press Release – Today, the Environmental Protection Agency announced new carbon regulations, requiring power plants to cut their carbon emissions by 30 percent by 2030. Following this announcement, Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah), former chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Environment, released the following statement:

Rep. Stewart Votes to Move Forward with the Construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline

May 22, 2013 Press Release – Today, Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) voted in favor of the Northern Route Approval Act, which allows Congress to authorize the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, bypassing the need for approval from the White House Administration. The Pipeline would bring crude oil from the Tar Sands of Alberta, Canada to refineries of the gulf coast in the United States. Stewart released the following statement after the passage of the bill:

HEALTHCARE Our health care and insurance systems need reform. In 2010, Congress enacted the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as ObamaCare. The Supreme Court ruled in 2012 that the penalty assessed to individuals who fail to purchase insurance is a tax. This makes ObamaCare the largest tax increase on the American people. As your Congressman, I will work to defund, repeal and replace Obamacare. To learn more about what I have specifically done to defund and repeal Obamacare, click here. More on Health Issues

Stewart, Bishop, Chaffetz Vote to Defund Obamacare and Keep the Government Open – Sep 20, 2013 Press Release – After voting to support the Continuing Resolution to fund the government and defund Obamacare, Reps. Rob Bishop (UT-01), Chris Stewart (UT-02) and Jason Chaffetz (UT-03) released the following statement:

Rep. Stewart Votes to Repeal Obamacare – May 17, 2013 Press Release – Today, Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) issued the following statement after the House voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act:
Luz Robles (D) Challenger


District 3

Jason Chaffetz (R) Incumbent

http://www.jasonforcongress.com/ http://chaffetz.house.gov/


Rated -6 by AAI, indicating anti-Arab anti-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)


ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT Voted for construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline without limiting amendments. Utah’s energy and environmental future is perpetually connected to federal land management agencies and their policies. The federal government owns 69% of the land within the state of Utah. These 37 million acres are primarily managed by three federal agencies – the Bureau of Land Management, US Forest Service, and the National Park Service. The lands managed by these agencies have the potential to generate economic activity in the form of energy and mineral development, agricultural use, recreation, and tourism. Federal decisions must be guided by logic and commonsense. Federal policies that restrict access, limit uses, or delay progress harm local economic activity, job creation, and public education. Misguided decisions are generally made because Washington DC bureaucrats often wield more power than those on the ground. Local and state leaders should not be trumped by out-of-state officials.

Federal decisions guided by logic and local support can positively impact public lands states. In FY2010, BLM lands contributed $112 billion in economic activity to the national economy. The multiple-use nature of BLM lands is largely responsible for this contribution. BLM lands provided $814 million worth of timber-related economic activity in 2010; $540 million in grazing-related benefits; recreational visits generated $7.4 billion in economic activity; and amazingly, BLM lands generated $40 billion worth of energy and mineral activity. Federal policies should be enacted that allow for the continued development of energy resources while also preserving lands worthy of protection. Achieving these two goals is not mutually exclusive. Through collaboration and open communication, public lands in Utah can be accessed and enjoyed by all.

IMMIGRATION I have long believed that solving illegal immigration starts with fixing legal immigration. Our immigration system is completely broken and in desperate need of reform. The borders are not secure. We do not have a functioning entry-exit system. We have an inept guest worker program, no national e-verify system, and we educate extremely smart and talented high-skilled people only to send them back to their home countries instead of allowing them here to contribute to our economy. Each of these issues needs to be addressed on its own merits. I am very hesitant to pass one massive comprehensive bill. “Comprehensive” is slowly becoming a code word for amnesty. History has shown that massive legislation tends to collapse under its own weight because inevitably it contains something for everyone to disagree with. For that reason I prefer a step-by-step, incremental, one-issue-at-a-time approach. Listed below is incremental, commonsense legislation that I support that advances the mission of fixing legal immigration:

The Fairness for High Skilled Immigrants Act (Original Sponsor)
In the 112th Congress I introduced The Fairness for High Skilled Immigrants Act. This bill would eliminate the per country numerical limitation for employment-based visas and adjusts the limitations on family visas without increasing the total number of available visas.We need to continue allowing highly skilled and educated immigrants to contribute to this country.
The language in the bill is included in Rep. Issa’s Skills Act (see below), and in the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” immigration bill.
HR 2278, Strengthen and Fortify Enforcement Act (Cosponsor)
The SAFE Act improves the interior enforcement of our immigration laws by granting states and localities the authority to enforce federal immigration laws.The bill strengthens national security by increasing border security, making it more difficult for foreign nationals who pose a national security risk to enter and remain in the U.S., improving visa security in high risk countries, and protecting American communities from dangerous criminal aliens.

Brian Wonnacott (D) Challenger

No website

District 4

Jim Matheson (D) Retiring in 2014.
Doug Owens (D) Challenger



IMMIGRATION America’s immigration system is broken.

Achieving meaningful immigration reform in Congress is a key priority of Doug’s campaign and legislative agenda. When elected, Owens pledges to take immediate action to fix America’s broken immigration system. Business, community, and religious leaders are standing together, calling for action. It’s time for Congress to set aside party politics and work together to pass real reform to our Nation’s antiquated, ineffective immigration laws. Doug supports a common-sense approach to immigration reform that will:

Strengthen the security of our borders
Uphold the law and require everyone to play by the same rules
Keep Utah families together
Protect the well-being of our children
Respect the rights and dignity of those who contribute so much to our economy
Provide a way for undocumented immigrants to square themselves with the law and continue contributing to our economy and communities
Include a potential, non-amnesty path to American citizenship, when appropriate and once fines and penalties are paid in full. Those who emigrate legally in the first place should always take precedence.

JOBS AND ECONOMY Creating good jobs and strengthening our economy is central to restoring the American Dream and fortifying the middle class. Income and wages have been stagnant for three decades. In the last six years alone, one in ten Americans has fallen out of the ranks of the middle class. This is not a political issue; it is a serious problem that impacts all of us. We cannot let the American Dream fall victim to partisan politics. Federal tax law is unfair, unnecessarily complicated, and in dire need of reform. We need to lower taxes on hardworking Utahns. Small businesses are the engines that drive job creation. Now more than ever, we should help aspiring entrepreneurs follow their dreams and create jobs. We need to cut taxes and enhance access to credit for small businesses. We need to reform the tax code and eliminate barriers that hinder small businesses from growing and hiring. To strengthen our economy today and ensure it remains strong tomorrow, we must invest in our nation’s crumbling infrastructure. It’s time to put Utahns back to work, repairing and upgrading our highways, bridges, airports and mass transit systems.

To create jobs and strengthen the economy, Doug will support measures that:

Ensure Utah children receive a world-class education that prepares them for tomorrow’s jobs
Reform the Federal tax code and reduce taxes on hardworking Utahns
Reduce corporate taxes by 33%
Eliminate barriers that prevent small businesses from growing and hiring
Enhance access to credit for small businesses
Invest in our nation’s infrastructure

Mia Love (R) Challenger



HEALTH CARE Incentivize shared decision making between patients and health care providers
Eliminate barriers to purchasing health care coverage that best suits an individual’s or family’s personal needs by allowing people to purchase the insurance of their choice across state lines
Align incentives for health care providers with the outcomes they provide
Provide for the portability of individual health care plans (e.g., allow people to carry plans from employer to employer)

Support tax-free savings for health needs
Cut out fraud and bureaucratic waste, and protect benefits for those who qualify
Support tax incentives aimed at extending private insurance coverage
Improve individual control over health care decisions by supporting consumer-directed health care options, health reimbursement arrangements, health savings accounts, and other free market options
Oppose taxpayer-funded abortions
Support the ability for states to develop consumer-based health care models that allow for customized solutions to their citizens’ health care needs
Repeal Obamacare because more government, greater bureaucracy, and higher taxes are not the answers to our health care problems. If there is ever a chance to repeal Obamacare, you can count on my vote to do so.


Secure the border – and not just for the purpose of preventing illegal immigration, but also to stop the flow of illegal drugs, illegal weapons, and possible terrorism from coming into our country
Support meaningful immigration reform and rules of naturalization that result in clear, straightforward, fair, and thorough rules that will allow immigrants to participate in the American Dream while protecting the best interests of American citizens
Incentivize good behavior and our ability to track who enters and who leaves our borders by charging a fee (perhaps of a few thousand dollars) to people who come to America on visas, and then refund that money when they leave
Support the SKILLS Act, which will help the American economy by incentivizing highly skilled foreign students who graduate from U.S. colleges with advanced degrees in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to work and remain in America by making it easier for employers to grant them green cards and H-1B visas


Vote against all net tax increases
Support a simpler tax system that reduces the tax burden for working Americans
Eliminate the federal death tax (also known as the estate tax)

Read more: Family Security Matters http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/utah-2014-candidates-for-congress-where-they-stand?f=puball#ixzz37io4sVCt
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution



The Obama created invasion on the southern border, refusal to do anything about it and moving the illegals around the country against the wishes of nearly everyone as caused nearly unprecedented bewilderment.

The events of bordergate are causing Obama’s Democrat politician support and voter popularity to plummet. This is substantially increasing the chance for a big Republican congressional pick-up. If Republicans win a senate majority, both houses can strategically pass legislation supported by their base and independents. Obama will veto, using his pen of course. This can damage the Democrat brand for 2016. A combination of a big Republican 2016 turnout to vent anger at Obama and depressed black turnout gives the Republicans a very good chance of winning the presidency. Why is Obama pursuing this border fiasco?

I believe there are three possibilities. One that is probable, another that is interesting and a third hold on to your seat explanation. The probable reason is that in the end Obama turns out to be just a narcissistic light weight with far more self-confidence than intellect. That he has made it this far is due to the MSM that has traits. As Rush and Mark Levin have repeatedly stated, without the MSM being co-conspirators, Obama would never have been elected in the first place, or at the very least re-elected. The only benefit to his presidency in this light is for Jimmy Carter moving up from the bottom of the heap.

The interesting explanation is Machiavellian. Obama / Democrats are playing a long game by taking the heat now of seeding America with many more Latino voters (amnesty / citizenship for those in the shadows and increasing the numbers by the illegal invasion). The border debacle will substantially increase the chances of their losing the 2016 presidential election. But with the Mr. Magoo RINOs’ assistance, immigration reform will pass resulting in a large increase in Latino voters heavily favoring Democrats (who knew). Democrats will climb out of political purgatory starting in 2018, take the presidency in 2020, ignore the RINO favored portions of immigration reform and not lose another election for “fill-in-the-blank” years.



Mogahed to outline Egyptian revolution, unrest

John FordonJuly 15, 2014/0 comments

When Dalia Mogahed took the Amphitheater stage twice last year, she remained calm and objective, bringing thoughtfulness, modesty and erudition to her display of a breadth of knowledge about Arab and American views of each other.

It’s a perspective refined by years of public opinion sampling and analysis for Gallup and other organizations.

This time, Mogahed said, things will be different.

“I’m still me,” Mogahed said, “but this time around, I’m going to be breathing fire.”

Public opinion expert Mogahed returns to the Amphitheater stage at 10:45 a.m. today to launch the portion of this week dedicated to an Egyptian case study of revolution.

Mogahed is passionate in her indictment of the military government, which overthrew the popularly elected Muslim Brotherhood-dominated regime of Mohamed Morsi, almost exactly at the time she was visiting Chautauqua in 2013.

“The current Egyptian government is trying to make us believe that the January 2011 revolution which overthrew President Hosni Mubarak never occurred,” Mogahed said. “This military government in Cairo has not dealt with any of the root causes of the 2011 revolution, and I think they hope that the United States will lose interest and accept the status quo.”

The dilemma facing the Obama administration over Egypt was spotlighted last month when Secretary of State John Kerry, speaking in Cairo, radiated optimism about Egypt’s future course just one day before President Barack Obama condemned Egypt’s military government when it enforced punitive prison terms against several independent journalists, including three from Al-Jazeera.


When a “Cease-Fire” is Not a Cease-Fire By David Bedein

In the current conflagration between Israel and Gaza, news agencies mistakenly report that a “cease fire” is being discussed with Hamas.

In the imagination of the media, such a “cease fire” might result in the kind of armistice that ended hostilities in World War I, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the eleventh month on Nov. 11 1918, paving the way to the Versailles peace treaty and the genesis of the League of Nations.

However, the three Arabic nuanced terms being discussed with Hamas as a resolution to the current situation have nothing to do with a “cease fire”:

Those terms are Hudna, Tahadia and Hudaybiyyah. All three terms imply continued war, after a respite.

Hudna: a tactical pause intended only for rearmament, a temporary respite in the war between Islamic forces and non-Islamic forces.

The authoritative Islamic Encyclopedia (London, 1922) defines hudna as a “temporary treaty” which can be approved or abrogated by Islamic religious leaders, depending on whether or not it serves the interests of Islam; a hudna cannot last for more than 10 years.

Tahadia: a temporary halt in hostile activity which can be violated at any time.

Hudaybiyyah: An understanding that there will be no fighting for 10 years named for the “treaty of Hudaybiyyah” in 628 AD.

The Islamic Encyclopedia mentions the Hudaybia treaty as an “ultimate hudna.”

The late PLO leader Yasser Arafat often referred to “a hudna” in his speeches when he defined and described the nature of the Oslo Accords.


Every year the kindergartens of Gaza graduate a new class of children dressed like terrorists and suicide bombers. There are child sized coffins decorated with the flags of Islamic terrorist groups and colorful balloons.

A teacher explained that, “In every year’s kindergarten graduation ceremonies we focus on the children to represent the role of struggling and resistance in the way of Allah.”

One child spoke of wanting to blow himself and kill the most Jews. The article boasted that the children were “hoping to be volunteers in the future.”

Some don’t wait that long.

Abdullah Quran was only twelve years old when he was found with a bomb in his bag, but the indoctrination of children begins much earlier. Children’s magazines and television shows encourage them to kill and die using everything from songs to costumed characters. On Pioneers of Tomorrow, the children are urged to grow up to kill Jews. “All of them?” a little girl isprompted. “Yes” is the reply.

Hamas does not just turn children into killers; it also uses them as human shields. Hamas has encouraged Gaza families to act as human shields. It was caught launching rockets near a school.

The Hamas Interior Minister had said that, “For the Palestinian people, death has become an industry… This is why they have formed human shields of the women, the children, the elderly, and the mujahideen.”

When a Hamas spokesman encouraged the use of human shields, he cited the case of NizarRiyyan, a Hamas leader who deliberately surrounded himself with his own children when he knew that an attack was coming and asked other family members if they would like to die as martyrs with him.

But Hamas, like the PLO and Islamic jihad, doesn’t just use its own children as cannon fodder.

It sets out to kill Jewish children.

Norman Podhoretz – Reflections of a Jewish Neoconservative

Norman Podhoretz – Reflections of a Jewish Neoconservative
July 14, 2014

As part of the advanced institute on “Liberalism, Conservatism, and the Jews,” Tikvah hosted the legendary editor of Commentary, Norman Podhoretz. Podhoretz has been a partisan of the left, the right, and, most of all, the Jews. In an interview with Tikvah’s executive director Eric Cohen, Podhoretz discussed his life’s work and his ideological transformation. He reflects on his early education and the conflict between his low-brow immigrant Judaism and his high-brow training under Lionel Trilling. He discusses the early days of Commentary, when it was ambivalent about Zionism and part of the anti-communist left. He explains what turned Commentary away from the left, and what kind of foreign policy vision it offered the nascent neoconservative movement. And what about Podhoretz himself? Famously frank and wide-ranging, Podhoretz spends the last half of the event commenting on theology, the American Jewish scene, Radical Islam, classical music, and Shakespeare.

Filming took place on May 19, 2014.


On July 13, Bernard Abouaf, a French Jewish journalist, posted on his Facebook wall: “I just passed through one of the truest moments in my life.” A bit earlier, he had been an eyewitness to a pogrom attempt.

About one hundred Muslim thugs had gathered in front of the Don Isaac Abravanel synagogue in Central Paris, a few blocks away from Place de la Bastille (Bastille Circle), and threatened to storm it. Two to three hundred worshipers, who had gathered for a pro-Israel religious service, were locked inside. There were five police officers to protect them–and two dozen Jewish youths trained in martial arts who were members of the Jewish community sponsored Security Organization or of the more militant Jewish Defense League.

For Abouaf, whose family is of Tunisian Jewish descent, the whole scene looked like a reenactment of the storming and torching of the Great Synagogue in Tunis during the Six-Day War in 1967: a traumatic event that accelerated the flight of Tunisian Jews to France or to Israel.

“What I have seen today,” he remarked, “is Arab hatred against Jews. Pure hatred. Right in the middle of Paris. Don’t try to ‘explain’ or ‘understand’, it was hatred, period.” Irving Kristol famously said that a neoconservative was a liberal mugged by reality. Something similar was befalling Abouaf. This was the “truth” he was so eager to share.

The Don Isaac Abravanel synagogue was not stormed. Its bunker-like shape (it was built in 1962) and its strong, straight, iron gates were probably helpful. Even more effective were the young Jewish defenders, who did not shy away from confronting the Muslim rioters. Older Jewish men and women, some in their late forties or early fifties, fought back as well. “The whole thing looked like street guerilla,” one witness said. At least two of the synagogue’s defenders–including a young Chabad chassid–were severely wounded and rushed to a nearby hospital.

The prime minister (and former interior minister) of France Manuel Valls called Serge Benhaim, the synagogue chairman, on his cell phone to assure him that more police forces, including CRS (anti-riot units) would soon be dispatched. It took some time before his orders were implemented; once deployed, even the heavily equipped CRS had to engage into hard fighting and some of them were wounded. Eventually, the worshipers were not just evacuated from the synagogue but escorted away to safer streets or a Metro station: “I will not forget the fear in their eyes as they went out,” wrote Abouaf. This time, it was not just the Tunis pogrom he had in mind, but “scenes of the Holocaust itself.”

Similar incidents occurred all over Greater Paris and France at about the same time. The morning before–that is to say, on the Sabbath–a Molotov cocktail was thrown into a synagogue at Aulnay-sous-Bois, a Parisian suburb. At Asnieres, another suburb, the police said a Muslim mob of 300 gathered in front of the synagogue and shouted anti-Israel slogans for about half an hour. Smaller group of Muslim mobsters attempted to get into the Belleville synagogue, in northeastern Paris, and into the Tournelles synagogue, in the Marais district.


Genetic engineering can produce drought-resistant plants. But activists still don’t like it.

Last year was the driest on record in California, and 2014 could well set another record. Most of the state is experiencing “extreme” drought — the second-most severe category. Reservoir levels are dropping, the snowpack is almost nonexistent, and some communities have already imposed restrictions on water usage. But it is the state’s premier industry — farming — that will be affected most drastically. In an average year, farmers use 80 percent of the water consumed by people and businesses in California, according to the Department of Water Resources.

It seems logical, then, that conservation measures should be focused on agriculture, but not everyone has figured that out. From their perch in a parallel universe, the New York Times’s editorial board saw fit to weigh in last week: “California is in the third year of its worst drought in decades. But you wouldn’t know it by looking at how much water the state’s residents and businesses are using.” You wouldn’t know it, either, by looking at the years of rants that the Times has published in opposition to a proven technology that could go a long way toward reducing the usage of water and the impact of the drought.

The technology is genetic engineering, sometimes called genetic modification (GM), which enables plant breeders to make old crop plants do new things, including conserve water. Even with research and development hampered by resistance from activists and discouraged by government overregulation, genetically engineered crop varieties are emerging from the development pipeline in many parts of the world. Cumulatively, during the past two decades, more than 3.7 billion acres of them have been cultivated by more than 17 million farmers in 30 countries — without disrupting a single ecosystem or causing so much as a tummy ache. Worldwide, these new varieties have provided “very significant net economic benefits at the farm level amounting to $18.8 billion in 2012 and $116.6 billion for the 17-year period” from 1996 to 2012, according to an authoritative report published by Landes Bioscience earlier this year.

Genetically engineered herbicide-resistant plants make possible the use of no-till farming techniques, in which the soil is not plowed, meaning that there is less soil erosion, less runoff of agricultural chemicals, and lower fuel consumption and carbon emissions by mechanized farm equipment. From 1996 to 2010, the shift to genetically engineered crops reduced carbon emissions by 19.4 billion kilograms, the equivalent of removing 8.6 million cars from the road for a year.

The planting of genetically engineered crops has also obviated the need to cultivate vast additional amounts of arable land. Between 1996 and 2011, genetically engineered crops were responsible for the production of an additional 110 million tons of soybeans, 195 million tons of corn, 15.8 million tons of cotton lint, and 6.6 million tons of canola. If modern genetic-engineering technology had not been available, to maintain worldwide production levels farmers would have had to “find” and cultivate tens of millions of additional acres of arable land.


Alan Dershowitz has called it “the most anti-Semitic and anti-Israel country in Europe today.” HanneNabintuHerland, a religious scholar at the nation’s leading university, has criticized it for “refus[ing] to distance itself from Hamas as a terrorist organization.” Its government, as NR’s Jay Nordlinger has noted, was “the first outside the Islamic world to recognize Hamas.”

We’re talking, as you might have guessed, about Norway.

In the corridors of Norwegian power, Israel-hatred and sympathy for Islamic terrorists have long been the norm. In 2011, Norway’s ambassador to Israel distinguished between Anders Behring Breivik’s murder spree and Hamas atrocities in Israel: While the former, he said, was inspired by an ugly ideology and was utterly undeserved by its victims, the latter is a result of Israel’s own “occupation” — and thus, presumably, justified, or at least understandable.

Among the pillars of Norwegian civil society these days are Basim Ghozlan, a supporter of Hamas suicide bombings who runs Norway’s Islamic Federation, and Shoaib Sultan, who, though refusing to criticize Iran’s execution of gays and Yusuf al-Qaradawi’s description of the Holocaust as a “gift from Allah,” was accorded the high honor of arranging last year’s Constitution Day festivities in Oslo.

Nordlinger again: “Norway’s attitude toward Israel is approximately that of the Middle East Studies department of the University of Michigan.” Precisely.

All this Israel-hatred is, it should be emphasized, grounded in Norway’s left-wing establishment — the mainstream media, the academy, and the political elite. Last September’s elections, which brought a non-socialist coalition to power, shook that establishment to its roots. Not because of the senior partner in the coalition — the soft-socialist, go-along-to-get-along Conservative party — but because of the junior partner, the Progress party, a faction of free-market enthusiasts who are unabashedly pro-U.S. and pro-Israel.

Among the Progress party’s most fervent supporters of America and Israel is Kristian Norheim, a 38-year-old member of Parliament and the party’s foreign-policy spokesperson. On July 12, he posted on his Facebook page a cartoon from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, drawn by Randy Bish. It showed an armed Hamas terrorist holding up a small child, and was captioned “the Hamas missile defense shield.” Norheim’s posted comment on the cartoon: “Sad, but true.”

To anyone who deplores terrorism and is appalled by Hamas gangsters’ habit of hiding behind women and children — and of sequestering themselves in schools, hospitals, and mosques — the cartoon is nothing more or less than a morally admirable response to a morally despicable practice. But the Norwegian establishment reacted to Norheim’s posting with outrage. The cartoon, protested the Socialist Left party, was “tasteless,” an expression of “extreme views.” The Labor party’s Anniken Huitfeldt called it “one-sided . . . propaganda” that was “unworthy” and “stupid.” Rasmus Hansson of the Green party called Norheim “shameful” for posting the cartoon and Trine Skei Grande, head of the Liberal party, said that by giving it a thumbs-up he’d lowered the level of debate.