“Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July,
but Democrats believe every day is April 15.”
Ronald Reagan
Besides tax day, April is noted for showers, which according to the rhyme should bring May flowers. We certainly have had the rain and, if my garden is at all predictive, it looks like May will bring an abundance of blossoms – though nearer the end of the month than the start. The month was also, as I wrote in an earlier piece, the occasion of my 50th wedding anniversary. At the request of our grandchildren, we renewed our wedding vows. This time, though, I felt confident that they will really take; there should be no need to redo them in another fifty years!
The month began with Mr. Obama announcing that all debate about the Affordable Care Act can stop now that 8.0 million people have signed up. The first reaction of the Administration to the enrollment numbers, after high-fives all around, was to announce the resignation of HHS Secretary Katherine Sebelius. After an abysmal start on October 1st, 8.0 million is a credible number. But details have not been made available. How many have paid? How many were young and healthy? How many had been uninsured? How many are Medicaid signups? How many actually lost their insurance because of ObamaCare? What has been the cost – in technology and advertising? And what about the Little Sisters of the Poor? With dozens of lawsuits outstanding, no one can predict what will happen to the Affordable Care Act. The whole episode shows the divisiveness of one Party trying to unilaterally drive legislation past another.
The month was also a reminder of the instability of the world in which we live. A massive 8.2 earthquake hit offshore Chile on April 1. Earthquakes are measured on the Richter Scale, an exponential scale; so that every increase in a whole number equates to ten times the magnitude – a 7.0 earthquake is ten times that of a 6.0 and 100 times that of a 5.0. For comparison purposes, the earthquake that hit San Francisco in 1989 and which collapsed the Bay Bridge was 6.9 on the Richter Scale. This one was about 50 times larger and should serve as a reminder that man remains subservient to nature. At the end of the month, on the 27th, a tornado ripped through parts of Mississippi and Arkansas killing 35. Tornados are ranked according to the Enhanced Fujitsu Scale, from EF0, with wind gusts up to 85MPH to EF5, with wind gusts up to 200MPH. This one was ranked an EF3. The Philippines were ablaze on the 6th of the month when 1000 homes were destroyed by fire in the slums of the southern city of Davao. Like the great Chicago fire of 1871 (which was allegedly started when Mrs. O’Leary’s cow knocked over a lantern), this fire was started by human error – a candle.