Mr. First Amendment : Congress Shall Make no Law Abridging Floyd Abrams’s Brief. Gabriel Schoenfeld ****

What are we to make of Floyd Abrams?

For more than five decades he has been toiling in the vineyards of the First Amendment, as a practicing attorney, a professor at the law schools of Columbia and Yale, and an apostle of free speech and a free press, writing and lecturing extensively in defense of his vision of both. He has appeared as counsel in numerous landmark cases in virtually every area of First Amendment law, from government secrecy to libel to campaign finance regulation. He holds the unique distinction of being the only lawyer in America known to have appeared before the Supreme Court wearing only one sock—and in the Pentagon Papers case, no less. Most of all, he is someone who has thought long and hard about 14 words—“Congress shall make no law .  .  . abridging the freedom of speech or of the press”—that are not only central to our national life, but are the continuing source of fierce controversy and litigation.

Abrams has just published Friend of the Court, a collection of his writings and speeches on an array of critical issues; it follows Speaking Freely (2005), in which he ranged over some of the key cases of his career, including the tale of the missing sock. Abrams is a staunch, though frequently unorthodox, liberal, with a life project of protecting and expanding the scope of legal expression under American law. For anyone—conservatives very much included—interested in the continuing controversies surrounding the First Amendment, his writings are an excellent place to start.

In both volumes, Abrams reconstructs the 1971 Pentagon Papers case. Together with Alexander Bickel, he was the outside counsel brought in to defend the New York Times against Richard Nixon’s ill-conceived effort to stop the paper from publishing the trove of purloined secrets it had obtained from former Defense Department insider Daniel Ellsberg. The story of the battle over the attempt to impose a prior restraint on the newspaper—the first in American history—is gripping no matter who tells it, and Abrams’s pen brings it vividly to life yet again. After telling the tale from his participant’s vantage point, he steps back to reflect on its legacy. And he settles on a number of consequences, one of which is the emergence of a new era of “press militancy,” or adversary journalism, as others have called it. A second is the case’s dramatic demonstration to the public of the “absurdity” of a classification system that cloaked a wealth of innocuous information in official secrecy.

But it is the legal ramifications of the decision that, to Abrams, surpass all else in importance:

Up to that time prior restraints had historically been viewed as the single most intrusive and dangerous form of government conduct threatening freedom of expression. In the Pentagon Papers case, that notion was considered in the context of publication that a majority of the Supreme Court believed would do significant harm, yet still held was protected by the First Amendment.

This paved the way for our current legal order, in which the kind of disclosure that would warrant halting the presses in advance has been narrowed nearly to the vanishing point.

Victor Davis Hanson on Our ‘Path to Armageddon’ John Bennett Historian Victor Davis Hanson recently gave one of the finest and most memorable presentations on the subject of immigration.   America could be on “a path to Armageddon,” given the blend of relativism, racial preferences, and nullified immigration laws, warned Hanson in an interview with Mark Levin, [link opens in pop-up, interview begins at […]

Global Warming: Don’t Confuse Us with the Facts Timothy Birdnow

Global warming is a planetary emergency, climate alarmists tell us. America and the rest of the world must fundamentally alter our lifestyles and radically reduce our consumption of energy and our industrial emissions if we are to survive thermogeddon. This is science, they tell us, and the science is settled.

President Obama echoed this in his State of the Union address, pointing his bony little finger at the American people and declaring global warming a “fact” despite the evidence on the ground. If Mr. Obama is to make such a decisive statement on the accuracy of computer models, then one would suppose he was privy to precise and accurate — and complete — data.

If global warming aka climate change aka global climate flatulence is so serious a problem, then why are they allowing our system of moored ocean buoys that measure sea surface temperatures and the El Niño/La Niña phenomenon to degrade?

From Nature News:

Nearly half of the moored buoys in the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) array have failed in the last two years, crippling an early-warning system for the warming and cooling events in the eastern equatorial Pacific, known respectively as El Niño and La Niña. Scientists are now collecting data from just 40% of the array.

“It’s the most important climate phenomenon on the planet, and we have blinded ourselves to it by not maintaining this array,” says Michael McPhaden, a senior scientist at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Seattle, Washington. McPhaden headed the TAO project before it was transferred out of NOAA’s research arm and into the agency’s National Weather Service in 2005.

The network was developed over the course of a decade following the massive El Niño of 1982�’1983. NOAA maintains some 55 buoys across the eastern and central Pacific that monitor weather conditions as well as water temperatures down to 500 metres. Working in concert, the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) maintains another dozen buoys in the western tropical Pacific. Combined, the monitoring system has become a cornerstone for seasonal weather forecasting given the tropical Pacific’s influence on broader weather patterns.

THOMAS LIFSON: THE ROYAL DHIMMIWIT GETS A SATISFYING SMACKDOWN Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, is also heir to the sort of mush-headed liberalism that permeates high society on both sides of the Atlantic. Accordingly, he has thrown his lot in with the warmists, decrying the alleged danger to the future of the earth represented by the harnessing of energy embedded in […]

The Muslim Conquest of India By Janet Levy India’s centuries-long resistance to Muslim aggression began in 636 C.E. This started a series of incursions in which Muslim warriors desecrated Hindu places of worship and universities, slaughtered monks and priests, and unleashed a reign of terror to impose Islam and subjugate the majority Hindu population.  In K.S. Lal’s 1973 book, Growth of Muslim Population of […]

GOOD NEWS FROM AMAZING ISRAEL- MICHAEL ORDMAN The Jewish State in its true light. — In the 9th Feb 2014 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:   ·        Israeli HIV research has led to a breakthrough in treatments for autoimmune diseases. ·        Israel is helping the Philippines rebuild its agriculture after Typhoon Haiyan. ·        An Israeli app uses […]

MARTIN SHERMAN: ISRAEL’S IMPOTENT RIGHT WING- BRINGING A KNIFE TO A GUNFIGHT The abysmal political situation emerging today underscores the inability of a hopelessly naïve and incompetent Right to contend with an unscrupulously malevolent and delusional Left. This is the terrible danger involved in the establishment of a third independent sovereign state [besides Israel and Jordan] between us and the Jordan River… [It] is liable to […]

EXCLUSIVE: At Pakistan’s ‘Taliban U,’ Jihadists Major in Anti-Americanism- Sib Kaifee A 90-minute drive northwest of Islamabad is an Islamic seminary that is considered the ivory tower of terrorism, a jihadist factory that has produced prominent Taliban fighters and its leadership for decades. Unofficially dubbed “University of Jihad,” Dar ul Uloom Haqqania [House of Knowledge and Truthfulness] counts Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Muhammad Omar and Jalaluddin […]


Seung Min Kim

Hispanic group offers anti-ACA ad

A conservative Hispanic advocacy group will launch a new round of ads Wednesday targeting a vulnerable House Democrat over Obamacare — an effort that highlights the problems that it says Latinos have faced with the health care law.

The ad from the LIBRE Initiative goes after Rep. Joe Garcia (D-Fla.) and stars a Latina doctor in southern Florida who cites a handful of concerns she has about the Affordable Care Act — such as higher premiums and canceled insurance policies.

“This law does not put patients first,” the physician, Grazie Pozo Christie, says in the ad. “My patients ask if I will continue to provide care for them, and it pains me to say, ‘I don’t have an answer.’”

The ad closes by urging viewers to express their opposition to the health care law to Garcia. The broadcast and digital ads will run in the lawmaker’s Miami-area district on English-language stations starting Wednesday through Feb. 6.

This is the second series of ads that the LIBRE Initiative has run against the freshman Democrat on Obamacare, and a spokesman for the group said it will have spent more than $700,000 in Garcia’s district alone with the two ads.

“This law is hurting families in Florida and around the nation — and is doing particular damage in the Hispanic community,” the group’s executive director, Daniel Garza, will say in a forthcoming release.

The latest round of ads are part of a broader, seven-figure campaign from the LIBRE Initiative beginning last fall that goes after lawmakers who support the Affordable Care Act. The larger campaign has also targeted Democratic Rep. Pete Gallego of Texas.


Ed Cline is an e-pal- a most astute and articulate writer and observer of our melting national politics and culture. He blogs regularly at, and his columns appear on

This is from Daniel Greenfield’s blog…..Read the book….and check out the Sparrowhawk series….
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The Black Stone: A Detective Novel of 1930 (The Cyrus Skeen Detective Series) by Edward Cline (Jan 30, 2014)

Edward Cline’s new book, The Black Stone, a detective story set in the 1930s that involves the infamous “black stone” of Islam is out. You can get the ebook at Amazon. And hopefully a print edition will be coming shortly.

Here’s an excerpt

“Mujahideen?” Skeen had queried, slowly pronouncing the unfamiliar combination of syllables.

“Moslem fighters, ‘sacrificers,’ beasts ready to die in the cause of Allah, especially if it means killing Jews. They are an ancient breed. When there are no Jews handy, they will kill infidels with as much fervor and sadistic thoroughness.”

Skeen could only absorb the information with a mental shudder. He had said, “But there are no Arab Moslems in the city here, at least, none that we know of. There are Syrian Christians here, and Lebanese Christians who left the French Mandates. But I know little about Islam.” He had paused to add. “Still, I don’t think there are any Arab Moslems in the whole country.”

Lerner had answered, “You would do well to learn more about Islam, Mr. Skeen. And, you are probably right. The nature of Islam is such that this country, or any Western country, would be inhospitable in regards to the practices and doctrine of Islam. Islam is the most intolerant religion in existence. There are the Sunnis and the Shiites and half a dozen subsects and they are always at each other’s throats. God forbid that this fine republic should ever become hospitable to Islam or Moslems of any national stripe.”

Cline also blogs regularly at Rule of Reason and is the author of the Sparrowhawk series.