Hobby Lobby A Case Of Religious Freedom, Not Women’s Rights Betsy McAughey, PhD


The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees that if you like your God, you can keep your God. Meaning you can freely exercise your religion without government interference.

But the Obama administration insists that all health plans, including those provided by religious employers, cover contraception, sterilization and morning-after pills.

On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores Inc., a case that the Democratic Party is falsely calling a test for women’s rights.

Nineteen U.S. senators and 91 members of the House, all Democrats, filed briefs supporting Obama’s legal war against Hobby Lobby, a family-owned chain of craft stores providing health insurance to all employees but refusing for religious reasons to cover morning-after pills, such as Plan B and Ella.

Sen. Patty Murray claims, “What’s at stake in this case before the Supreme Court is whether a CEO’s personal beliefs can trump a woman’s right to access free or low-cost contraception under the Affordable Care Act.”

Nonsense. Not one word in the Affordable Care Act guarantees health plans will cover birth-control products. There is no such “right.”



Filing Deadline (D/R): July 8, 2014 – Please note that the filing date is in July and other challengers may file before then. We will update until the primary.State Primary: September 9, 2014

To see the actual voting records of all incumbents on other issues such as Foreign Policy, Second Amendment Issues, Homeland Security, and other issues as well as their rankings by special interest groups please use the links followed by two stars (**).


Chris Coons (D) Incumbent Won in a special election in 2010

Rated +1 by AAI, indicating a mixed Arab/Palestine voting record. (May 2012)
Vigorous support for State of Israel against Hamas in Gaza. (Nov 2012)

http://www.ontheissues.org/senate/Chris_Coons.htm **




Supported Keystone XL Pipeline

Supporting clean energy solutions. Senator Coons believes we must invest in an all-of-the-above energy strategy that includes clean energy solutions such as wind, solar, and biofuels that do not put the environment at risk. As we invest in growing a 21st century advanced manufacturing economy, we must focus as well on incentivizing clean energy manufacturing, of which Delaware is already an early leader.

Preparing for climate change. Climate change is one of the most important challenges facing our nation. To mitigate its impact, Senator Coons believes that we must act quickly to reduce the amount of global warming gases released into the atmosphere. At the same time, we must ensure that our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions provide opportunities for economic growth and do not stifle investment, innovation, and job creation. As we seek to reduce our carbon footprint, we must press our global competitors to do the same. As the lowest-lying state in the country, Delaware also needs to prepare for and adapt to the consequences of climate change that local communities are already experiencing, such as rising sea levels and more extreme weather events. We must continue taking steps to strengthen our resilience and reduce the costly impacts of droughts, storms, and flooding in our communities.

FOREIGN POLICY Defending freedom, democracy, and security in the Middle East. Senator Coons believes the U.S. must play a leadership role partnering with people seeking freedom and democracy around the world, including in the Middle East. He deeply values our strong and abiding partnership with Israel, and believes the U.S. must do everything in its power to defend U.S. security interests in the region. He is focused on ensuring Iran does not develop a nuclear weapon capability, and defending the Syrian people against the unconscionable onslaught of violence perpetrated by the Assad regime.


Today’s Israeli Leaders Lack the Very Qualities That Made Its Founders Great

And none embodied the biblical worldview more, or had more political agility, than Menachem Begin, who has no real heirs
Israel’s founding generation is disappearing. In January, Ariel Sharon, who left an indelible mark on Israel’s map and history, finally passed away after spending eight years in a coma. Earlier this month, Meir Har-Zion, the fearless and controversial soldier who helped create the Sayeret Matkal, died at 80. And this coming summer, Shimon Peres, now 90 and the last surviving member of David Ben Gurion’s inner circle, will retire from Israel’s presidency and, presumably, begin to step back from public life.

Certainly there are politicians who can still claim direct connection to the founders’ generation, most notably Isaac Herzog—known as Buji—whose grandfather Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog was Israel’s first chief rabbi and whose father Chaim Herzog, a disciple of Ben Gurion, was the country’s sixth president. But in a sense, we are already living in a post-founder era: There is no meaningful way in which Israel’s current prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, head of the Likud, can be called an heir to the party’s founder, Menachem Begin.

The inexorable disappearance of those who lived through—and shaped—the heroic period of Israel’s establishment virtually begs us to ask: Why is it that no one in today’s generation of leaders, who of course are all deeply committed to the state of Israel and to the Jewish people, can truly claim the mantle of those who went before?

“Unionizing College Athletes!” by Sydney Williams


I find myself increasingly out of sync, not only in cultural terms like being mystified by Gwyneth Paltrow’s and Chris Martin’s “conscious uncoupling” (a consequence of an unconscious coupling perhaps?), but in behavior. Unionizing student-athletes is totally foreign to my understanding of college and athletics. It is well known that college athletes in sports like basketball and football generate significant revenue for their universities. It is equally well known that those revenues allow colleges to offer non money-making athletics like squash or rowing. All athletes put in long hours, because of the love of the sport, their joy in being a team-member or, in the case of a small number, because it may lead to professional contracts.

Schools bear part of the responsibility that led former Northwestern quarterback Kain Colter, with backing from the College Athletes Players Association, to get NLRB regional director Peter Ohr to rule that student-athletes at private colleges have the right to unionize. For years, colleges have turned a blind eye toward the hours required of students to play sports like football, especially knowing that only a small percent will make it to the pros. They have paid too little attention to the long-lasting nature of injuries. Many show little concern as to whether their student-athletes get an education, not to mention a degree. They covet the money with little regard to the human consequences. Northwestern’s football program raised an estimated $30 million last year against expenses of $22 million. The latter includes $2.2 million paid to head coach Pat Fitzgerald. In their quest for dollars, these universities created the problem. As it says in Hosea 8:7 – “They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.”

What is most important for any student is education. There are 125 college and universities in NCAA Division 1 Football Bowl Subdivision. Combined, they include 10,625 team members. A September 2012 study, conducted by the NCAA, found that only 253 were drafted, or 2.4%. So, if they are not there for an education, either the students are wasting their time or the college is abusing that of the students. Obviously there are a few who see college as a time to refine one’s craft, to make one’s self more attractive to recruiters and who succeed in the pros. But 97.6% of Division 1 college football players have to find other means of making a living.



It must have been a shock to its “right-nick” listeners. But even government-subsidized National Public Radio [NPR] had a commentator last week declaring that the so-called Israel-Palestine “Peace Process” is going anywhere. And, more importantly, he noted, the rest of the Middle East at the moment doesn’t care all that much about the issue. That’s quite an admission for the increasing anti-Israel lobby which now counts The New York Times and NPR among its brightest stars.

Nor was Pres. Barack Obama likely to have heard much about the Israel-Palestine schmoozle in his peripatetic travels including trying to put a band aid on worsening Washington-Riyadh relations. True, the Arab League – which has more differences among its members than the United Nations Security Council –recently did come out against “a Jewish state”. But the Arab League has become less and less a spokesman for the Arabs. Its anti-Israel screeds are all that’s left of what broke away from British tutelage with Gama Nasser’s overthrow the British protected Egyptian monarchy in the early 50s.

Indeed, the list of issues is long facing the Arab world, and Muslim majority nations in general, and the Western powers ostensibly led by the U.S. in the Middle East. It is fraught with so many other threats that the problem of Israel’s relations with the Arabs pales in comparison. Nor does anyone believe the myth held among Pres. Obama’s Arabist coterie that “solution” of the Israel-Palestine problem would be an open sesame to solving all the Middle East myriad difficulties.

Foremost now, for the Sunni Arab regimes – and even those nominally secular such as Egypt’s new military rule – is the specter of the growing regional power of the mullahs in Tehran. That’s exemplified for the Saudis by the growing evidence that the bloody Syrian Dictator Basher Assad relies on Iran for life support. The Saudis publicly keep reminding Obama and the Europeans they had promised to eliminate him. Instead, there is even the prospect that Assad may negotiate his way into some sort of permanence through, ironically, Washington-sponsored peace talks.

European Elections a Turning Point for Europe? by Peter Martino


In Britain as in France, voters have evidently become disillusioned with a political establishment responsible for open-borders policies, Islamization and the transfer of national sovereignty to supranational organizations such as the European Union. Soon these voices will be heard in national parliaments, too.

The municipal elections in France resulted in a huge victory for the Front National of Marine Le Pen. For the first time since 1995, France will again have FN mayors. Marine Le Pen also succeeded in maneuvering her party into pole position for the European elections on May 25th. France has 74 seats in the European Parliament. FN is expected to win up to 20 or more.

Marine Le Pen is one of Europe’s greatest political talents. Her strategy to rid the party, which she inherited from her anti-Semitic father, from most of its extreme-right elements is paying off. While Le Pen’s international policies are dangerously flawed and her economic proposals border on socialist protectionism, she has succeeded in turning the FN into an acceptable alternative for millions of ordinary Frenchmen from the Left as well as the Right.

Le Pen has also cleverly avoided making any political mistakes. She did not give in to provocations of political opponents and she did not fall into the trap of giving her enemies opportunities to reinforce hostile perceptions about her party.

The result is that France’s political system is no longer a two-party system dominated by the Socialist PS of current president François Hollande and the Conservative UMP of former president Nicolas Sarkozy. With the Front National, a third player of equal status has emerged. Moreover, as the anger of the voters at the two established parties is growing, Le Pen’s momentum is far from over.

A 21st Century “Patriotic Energy Policy” is Required to Grow America’s Economy and Reduce its “Light Years” of Debt by Lawrence Kadish


An unchecked national debt will profoundly damage our country, its future and the fate of our allies.

Just two states, Utah and Colorado, hold approximately 3 trillion barrels of oil in shale deposits which would provide us with the means to release domestic energy resources that would add jobs and re-industrialize our nation.

Oil exporters like Venezuela and the Arab Emirates are understandably nervous about losing those American petrodollars. It is not a surprise that they have underwritten Hollywood films attacking fracking as an environmental threat…and that they will continue to use their wealth and influence to try to short circuit America’s pursuit of accessing domestic energy resources.

As the White House slashes America’s military budget and our influence proves irrelevant in Ukraine and other hot spots around the globe it is clear our economic policies have failed to grow our economy to create jobs and generate much needed revenue. This failure has resulted in budget deficits, increased debt and a loss of military strength. Our national debt has increased from approximately $11 trillion to $17.4 trillion over the last 5 years, and it’s getting worse. Congress has just voted to lift the debt limit so that, together with our ongoing budget deficits, our nation will confront an $18 trillion debt within a few months.

This fiscal burden is so massive many observers and commentators have struggled to find words that allow us to understand its enormity. Some have described the national debt as going through the stratosphere, but it’s far beyond that. It requires an astronomical calculation to reveal the magnitude of the crisis, computing the debt as a Light Year scientists use to measure the vast distances of outer space.

Before or After the Hamastan Rockets Smash Tel Aviv? Mark Langfan

Mark Langfan

The writer, who specializes in security issues, has created an original educational 3d Topographic Map System of Israel to facilitate clear understanding of the dangers facing Israel and its water supply. It has been studied by US lawmakers and can be seen at www.marklangfan.com. He is national Chairman of Americans for a Safe Israel….rsl

The Israeli public is not aware of some crucial facts.

The Israeli people didn’t know about Attorney General Mazuz’s legal opinion before the retreat from Gaza.Israeli Minister of Defense (MOD) Moshe Ya’alon is a modern-day Jewish hero. That’s why President Obama attacks Ya’alon when he speaks the truth. Now the only question is: When exactly do the Jews of Israel want to be told the truth that a Palestinian Arab State will rain chemical Katyushas down on Tel Aviv; after Tel Aviv is hit, or beforehand, so the Jews can fight another attempted mass-extermination?

Well, let’s go to historical heart of Ariel Sharon’s military “theory”, the one behind the “Disengagement” Plan from Gaza in 2005. According to the IDF Spokesperson, between 2001-2004, there were thousands, I repeat, thousands of Gaza rockets attacks into Israel. That’s thousands of Gaza rockets before the 2005 Disengagement.



The war of words between the Palestinian Authority and Israel continues over a scheduled fourth prisoner release by Israel, the Palestinians’ willingness to extend the current round of peace talks beyond April 29, and a Palestinian commitment not to seek enhanced status at the United Nations as a member state, while talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority continue.

If the discussions go the way of prior crises in the negotiations, the prisoners will be released, the PA will agree to continue the talks that are going nowhere for some as yet undermined period beyond April 29, and the Palestinians will delay what inevitably will occur at some point — an attempt at the United Nations to seek enhanced member status.

Membership for a state in the United Nations requires a positive recommendation from the Security Council followed by a two-thirds vote supporting the motion in the General Assembly.

As the U.N.’s website explains:

“States are admitted to membership in the United Nations by decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council. The procedure is briefly as follows:

“1. The State submits an application to the Secretary-General and a letter formally stating that it accepts the obligations under the Charter.

Former Nebaska Senator Bob Kerrey(D ) Calls Obama a Delusional Liar; Renders Himself MSM Nonperson By P.J. Gladnick


Imagine if a former Republican presidential candidate and U.S. senator had called a current Republican president a delusional liar whose programs are wasteful. Would the mainstream media not be all over the story? Such a person would be interviewed at length by Wolf Blitzer on CNN as well as made the rounds of the morning talk shows and the Sunday news programs as well. The media buzz would be red hot on this topic for days extending into weeks.

Well, there is such a person but because he is a Democrat saying these things about President Obama, we can expect him to become an MSM nonperson. Such seems to already be the fate of former presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Bob Kerrey. It is no surprise that his extended criticisms of Obama appeared in in a Daily Mail article in Britain, not in America where the shunning seems to have already begun. Here is what Kerrey has to say about Obama which you most likely won’t see in any major liberal news outlet in America:

The Nebraskan straight-talker told MailOnline in an exclusive interview that Obama isn’t up to the job of bringing liberals and conservatives to the table to rescue America’s slowly choking entitlement programs.

And Obama, he said Wednesday in his Manhattan office, knew full well he was lying when he promised that the Affordable Care Act would allow Americans to keep insurance plans they liked.

‘He had to know he was misleading the audience,’ Kerrey said quietly, recalling the newly minted president’s countless promises as Congress and the public debated his signature health insurance overhaul.