While the latest twist in the trial of former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert upstages the investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct by Energy and Water Minister Silvan Shalom, a different type of scandal is unfolding that is worthy of far greater worry.
But with the Israeli media more interested in discussing Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s blocking of Twitter and YouTube, and broadcasting his sudden onset of laryngitis during an election rally, the real story involving Turkey has barely been reported.
On Thursday, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon gave the green light to Turkey to complete construction on a hospital in Gaza, which it began building in 2011 by smuggling materials through illegal tunnels. The hospital will be run jointly by Turks and Palestinians.
Ya’alon’s permission grants Turkey the right to transfer 500 trucks of building materials and 70 trucks of electrical and communications equipment into the Hamas-run Palestinian enclave.
This gesture suggests that recent reports in the Turkish press according to which normalization with Israel is soon to resume are accurate. Indeed, for the past few days, Turkish newspapers have referred to a number of developments indicating that the four-year break in relations between Jerusalem and Ankara is on the brink of a resolution.
Ties between Turkey and Israel were severed in 2010, when a Turkish Gaza-bound flotilla with armed pro-Palestinian activists was intercepted by Israeli commandos. In the ensuing fray, during which the Israeli soldiers were viciously attacked with various weapons, nine activists were killed. Turkey never took responsibility for its part in the incident. Israel, on the other hand, has continued to try to repair the damage. At the behest of U.S. President Barack Obama, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu even issued a personal apology to Erdogan, and has been negotiating a compensation package for the families of those killed during the raid.
Erdogan keeps upping the ante, however, not only demanding greater sums of money than Israel originally agreed to pay, but setting as a condition for a settlement the listing of the siege on his terrorist buddies on Gaza. Nevertheless, Netanyahu has not rescinded his offer to pay compensation — a misnomer for acts of self-defense — due ostensibly to reasons of regional realpolitik.
This has not been working in Israel’s favor. Turkey under Erdogan has become increasingly hostile to its former ally. And it has a lot more to gain from good relations with the Jewish state than the other way around. In fact, after a four-year hiatus, Israelis are starting to plan vacations to Turkey again. This is a source of great revenue for the Turkish tourism industry, because Israelis spend lots of cash when they go abroad. Nobody is more keenly aware of this than Turkish shopkeepers.