TABITHA KOROL: WOOING WYOMING I became aware of an invitation issued to 125 libraries across our nation, a lure for these institutions of learning to participate in a five-part reading and discussion series, titled “Let’s Talk About It: Muslim Journeys.”  I do not use the term “lure” lightly, inasmuch as this is a strategy of the Muslim […]

THE SHAME OF BENGHAZI: CAL THOMAS | When anything bipartisan comes out of a polarized Washington, one should be grateful. That’s why a Senate Intelligence Committee report on the September 11, 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans represents progress of sorts. The committee, chaired by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, (D-CA), faults […]

Palestinians vs. Pro-Palestinian Israelis by Khaled Abu Toameh “Normalization [with Israel] is an act of treason.” — Large poster outside Ramallah peace conference. If Israelis and Palestinians are unable even to talk about peace, what would happen if and when Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas signs a peace deal with Israel? Might he, too, find himself being escorted out of Ramallah under […]

TED BELMAN: THE TWO STATE SOLUTION IS DEAD- LONG LIVE WHAT? The Two-State Solution is dead.  All that remains is for the US to declare it so. Palestinians leaders and Israeli leaders have made it clear. In a speech on Jan 10/14, Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud  Abbas made it crystal clear that he would never abandon the “right of return”, would never recognize Israel as a […]

ROGER ARONOFF & BETHANY STOTTS: MORE PROOF THAT OBAMA KNEW THE TRUTH ABOUT BENGHAZI New details have surfaced which further put the lie to the idea that the Obama administration’s knowledge of the Benghazi attacks was “developing” at the time, and that the administration could reasonably have believed that the terrorist attacks perpetrated on September 11, 2012 had anything to do with the anti-Islam video “Innocence of Muslims.” […]

KIM ZIGFELD: HOUSE INTEL CHAIRMAN MIKE ROGERS (R-MICHIGAN)-“SNOWDEN HAD ASSISTANCE FROM RUSSIAN SPIES” In a jaw-dropping revelation on NBC’s Meet the Press, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Michigan) has stated that he believes the fugitive Edward Snowden had assistance from Russian spies when he stole vast amounts of sensitive U.S. security data and fled to Russia. Rogers told MTP host David Gregory:  “Let me just say […]


If you oppose Israel’s existence, and especially if you work for its destruction, you’re an antisemite—even if you don’t say things like “Jews are always out for your money,” “Jews control all the world’s governments and banks,” “Jews drink blood at Passover,” etc.

Israel is the world’s only Jewish state, and about half the world’s Jews live in it. If you devote yourself to its dissolution, you’re anti-Jewish—antisemitic—just as someone devoted to America’s dissolution would, of course, be anti-American.

Ali Abunimah, an American of Palestinian descent who runs the Electronic Intifada website, has been called “the leading American proponent of a one-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” “One-state solution” is code for Israel’s demise, to be replaced by a country of mixed Arab and Jewish population that would, however, extend the “right of return” to millions of descendants of (purported) Palestinian Arabs.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: THE THIN STRAND OF CIVILIZATION Had the Greeks lost at Salamis, Western civilization might easily have been strangled in its adolescence. Had Hitler not invaded the Soviet Union, the European democracies would have probably remained overwhelmed. And had the Japanese just sidestepped the Philippines and Pearl Harbor, as they gobbled up the orphaned Pacific colonies of a defunct Western […]

The Eternal Darkness of the Progressive Mind By Bruce Thornton The attacks on Lone Survivor, the movie about 4 Navy Seals caught in an operation gone lethally wrong in Afghanistan, illustrate once again the fossilized orthodoxy of the left. The L.A. Weekly’s Amy Nicholson called the movie a “jingoistic snuff film” that “bleeds blood red, bone-fracture white, and bruise blue” and assumes “brown people […]

Samar Ali: Her Father’s Organization Wants to Destroy Israel :By David James Dr. Subhi Ali, Chairman of the Jerusalem Fund, is the father of Haslam appointee Samar Ali.  Dr. Ali’s organization advocates BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) against Israel as a way to end Israel as a Jewish state; to destroy it by any means possible. Hisham Sharabi, who founded the the Jerusalem Fund (JF) in […]