Does Trump Really Want To Be President Again? By Victor Davis Hanson

Team Trump has sometimes compared former President Donald Trump’s current quest for a non-sequential second term to two-term President Grover Cleveland’s similar three election bids.

Cleveland remains our only elected president (1884) to have lost a reelection bid (1888) — in a disputed vote — only to be reelected four years later in 1892.

Yet Trump seems determined instead to follow a different, and bullheaded, Teddy Roosevelt model.

Roosevelt left the presidency in 1908, sat out four years, and then lost a reelection bid in 1912, split and alienated the Republican Party, and ensured the election of the progressive Woodrow Wilson.

President Joe Biden’s first “corrective” two years have been an utter disaster.

Biden birthed hyperinflation. He destroyed a secure border and Trump’s energy self-sufficiency. Crime is now out of control. The United States was humiliated abroad in Afghanistan. Rising interest rates will soon spark a recession.

After promising to unite the country, Biden smeared half the voting population as “un-American” and “semi-fascist.”

In addition, almost all of Trump’s prior complaints, predictions, and assertions that the media dismissed as conspiratorial, or crackpot have proven eerily prescient.

Hunter Biden’s laptop was all too authentic.

The FBI was compromised and acted as an agent of the Democratic Party. Anthony Fauci proved a partisan.

Russian collusion was an utter hoax. It was engineered by Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee, and the FBI.

The Wuhan lab did likely birth the engineered COVID virus. That possibility was covered up by the media and public health establishments.

End Jew Hatred Report: Canada Must Stop Facilitating Terror, Remove Samidoun Israel designated Samidoun a terrorist organization; 3 days later Canada gave it non-profit status By Doris Strub Epstein

(The report below has been sent on November 16 to every federal MP and every provincial and territorial MPP and all Senators. This is a regular report prepared by Doris Epstein, a volunteer with End Jew Hatred Canada.) 

Since March 2021, Samidoun has been registered as a not for profit organization in Canada. Samidoun, the “Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network”, is based in Vancouver and has chapters, affiliates and links around the world. They claim to advocate for innocent prisoners incarcerated in Israel’s jails. They never say that most of the prisoners are convicted terrorists, on the pay roll for Palestinian Authority President Abbas’s pay for slay program.

Samidoun is affiliated directly, with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, PFLP, a listed terrorist entity in Canada. They have been staging anti- Israel events here that are demonstrably and clearly detrimental to Canadian interests and values.

Samidoun’s Europe Coordinator, Mohammed Khatib said at a demonstration in Brussels in October, “Defeating Israel means defeating the US, defeating Israel means defeating Canada: this settlement that exists on the basis of the Indigenous people and the Black People.” They also raise funds, run advocacy programs and organize events on university campuses

In February, 2021, Israel, designated Samidoun a terrorist organization and identified it as an arm of the PFLP.  A press statement added that Samidoun was founded by “members of the PFLP in2012 …and serves as a front for the PFLP abroad.“ The group spreads hatred towards Israel, claiming Israel is an apartheid state – a false claim that often results in attacks on Jews outside of Israel, Canada included.  Samidoun is part of a radical movement urging cultural and economic boycotts (BDS), a strategy that has been called antisemitic by the Prime Minister of Canada

A call to the good people of MAGA to denounce the left’s anti-Trump slanders By David Zukerman

For the past ten days or so, Donald J. Trump, has been falsely vilified as a White supremacist who is comfortable in the company of anti-Semites, and attacked for his “calls” to abolish or “terminate” the Constitution (despite having never said such a thing).

History, I believe, will note that the more preposterous the false accusation against Donald J. Trump, the quicker the stirred-up crowd will toss reason aside and follow the persons spewing anti-Trump slander.

So what else is new? These slurs and more have been hurled at Mr. Trump since he announced his first candidacy for president, some seven-and-a-half years ago.

Sadly, as Machiavelli pointed out in Chapter 6 of Il Principe, the logical supporters of a political reformer will be slow to defend the leader against attack from the establishment. This observation on human nature remains trenchant, after nearly 500 years since Machiavelli put his words to paper, as indicated by the reluctance of the logical allies of Donald J. Trump to stand with him against demagogic assault from the Deep State intent on crushing the MAGA (common good) movement — this apathetic attitude resulted in the Mueller investigation, and two phony impeachments, one straddling his term in office and his leave-taking.

And the reluctance to defend our best president since Reagan continues. Imagine how good the years from 2021 to 2025 would have been had MAGA populists stood shoulder to shoulder with our MAGA president who revived the populist spirit expressed by Madison in the first half of Federalist Paper No. 57.

The American Left Sows the Seeds and Waters the Roots of Anti-Semitism By Richard Moss

After the tragic killing of 11 elderly Jews at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018, the members of the Jewish left, along with allies in the Democrat party and the media, have been unrelenting in their efforts to pin the act on President Donald Trump, accusing him of creating an atmosphere of “hatred” which led to violence — and the recent unplanned and unfortunate visit of anti-Semites Kanye West and Nick Fuentes with Trump at Mar-a-Lago threw kindling on the fire.

But even a cursory exam of the record will demonstrate that Trump is the most pro-Israel, pro-Jewish president we have ever had.  Given the rhetoric however it would be useful to compare the records of Trump, Barack Hussein Obama (and Joe Biden), the Democrat Party, and the Jewish left regarding their treatment of the Jewish people and the state of Israel, and to determine the true epicenter of anti-Semitism in America and around the world today.

To begin, members of Trump’s immediate family are Jewish — Ivanka converted to Judaism when she married her Jewish husband; Trump has Jewish grandchildren that he adores.  Jews have been influential consultants and advisors throughout his long career in business and his administration.  While the broad American Jewish community did not support Trump in 2016, he was very popular among observant Orthodox Jews and nearly 75% of Israelis approve of Trump.

Acting on his promise, Trump moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing it as the eternal capital of the Jewish people, something his predecessor refused to do.

Trump ended the Iran nuclear deal forged by Obama.  This deal paved the way for a nuclear-armed Iran within 10 years, a nation that is pledged to the annihilation of Israel.  Iran is the leading state sponsor of terror and funds terrorist proxies Hamas and Hezbollah, which, like their Iranian patrons, espouse genocidal ambitions towards Israel.  But the Jewish left, the Democrat Party, and the media defended the Iran nuclear deal even as it represented an existential threat to the Jewish state.

The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is a terrorist entity stained with Jewish and American blood.  It pays stipends to families of terrorists responsible for killing Jews and is the most successful Jew-killing operation since World War II.  Trump closed its diplomatic mission in Washington D.C.; Obama upgraded it. Obama also increased U.S. funding to the PLO while Trump cut it.  Biden has since reinstated the cash flow.

Left-Wing Journalists Are Truly Some of the Worst People on the Planet Protecting the powerful from the truth. by Derek Hunter

Think what you will of Donald Trump – personally, I could use a break from hearing about and from him – no one did more to expose the hypocrisy of the left than he did, and he didn’t actually do anything to cause it except to exist. Hillary Clinton was supposed to win in 2016, breaking the “glass ceiling” and ushering in an era of GOP destruction. Instead, she lost to this “monster,” setting off Democrats, both with and without press passes, into a rage-spiral that not only hasn’t stopped, but has only sped up. That included “conservatives” who seem to resent political victories they claimed they always wanted simply because they were done on his watch.

Donald Trump didn’t make them insane, his existence simply sped up the process – pulling back the curtain, or actually pulling the curtain and the rod off the wall completely. I truly despise them.

The reason for the title is watching these people “cover” the revelations of Twitter’s internal deliberations and actions on the Hunter Biden story before the 2020 election is something to behold that should make everyone sick, I know it does me. I won’t go so far as to say it would have changed the outcome of the election, but to pretend it couldn’t have is asinine. And the people pretending otherwise deserve a swift smack across the face with the cold, dead fish of reality, if only metaphorically.

But viewers and readers of the leftist media wouldn’t have any idea of the story at all. CBS News didn’t bother covering it at all. The Washington Post and New York Times burned their calories downplaying collusion between government and soon to be government officials and the silencing of a media outlet’s major story because they’re on the other team.

Ignoring Lessons Learned at Pearl Harbor Massive intelligence failures and a lack of “situational awareness” in Washington. by Oliver North

Dec. 7, 2022 — Eighty-one years ago today, Commander Mitsuo Fuchida was preparing to lead an airborne strike force of 49 “Kate” bombers, 40 torpedo bombers, 51 “Val” dive-bombers and 43 “Zeke” fighters on the first wave of an assault on Pearl Harbor. At 0854 that terrible Sunday morning, a second wave of 167 aircraft added to the devastation. When the surprise attack was over, 3,581 Americans were dead or wounded; the largest naval anchorage in the Pacific was littered with sunken and burning U.S. warships; the best dry-dock and ship repair facilities west of California were in shambles, and less than 25% of U.S. military aircraft based in Hawaii were still operational.

The Japanese surprise attack was but the first blow in a cascade of disasters. The following day, as Imperial troops invaded the Philippines, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt proclaimed Dec. 7, 1941, to be “a date which will live in infamy,” and Congress declared war on Japan. Three days later, on Dec. 11, fascist Italy and Nazi Germany declared war on the U.S. in support of their Axis partner in Tokyo. By then, nearly half a million young Americans had already visited military recruiting stations volunteering to fight, and the phrase “Remember Pearl Harbor” was a watchword. When the conflagration finally ended in Tokyo Bay on Sept. 2, 1945, more than 16 million men and women had served in the U.S. armed forces.

Each year we praise the courage and resolve of the Americans who were in Hawaii that terrible day. Yet, few now acknowledge massive intelligence failures and lack of “situational awareness” in Washington that allowed such a horrific surprise attack to occur. Nor do they mention that America’s poor preparations for war resulted in the loss of every engagement with the Japanese from Dec. 7, 1941, until the battle of Midway on June 4, 1942.

The Parallel Universe of the CCP and the World Economic Forum Two fronts of the same irregular war. by Scott S. Powell

For decades Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) has been recruiting and cultivating corporate and political leaders from all over the world to embrace a vision and plan for a complete social, political, and economic transformation—a “Great Reset”—which is nothing short of a communist “New World Order.” This plan calls for the end of sovereign states; the end of private property and the remaking of the economy based on environmental, social, and governance rankings; the replacement of oil and gas with so-called green and sustainable sources of energy; the transformation of agricultural production; the replacement of traditional money with social credit score-linked digital currency; and the requirement of universal health passports—to name some of the key WEF objectives.

After the G20 meeting in Indonesia on November 15-16, 2022, WEF chairman Klaus Schwab broadcast on CGTN TV that “the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model…” For Schwab, China is the model because the totality of its social controls is what is needed to facilitate the Great Reset and consummate the New World Order. So, let’s recap the main elements of the Chinese model and then examine the correlation to the WEF program.

China is a one-party state ruled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which now has the distinction, along with North Korea, of having the most complete totalitarian control over its people of any state in all human history. The CCP has now accomplished:

the near total control of peoples’ thinking and knowledge of history through state control of schools, the internet, and all media
the control of people’s behavior through a digital currency controlled by the state with accounts for every Chinese citizen—accounts that the government can turn off when account holder’s social credit score drops or when the account holder travels outside a zone prescribed by government
the control of people by requiring universal health passports
the control of people by way of wall-to-wall facial-recognition camera surveillance

The Hijacking of Pediatric Medicine The American Academy of Pediatrics claims to support the health of all children. Many doctors are appalled by its prescriptions. AARON SIBARIUM

Today, we’re teaming up with reporter Aaron Sibarium and our friends at the Free Beacon to take a hard look at the American Academy of Pediatrics. The AAP is the nation’s leading organization of pediatricians. Millions of families follow its pronouncements on children’s health without skepticism or second-guessing.

Thousands of pediatricians convened in Anaheim, Calif., in early October for the American Academy of Pediatrics’s (AAP) annual conference. The group, which boasts 67,000 members in the U.S. and around the world describes itself as “dedicated to the health of all children.”

So some audience members were shocked when Dr. Morissa Ladinsky, an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, lauded a transgender teenager for committing suicide.

In an address about “standing up for gender-affirming care,” Ladinsky eulogized Leelah Alcorn, an Ohio 17-year-old who, in Ladinsky’s words, “stepped boldly in front of a tractor trailer, ending her life,” in 2014, after leaving a suicide note that “went viral, literally around the world.” 

Ladinsky’s remarks were captured on video by a horrified onlooker, Oregon pediatrician Dr. Julia Mason, who expressed outrage on Twitter that Ladinsky was “glorifying suicide,” an act she described as “unprofessional and dangerous.”  

That isn’t just Mason’s opinion. Technically speaking, it is also the official stance of the AAP, whose website for parents,, explicitly warns that “glorifying suicide” can have a “‘contagious’ effect” and inspire others to take their own lives. 

Reached for comment, Ladinsky expressed “regret” about her choice of words and said it was “never my intent” to glorify self-harm.

Thanks For Letting Us Know, Joe: Your True Border Policy Is Chaos

During the last presidential election, then-candidate Joe Biden got away with trashing then-President Donald Trump for his border policies. After this week’s trip to Arizona without visiting the border mess he created, we finally got proof the border nightmare’s no accident. It’s policy.

Biden’s recent sojourn in the Grand Canyon State cleared up a conundrum for us: Was Biden’s destructive border policy a result of age-related mental issues and incompetence? Or is it what he wanted all along?

The answer came when he was questioned by Fox’s Peter Doucy about his curious Arizona itinerary, which brought him to Phoenix, just 100 miles from the border: “Why go to a border state and not visit the border?” Doocy asked.

Biden’s response: “Because there are more important things going on. They’re going to invest billions of dollars in a new enterprise.”

“More important things” than millions of undocumented people, including some affiliated with terror groups, crossing our border? More important than the hundreds of migrants who died on the journey, or were sold into virtual slavery by human traffickers?

More important than the thousands of Americans who will die from overdoses of fentanyl that had been carried across the border by members of Mexico’s vicious drug cartels, which now also control the illegal immigration business, pocketing billions of dollars?

A Corrupt, Evil Regime Intent on Imprisoning Trump J.B. Shurk,

Gunrunner, never-charged criminal, political hack, and perpetually aggrieved former attorney general Eric Holder is back, bloviating about President Trump being imminently arrested.  Given that we live in post-Republic times and that the Department of (in)Justice has exhibited no shame or remorse in its years-long campaign of political persecution and partisan double-standards, I’ll take Obama’s contemptible “wingman” at his word just this once.  So Democrats, Establishment Republicans, and the Deep State Leviathan plan on humiliating President Trump by frog-marching him before the world and tossing him in the clink.

So what?  They’ve been telegraphing this play for months, if not years.  We get it.  The U.S. government is irredeemably corrupt, we’ve officially entered banana republic territory, and all the worst tyrants in D.C. plan on rounding up and punishing anyone brave enough to fight back or dissent.  

News flash, Deep State: You kind of got your point across when Hillary Clinton’s political henchmen and Barack Obama’s FBI (political henchmen with badges?) worked with the Intelligence Community to frame candidate Trump as a Russian spy six years ago and none of the perpetrators ended up in prison.  You made things quite clear when you gave tens of millions of dollars to Andrew Weissmann to run the Mueller Inquisition, so that he and his Democrat friends could pave over the lawless bureaucracy’s Russia Hoax tracks; harass the Trump administration in pursuit of nonexistent crimes; and immunize Hillary, the FBI, and their political agents from prosecution.  

When you started locking up anybody remotely connected to the president for excrement-laden process crimes that were used as part of a stick-or-carrot approach to suborn false testimony against Trump, most of us understood that America had descended into a Lavrentiy Beria Soviet police State once and for all.  

For the slow learners out there, these people made things very easy to understand when they decided to use members of the military (who in the old days would have just been called “double agents” or “saboteurs” but are now venerated as “whistleblowers”) to impeach President Trump for a quid-pro-quo hoax in order to damage his re-election campaign and cover up Joe Biden’s actual quid-pro-quo scheming in Ukraine, China, and elsewhere.  

We watched state attorneys general, secretaries of state, and both federal and state courts look the other way while mail-in ballot dumps and suspicious “pauses” in vote-counting (in explicit violation of state statutory laws) were used to flip battleground states days after the 2020 election and hand Biden an inexplicable “victory” over a sitting president who had won nearly every bellwether county across the country by double-digits, expanded his 2016 vote totals by over ten million, and received more votes than any incumbent in history — all feats that had meant certain vict