The British Government’s Responsibility for Northern Nigeria by Alan Craig “The British colonial masters took our land and handed it over to Muslim rulers… They gave us [non-Muslim groups] an inferior social and political role in the colonial hierarchical system in northern Nigeria, and that is exactly where we are right now.” — Dr. Yusufu Taraki It is a truth not universally acknowledged in […]

Spain Rethinks Universal Jurisdiction by Soeren Kern Worried that Spain’s judicial system was being hijacked by activist judges pursuing a political agenda, Spanish lawmakers voted…to restrict the scope of universal jurisdiction. “Universal jurisdiction risks creating universal tyranny — that of judges.” — Henry Kissinger Lawmakers from Spain’s ruling center-right Popular Party have submitted a bill that would limit the conditions under […]

Honor Diaries: The Stories of 9 Women’s Rights Activists

Honor Diaries a groundbreaking film that tackles the sensitive issues of women’s rights and violence in Muslim-majority societies.

Honor Diaries is a groundbreaking interfaith film, co-produced by Women’s Voices Now, the Aha Foundation, Karma Nirvana, Council of Muslims Facing Tomorrow, and Clarion Project, that tackles head on the sensitive issues of women’s rights and violence in Muslim-majority societies. It brings together nine women from different backgrounds with unique expertise to share their stories. Honor Diaries won the St Louis International Film Festival Interfaith Award, and was an official selection at the Chicago International Film Festival.

The film discusses gender inequality, honor-based violence, forced marriage, and FGM. The women in the film come with awareness and understanding of the complex cultural issues at play, and are therefore able to attack ‘political correctness’ taboos that restrict dialogue and prevent true acknowledgement of the abuses perpetuated worldwide against women and girls. The 9 women that are followed in the film all have fascinating and troubling first-hand experience of the subject matter. Although the film does not focus on scenes of violence, FGM, murder, rape and spousal abuse are all discussed in depth, and by those with personal experience of it. For allowing these stories to be told alone, Honor Diaries is worthy of praise.

RYAN MAURO: Islamist Jurisprudence Group to Train 200 U.S. Imams To implement Sharia in America

Islamist Jurisprudence Group to Train 200 U.S. Imams
The group instructs Muslims to infiltrate positions of power for the purpose of gradually implementing sharia in America.

The California-based Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA) is holding a conference in Texas next month where it hopes to educate 200 imams. AMJA is an anti-American Salafist group that supports abuse of women, violent jihad and the stealthy imposition of sharia in the U.S.

AMJA’s 11th Annual Imams Conference will be held on February 21-23 in Dallas, Texas with the theme, “Islamic Home Finance in the West.” The subject is part of Sharia Finance, or economics that comply with sharia.

The organization says it has already had 150 imams sign up and it has a maximum capacity of 200. Imams lead mosques and Islamic centers and are seen as the local authority on the faith, so AMJA’s teachings can impact thousands of Muslims in North America.

What Would You Do If Your Unmarried Daughter Got Pregnant? By Karin McQuillan Your unmarried daughter comes to you in tears.  She’s pregnant and wants to have the baby.  You think long and hard about the best course of action. But wait – no need to think about the difficult challenges of having the baby, finishing school and getting a job. No need to find out who […]

The MLA’s Biggest Blunders Kenneth L. Marcus The Modern Language Association (MLA) has blundered repeatedly over its treatment of Israel in the run-up to its annual conference this week.  Technically the 30,000 member association is not contemplating a resolution to boycott, divest from, or sanction Israel (BDS) per se at this week’s upcoming confab. Instead it is debating a halfway measure […]


Another Tack: Headliners without hankies We hardly relish another updated sequel of the same farce, but every seven years we’re compelled to watch a bunch of by and large has-beens vie for the post of president. This prestige-laden sinecure has become a golden-age retreat for assorted flunkies. No finer end-of-career-in-the-limelight can be had. The trouble is […]


Trying to scare us Finance Minister Yair Lapid delivered a scary speech on Wednesday. At the Institute of National Security Studies conference, Lapid warned that if we don’t accept US Secretary of State John Kerry’s framework for negotiations, the Europeans are going to take away our money. Lapid claimed that Israel’s economic future is dependent […]

Obama’s SOTU Claims on Iran Debunked at Same Day Congressional Hearings; Iran Agreement Text Being Withheld Andrew Bostom

Just hours before President Obama delivered his State of the Union address (1/28/14), which included remarks (analyzed here) lauding how the P5 +1 agreement “halted” Iran’s nuclear weapons development program, a joint Congressional hearing demonstrated otherwise. Gregory S. Jones, a Senior Researcher at the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center testified that “the great flaw in the deal” was “it permits Iran to retain centrifuge enrichment.” He added, pointedly,

This fact has been denied by Secretary of State Kerry but the Joint Plan of Action says in two separate places that the follow-on Comprehensive Solution would “involve a mutually defined enrichment programme….” Note that the text says “would,” not “might” or “could.” That the Comprehensive Solution will permit Iranian centrifuge enrichment was later confirmed by the Obama administration national security spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan who said, “We are prepared to negotiate a strictly limited enrichment program.”

Jones written testimony concluded,

The only reasonable negotiating position is for the U.S. and the P5+1 to insist that Iran stops all uranium enrichment and dismantles its centrifuge enrichment facilities. President Obama and others have recognized that this would be the best outcome from the negotiations with Iran but have said that it is an unrealistic demand since Iran would never agree.


Snowden Nominated For Nobel Prize By Norwegian Politicians STAVANGER, Norway (AP) — Two Norwegian politicians have jointly nominated former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden for the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize, saying his disclosures of secret U.S. documents have contributed to making the world more peaceful. Anyone can be nominated for the prestigious award, […]