Lori Lowenthal Marcus:Murderer of Israeli Students Given Cash Prize, Employed, Promoted

Two Israeli college students were brutally murdered 30 years ago. Their murderer has been given his freedom, a huge cash prize, a job, a military promotion and an all-expenses-paid wedding. He has no regrets. http://www.jewishpress.com/news/murderer-of-israeli-students-given-cash-prize-employed-promoted/2014/01/30/ THE MURDERED On October 22, 1984, two Hebrew University students went hiking. Revital Seri, 22, and her friend Ron Levi, […]

170,000 Rockets are Aimed at Israel’s cities, Says IDF Intel Head

http://www.timesofisrael.com/170000-rockets-are-aimed-at-israels-cities-says-idf-intel-head/ The head of Israel’s most powerful intelligence agency depicted Wednesday a changing battlefield in which offensive cyber capabilities will, in the near future, represent the greatest shift in combat doctrine in over 1,000 years. For now, though, he said, the 170,000 rockets and missiles pointed by enemy states at Israel represented the most pressing […]

Michael Oren Misunderstands the Obstacle to Peace by Efraim Karsh

http://www.meforum.org/3733/michael-oren-peace For an accomplished historian, Michael Oren seems to have an extraordinarily short memory. In a recent article on CNN’s website, the former Israeli ambassador to the United States argued that in the absence of a two-state solution, “One solution could be a unilateral Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian population centers in the West Bank.” This, […]

Hamas, Islamic Jihad Gunmen Now in West Bank

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4148/hamas-islamic-jihad-west-bank If anything, the rally that saw Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah join forces in a rare show of power means that Abbas’s claim that he is fully in control of the situation in West Bank is baseless. For the first time since 2007, Hamas and Islamic Jihad militiamen this week made a public appearance […]



The identity of the first president to deliver a State of the Union address before Congress probably won’t surprise anyone—George Washington. But readers might be interested to learn that the first president to deliver a speech known as a “State of the Union address” was Franklin D. Roosevelt.

First State of the Union speech. Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution mandates that the president “shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.” So it’s no surprise that George Washington delivered the first such address, before a joint session of Congress in New York on January 8, 1790.

Shortest speech. Washington’s first State of the Union was the shortest (by word count), at 1,089 words.
Speech versus written message. Washington and his successor, John Adams, delivered their annual messages to Congress in person. Thomas Jefferson thought that a president lecturing Congress was too “kingly” (like the British “speech from the throne”) and so he opted for annual written messages instead of orally delivered ones. So did the next dozen presidents, until Woodrow Wilson restarted the tradition of orally delivered speeches. The notion of the State of the Union as a speech being the standard didn’t take hold until FDR, however. Over all, 78 out of 222 such annual messages have been delivered in person.

No message at all. Two presidents—William Henry Harrison (1841) and James Garfield (1881) didn’t live long enough to actually deliver an annual message of any sort.

Longest message. Outgoing President Jimmy Carter produced the longest annual message, at a ponderous 33,667 words. Thankfully it was a written, not oral message.

Longest spoken message, in words. Is anyone surprised to hear it’s Bill Clinton? His 1995 address weighed in at 9,190 words. But even that wasn’t the…

Longest spoken message, in minutes. Clinton’s 2000 State of the Union speech, at 1:28:49 was actually longer than the ’95 address (1:24:58), even if the text was shorter (at a mere 7,452 words only his third longest State of the Union).


http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jan/27/bolton-obamas-vision-of-a-little-america/ Obama’s foreign policy based on belief that weaker U.S. is key to peace On the eve of his annual State of the Union address, Barack Obama’s five years as president have brought innumerable national security failures. However, beyond the long, growing list of ideologically driven errors, missed opportunities and generally inattentive stewardship of foreign […]

Presidential Theater By Mitch Pearlstein

http://www.nationalreview.com/node/369755/print Right at the very end of President Obama’s State of the Union address, when he started talking about “feet planted firmly on the ground,” I thought he might break out into at least a recitation of the “Soliloquy” from Carousel. And no, I’m not being the least bit disrespectful by noting this, as never has […]


http://www.nationalreview.com/node/369735/print I’ll leave it to others to fact-check the thing. There were more than a few statements that struck me as the sort of thing that wouldn’t bear up well under close scrutiny — particularly on Iran’s nuclear program, women’s pay, and domestic energy — but I’m too tired to do the scrutinizing now. My […]

The Radicals Who Rule The Democratic Party — on The Glazov Gang


This week’s Glazov Gang was hosted by Ann-Marie Murrell, the National Director of PolitiChicks.tv and joined by Dwight Schultz, a Hollywood Actor, and John Duffy, a Film Producer from the Bronx.

The Gang gathered to discuss The Radicals Who Rule The Democratic Party. The discussion occurred in Part I and analyzed where all the true “liberals” have gone.

The episode also analyzed Michelle Obama Sees Jane Fonda as a Role Model, How Obama Brought the Muslim Brotherhood into the Government, The Mullahs Say They Didn’t Agree to Anything, Why Obama Won’t Call Saeed Abedini’s Wife, and much, much more. Watch both parts of the two-part episode below:

Obama Blames U.S. for ‘Extremism’ Posted By Ryan Mauro

  URL to article: http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/ryan-mauro/obama-blames-u-s-for-extremism/ President Obama’s State of the Union gave us a look at the premises driving his foreign policy. It showed that he believes Islamic terrorists to be driven by frustration over perceived injustices at the hands of the West, rather than an ideology. It is because of this frame of mind […]