What Catastrophe? MIT’s Richard Lindzen, the Unalarmed Climate Scientist: Ethan Epstein….see note please

Professore Lindzen wrote the foreword to Rael Jean Isaacs book “Roosters of the Apocalipse- How the Junk Science of Global Warming is Bankrupting the Western World”- which is dedicated to someone named Ruth King…..rsk


When you first meet Richard Lindzen, the Alfred P. Sloan professor of meteorology at MIT, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, leading climate “skeptic,” and all-around scourge of James Hansen, Bill McKibben, Al Gore, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and sundry other climate “alarmists,” as Lindzen calls them, you may find yourself a bit surprised. If you know Lindzen only from the way his opponents characterize him—variously, a liar, a lunatic, a charlatan, a denier, a shyster, a crazy person, corrupt—you might expect a spittle-flecked, wild-eyed loon. But in person, Lindzen cuts a rather different figure. With his gray beard, thick glasses, gentle laugh, and disarmingly soft voice, he comes across as nothing short of grandfatherly.

Granted, Lindzen is no shrinking violet. A pioneering climate scientist with decades at Harvard and MIT, Lindzen sees his discipline as being deeply compromised by political pressure, data fudging, out-and-out guesswork, and wholly unwarranted alarmism. In a shot across the bow of what many insist is indisputable scientific truth, Lindzen characterizes global warming as “small and .  .  . nothing to be alarmed about.” In the climate debate—on which hinge far-reaching questions of public policy—them’s fightin’ words.

In his mid-seventies, married with two sons, and now emeritus at MIT, Lindzen spends between four and six months a year at his second home in Paris. But that doesn’t mean he’s no longer in the thick of the climate controversy; he writes, gives myriad talks, participates in debates, and occasionally testifies before Congress. In an eventful life, Lindzen has made the strange journey from being a pioneer in his field and eventual IPCC coauthor to an outlier in the discipline—if not an outcast.



It’s a little known fact that the great director made a film about the Nazi death camps – but, horrified by the footage he saw, the documentary was never shown. Now it is to be released. Geoffrey Macnab reports

The British Army Film Unit cameramen who shot the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945 used to joke about the reaction of Alfred Hithcock to the horrific footage they filmed. When Hitchcock first saw the footage, the legendary British director was reportedly so traumatised that he stayed away from Pinewood Studios for a week. Hitchcock may have been the king of horror movies but he was utterly appalled by “the real thing”.

In 1945, Hithcock had been enlisted by his friend and patron Sidney Bernstein to help with a documentary on German wartime atrocities, based on the footage of the camps shot by British and Soviet film units. In the event, that documentary was never seen.

“It was suppressed because of the changing political situation, particularly for the British,” suggests Dr Toby Haggith, Senior Curator at the Department of Research, Imperial War Museum. “Once they discovered the camps, the Americans and British were keen to release a film very quickly that would show the camps and get the German people to accept their responsibility for the atrocities that were there.”

The film took far longer to make than had originally been envisaged. By late 1945, the need for it began to wane. The Allied military government decided that rubbing the Germans’ noses in their own guilt wouldn’t help with postwar reconstruction.

Five of the film’s six reels were eventually deposited in the Imperial War Museum and the project was quietly forgotten.

Response to the Anti-Israel Event at London’s St. James Church by Denis MacEoin

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4123/st-james-church Within hours of her release, Wafa al-Biss was speaking to Palestinian children, urging them to put on suicide vests and kill as many Jews as possible. And some people wonder why the Israelis need a security barrier. It is a lie to say that Israel is an apartheid state and that the wall is […]


The United States formally recognized the government of Fidel Castro in Cuba. Secretary of State John Foster Douglas pressured President Eisenhower to overcome suspicions of a new Communist dictatorship in our hemisphere, claiming that friendly relations were possible. The new government of Cuba almost immediately nationalized all American owned industries and voiced and declared economic cooperation and alliance with the European Communist nations. The rest is history.

The tyrant Castro has oppressed and jailed thousands during his reign which includes the presidencies of Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2 and Obama. And, his brother Raul is even worse.

The media, however glorifies Castro and his murdering henchman Che Guevara: Read: Humberto Fontova :A&E Glorifies Homophobes — and Mass-Murdering Warmongers


A Day in the Life of Saeed Abedini — on The Glazov Gang »


An Iranian-American Christian pastor rots in Iran’s gulag for his faith. What exactly is Obama doing about it?

This week’s special edition of The Glazov Gang was hosted by Superstar Ann-Marie Murrell and joined by Titans Morgan Brittany, Dwight Schultz and Michael Chandler.

The Gang gathered to discuss A Day in the Life of Saeed Abedini. The dialogue occurred in Part I (starting at the 11:00 mark) and shed light on the Iranian-American Christian pastor who is rotting in Iran’s gulag for his faith — and on Obama’s indifference to his plight.


http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/dgreenfield/how-the-arab-spring-unleashed-al-qaeda/ Open up a national newspaper and flip to the stories about the Middle East. The daily toll of bombings and shootings, starving refugees and demolished cities have little resemblance to the cheerful stories about the transformation of the Middle East that were running during the boom days of the Arab Spring. There isn’t much […]

The Outlaw Campus: The University has Become a Rogue Institution in Need of Root-and-Branch Reform. V.D. HANSON

http://www.nationalreview.com/node/367689/print Two factors have so far shielded the American university from the sort of criticism that it so freely levels against almost every other institution in American life. (1) For decades a college education has been considered the key to an ascendant middle-class existence. (2) Until recently a college degree was not tantamount to lifelong […]

GUY MILLIERE:The Wonders of the Obama Doctrine…..translated

There is no doubt. The Obama doctrine in foreign policy ( I will return to the Obama doctrine in domestic politics soon) does wonders .

Faced with the increase in China ‘s maritime and airspace and threats to the islands he considers part of its territory, as confronted with signs of hardening of the North Korean regime , Japan seems determined to rearm , even offend regional sensitivities , and the recent visit of Shinzo Abe to the Yasukuni Shrine is highly symbolic of what is at stake : east Asia becomes a major area of potential problems. Especially the young Kim, third of the name, North Korea feels that the ground is favorable and holds discourse increasingly delusional , while providing , in parallel , to show that not only pleasant , his uncle to eat a hundred hungry dogs .

Sub-Saharan Africa, it is confronted with the side effects of instability in North Africa . And after Mali , where advances of Islamism in North are curbed , but not stopped all ( Islamist factions are bent in the other countries in the region until later) , it is the Central African Republic is hit, and France can only call other countries to act , faced with an impossible task too large for her. Entire area stretching from Mauritania to Somalia is actually the victim of a resurgent al Qaeda and a stirrer with multiple ramifications . Tribalism is involved, and South Sudan itself is beginning to decompose , while Boko Haram takes northern Nigeria.

North Africa itself is doing very badly. The Muslim Brotherhood is in trouble in Egypt and Tunisia, but the Islamist agitation is more intense than ever : Egypt is economically destroyed and on the brink of civil war , Tunisia is doing little better , Libya become , as expected, a failed state and dissolved. Algeria and Morocco stand still vaguely standing : the question is for how long .

Glenn Reynolds on The New School Interviewed By Ed Driscoll

http://pjmedia.com/eddriscoll/2014/01/05/interview-glenn-reynolds/?print=1 “It’s no secret that existing schools are underperforming,” Glenn Reynolds notes in his latest book, The New School: How The Information Age Will Save American Education From Itself. “We keep putting more money and resources into them, but we keep getting poorly educated students out of them”: In 1983 – three decades ago – […]



New Deal Liberals Transform into the Faux Populist Radical Left

With elections looming in 2014, it is about time for Barack Obama to gear up another progressive “war” against the rich, the limb loppers, the fat cats, the tonsil pullers, the “enemies” of Latinos, the jet junketers, the women haters, and those who knew neither when to stop profiting nor how the government had really built their businesses. We shall shortly witness some of the wealthiest and most privileged of capitalist America decrying inequality and unfairness from the 18th hole in Hawaii, the Malibu gated estate, and the Beacon Hill mansion. And the faux populism will probably work, at least if 2008 and 2012 are any indications.

It is easy to chart the evolution of the wealthy progressive elite from the occasional limousine liberal of the 1950s and 1960s to the now dominant hierarchy of the Democratic Party.

The traditional Democratic boilerplate [1] that I grew up with (as much as a ten year old can notice much of anything in 1963) — minimum wage, 40-hour work week, overtime pay, disability insurance, fair housing, civil rights, assistance for the needy — was mostly achieved by 1970. Equality of opportunity, however, did not translate into equality of result — given differences and imperfections in human nature.

Six instead of two children, three packs of cigarettes a day, four beers after work, two DUIs, a messy divorce, a freak accident on the job — the possibilities of either unsustainable responsibility or mishap are endless — can send one from middle class into poverty, well beyond the powers of the most enlightened government to prevent it. What is the liberal to do in those cases to ensure that we end up the same?