CAROLINE GLICK: SYRIA, IRAN AND THE NORTH KOREAN MODEL Did US President Barack Obama score a great victory for the United States by concluding a deal with Russia on Syria’s chemical weapons or has he caused irreparable harm to the US’s reputation and international position? By what standard can we judge his actions when the results will only be known next year? To […]

MARTIN SHERMAN: FAILED PHILANTHROPY Trying to win the strategic ideological battle with the Left using the current methods is like a man standing in a bucket, trying to lift himself up by the handle. And just as futile. Philanthropy is not working as well as it should, and almost everyone knows it. The causes that receive the most […]


From the end of 1948 to the fall of 1950, Alaska Airlines took part in the airlift of 50,000 Jews from Yemen to the newly created nation of Israel. Known as Operation Magic Carpet, Alaska Airlines employees flew in perilous conditions while helping to fulfill a Biblical prophecy that said the Yemenite Jews would return to their homeland “on the wings of eagles.” than 60 years later a new museum in the state of Alaska pays tribute to this piece of Alaska Airlines history. The Alaska Jewish Museum’s first featured exhibit, “On the Wings of Eagles: Alaska’s Contribution to Operation Magic Carpet,” tells the story of a young Alaska Airlines and its employees’ heroic efforts to avert a humanitarian crisis during a trying time in world history.

“We decided to have the ‘On the Wings of Eagles’ exhibit at the museum because of the unique melding of energies between disparate groups (Alaska Airlines, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the State of Israel and the American government) to ensure the rescue of virtually an entire population from devastating circumstances,” says Leslie Fried, the museum’s curator.

The Yemenite Jews in Aden were living under extremely harsh conditions in the years prior to and immediately following the birth of the State of Israel.

At the time, Alaska Airlines was the largest non-scheduled carrier in the world. When the American Joint Distribution Committee contacted Alaska President James A. Wooten, he was moved after seeing the terrible conditions under which the Yemenite Jews lived in the Aden ghetto created by the British.

Remember When Obama Promised to Bankrupt Coal? That’s Tomorrow. By: Ben Howe (Diary) For those with short memories: That was way back in 2008 when President Obama was merely a candidate.  Five years later, his dreams of bankrupting coal are getting taken up a notch. Tomorrow, Dear Leader is set to unveil a regulation that forms the centerpiece of his “anti-climate change” policy announced awhile back to […]

MARILYN PENN: THE NAKED CITY New Yorkers have prided themselves on cleaning up Times Square, routing out the sleazy movie theaters and massage parlors, creating pedestrian streets and bringing more family-friendly theaters and events to the neighborhood.  A Madame Tussaud wax museum, a humongous toy store, various traveling exhibitions including King Tut and Lego constructions have all inhabited the […]

RUTHIE BLUM: SEE NO EVIL See no evil On Wednesday, the eve of the Sukkot holiday, a man named Eli Gur illegally entered the Bat Hefer home of his estranged wife, Ronit, and choked her unconscious in front of their two young children. He then ushered five-year-old Yahav and four-year-old Eden into his car and sped away. Ten minutes […]


So many pundits now are nattering about mental illness. How many of them know what really happened when the law emptied mental institutions and cast the ill into the streets? The public had been programmed to think that all institutions were “the snake pit’ and “Willowbrook” and all treatments were lobotomies and torture such as”One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” In fact Dover, New York and Newtown, Connecticut had facilities which were secure with good housing and care and occupational and recreational facilities for the residents. I was very familiar with both before they were closed.

Read this book for the history of the abandonment of the mentally ill in America.
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Madness in the Streets : How Psychiatry and the Law Abandoned the Mentally Ill by Rael Jean Isaac and Virginia C. Armat (Aug 1, 2000)

RICH LOWRY: THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF GUN CONTROL There is no effective gun-control agenda. It’s time for the focus to shift to mental illness. The Navy Yard massacre won’t revive the gun debate in Congress for a simple reason: There is no gun-control agenda this side of a total ban and confiscation that would have stopped Aaron Alexis. The Toomey-Manchin bill could […]

Military Crippled By Budget Showdown, Pentagon Officials Say ….Grim Picture * Army chief says cuts jeopardize ability to fight a major war * Warnings come as Congress squares off over 2014 spending * Effective planning requires budget stability- Air Force nominee By David Alexander WASHINGTON, Sept 19 (Reuters) – With U.S. lawmakers spoiling for another fight over federal spending ahead of the new fiscal […]


STOCKHOLM — Scientists working on a landmark U.N. report on climate change are struggling over how to address a wrinkle in the meteorological data that has given ammunition to global-warming skeptics: The heating of Earth’s surface appears to have slowed in the past 15 years even though greenhouse gas emissions keep rising.

For years, skeptics have touted what looks like a slowdown in surface warming since 1998 to cast doubt on the scientific consensus that humans are cooking the planet by burning coal, oil and natural gas.

Scientists and statisticians have dismissed the purported slowdown as a statistical mirage, arguing among other things that it reflects random climate fluctuations and an unusually hot year picked as the starting point for charting temperatures. They also say the data suggests the “missing” heat is simply settling – temporarily – in the ocean.

But as scientists study the issue, the notion of a slowdown has gained more mainstream attention, putting pressure on the authors of the new U.N. report to deal with it.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report is expected to assert that global warming is continuing. It is also expected to affirm with greater certainty than ever before the link between global warming and human activity.

Leaked documents obtained by The Associated Press show there are deep concerns among governments over how to address the purported slowdown ahead of next week’s meeting of the IPCC.

“I think to not address it would be a problem because then you basically have the denialists saying, `Look, the IPCC is silent on this issue,'” said Alden Meyer of the Washington-based advocacy group Union of Concerned Scientists.

In a leaked June draft of the report’s summary for policymakers, the IPCC said that while the rate of warming between 1998 and 2012 was about half the average rate since 1951, the globe is still heating up. As for the apparent slowdown, it cited natural variability in the climate system, as well as cooling effects from volcanic eruptions and a downward phase in solar activity.