Also posted at: Ever since the seventies, the world has become accustomed to the split in the Middle East, between those countries that support the West – Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco and Israel, and we might add Turkey to this list as well. This coalition was strong mainly because of […]
Law enforcement throughout the U.S. has been receiving armored vehicles, grenade launchers, helicopters, assault rifles, night-vision goggles, etc. – some even TANKS! Posse Comitatus has been dying a gradual death as police departments “gear up” and military reservists gain the legitimacy to mobilize in the homeland. In violation of the Constitution, Obama has “acquired” the authority to deploy American war fighters within U.S. borders in the advent of an “insurrection.” (Tea Party patriots? Evangelical Christians? Retired veterans? Pro-life supporters?)Coupled with Interpol’s carte blanche powers and immunity from discovery and prosecution (Obama-Amended Executive Order 12425 – December 2009), the death knell has been sounded for the Constitutional republ
Janet Levy,
By NWV News Writer Jim Kouri
© 2013
American communities continue to be increasingly policed by law enforcement officers armed with the weapons and tactics of war, according to the left-wing activists at the American Civil Liberties Union.
However, utilization of military equipment by local police departments throughout the United States – some call it the “militarization” of American policing – has been going on for quite some time. Now, observers ask whether this trend might have repercussions that are making citizens uneasy, according to a Homeland Security Newswire report on Monday.
Police departments generally receive the equipment for free, according to the report. “The gear being sent to local police includes planes, helicopters, armored vehicles, grenade launchers, assault rifles, bullet-proof helmets, night-vision goggles, and more. A few sheriff departments ordered tanks,”the report states.
Send a letter to the editor of The Tennessean and the The Daily News Journal regarding the appearance of Jamal Badawi at The Islamic Center of Murfreesboro on November 3rd.
Letters need to be 250 words or less. Be respectful and factual in your comments.
Submit to these two newspapers by clicking on the links below
The Tennessean
The Daily News Journal
Talking points:
Is there a problem with the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, who’s Imam professes to be a “moderate” having a radical extremist on a panel?
Jamal Badawi is the extremist
He supports suicide bombing
Badawi has sat on the board of a group that religiously authorized the killing of US troops
Individually named as an uninidicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial, the largest terrorism financing trial in US history
Founded the Muslim American Society, an overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the USA
Promotes wife beating if not on the face
Justifies death sentence for apostates
Says Gaza-based terrorists were fighting a jihad and that those who were killed were martyrs Hi Gang: In my latest commentary for CAPS (Californians for Population Stabilization), I took on the way that USCIS deals with a tsunami of applications each and every day. The lack of integrity to the immigration benefits program creates a national security vulnerability that has, on many previous occasions been exploited by terrorists operating […] One out of every ten homes in Lebanon now has a rocket launcher or Hezbollah weapons stored in it, according to Gilad Erdan, Israel’s Home Front Defense Minister. Civilian homes are constructed in a way that allows the roof to open up for the firing of a rocket at Israel. Added up, the […] “There is no need to be tolerant to the intolerant” — European Framework National Statute for the Promotion of Tolerance, Article 4 “The supra-national surveillance that it would imply would certainly be a dark day for European democracy.” — European Dignity Watch While European leaders are busy expressing public indignation over reports of American […]
Guess what? It is in total disarray…..
” Many of Russia’s health care problems have been rooted in the accepted political model of state-paternalistic social system development. From this approach follows an inattentive government attitude to the problems of health care, a reliance on primitive investment in extensive growth of health care delivery facilities, manpower, and other resources and supplies, and a lack of attention to the quality of care or its effectiveness in improving people’s health. One of the characteristics of the Soviet period was the complete absence of incentives for improvement of services in all kinds of medical institutions.
The paternalistic approach manifested itself in the slogan, “The State cares for the health of its citizens,” which in many ways defined the very character of medical service organizations across the country, as well as people’s attitudes toward this sphere of policy. According to such an approach, every person is under the umbrella of the State and its medical facilities, which undertake entire responsibility for his or her health. In this way, a health care system was created which found itself fully dependent on the state and its governing bodies.”
Wars are fought with steel and of words. To fight a thing, we have to understand what we are fighting and why. A blindness in words can kill as effectively as blindness on the battlefield.
Words shape our world. In war, they define the nature of the conflict. That definition can be
misleading. Often it’s expedient.
The real reasons for the last world war had very little to do with democracy. The current war does involve terrorism, but like fascism, it’s incidental to the bigger picture. The United States would not have gone to war to ensure open elections in Germany. It hasn’t been dragged into the dysfunctional politics and conflicts of the Muslim world because of terrorism.
Tyranny and terrorism just sum up what we find least appealing about our enemies. But it’s not why they are our enemies. They are our enemies because of territorial expansionism. The Ummah, like the Third Reich, is seeking “breathing room” to leave behind its social and economic problems with a program of regional and eventually world conquest.
Islam, like Nazism, makes a lot of utopian problems and pays the check for them through conquest. Like Communism, we’re up against a rigid ideology, brainwashed fanatics, utopian fantasies and ruthless tactics. And we can only win by being honest about that.
ARMED AGENTS SEIZE RECORDS OF A WASHTIMES REPORTER WHO WAS CRITICAL OF HOMELAND SECURITY: GUS TAYLOR Maryland state police and federal agents used a search warrant in an unrelated criminal investigation to seize the private reporting files of an award-winning former investigative journalist for The Washington Times who had exposed problems in the Homeland Security Department’s Federal Air Marshal Service. Reporter Audrey Hudson said the investigators, who included an agent […]
“Black Americans did not leave the party of Lincoln for the party of Joe Biden; they left the party of Herbert Hoover for the party of Franklin Roosevelt. Or at least they thought they did. What they got instead was the party of sky-high crime, dangerous and dysfunctional schools, a joblessness rate for black men that is more than twice the rate for white men at 14 percent and rising. Twice the unemployment, twice the high-school dropouts, four times the abortions, four times the HIV, seven times the prison sentences, twelve times the babies born with congenital syphilis, fourteen times the murder victims, and nineteen times the gonorrhea.
All that and $4,955.”
The phrase “waving the bloody shirt” grew popular in the South as a description of Republicans’ alleged exaggeration of the crimes of the Ku Klux Klan, the paramilitary division of the Democratic party. It is an irony of history that waving the bloody shirt has in the Age of Obama become the Democrats’ primary mode of discourse. Oppose the Affordable Care Act? Racism. Like the Second Amendment? Racism. Black Barbie is on sale for half off, but white Barbie is full price? Racism. Black holes sucking the energy out of your quadrant? Why single out the black ones? Racism!
Waving the bloody shirt is not only about making an emotional appeal — it’s a strategy for distraction. It became a bitter joke in the Soviet Union — whether the issue was the crimes of Stalin or the fact that the Lada was a piece of junk, the answer was always the same: A u vas negrov linchuyut. The same principle is at work in today’s Democratic commentariat: As Americans start to notice what a fiasco Obamacare is . . . Oh, look! A Confederate flag! There is really nothing more satisfying to liberals than a Confederate flag sighting, though I wonder what they’d make of the fact that in my corner of Texas it is not unheard-of to see black men wearing Dixie belt buckles or T-shirts. (All of our necks are just different shades of red.) When Brad Paisley sings about the Confederate flag, it’s like Christmas morning for Touré. Yet, despite the daft insistence of Joan Walsh and the Affiliated Suburban Pearl-Clutchers of America, there is no neo-Confederate revanche just around the corner. The idea is, however, a useful distraction. But a distraction from what?
From $4,955.