“Gravity” is a stunningly beautiful visual experience, capturing the vast stillness of space in a way that highlights man’s existential plight in the universe. Sandra Bullock and George Clooney play two astronauts who become unmoored while on a routine assignment by the news that debris from an exploded satellite is hurtling towards […] 1. According to KPMG, one of the four largest CPA firms in the world, investments in Israeli start-ups during the third quarter of 2013 ($660MN) were the highest since 2000, 34% higher than the second quarter and 35% higher than the third quarter of 2012. According to Price Waterhouse Coopers, another big-four CPA firm, […] Recently, the Jerusalem-based online newspaper, “The Times of Israel,” ran an interview under the headline, “When they become PM, they realize how utterly dependent Israel is on the US.” The headline was a quote from the interview subject, Eitan Haber, a former aide to late-Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Haber was explaining why, in […]
Yes, The View is at it again. For the details, please go to Debbie Schlussel’s article here. As for me, as someone who escaped all that when it came to Toulouse, France, I cannot stomach too much of this, thinking as I did, that history will not repeat itself. Our kids will be safe. Our grandchildren will never have to endure. Never again, right? Wrong! For here we go again.
Those of us who weathered the likes of Auschwitz, we complacently believed that once was enough, that one Holocaust was enough to satisfy the bloodlust that is inherent upon those who are stricken with that particular sickness of the spirit known as anti-Semitism.
Been there, done that, so we wrote off Europe, as from day one that is the place where the cry has been great against the Jewish people. Over there even the grass that feeds the cows is anti-Semitic. Gone viral is a video of a British couple that had their wedding ruined by a bigoted film-maker. That is Europe and so what else is new?
But Coming to America, this golden land, we felt safe, or no more at risk from bigotry than any other group…and here we prospered along with our neighbors. We gave America and the rest of the world the cure for polio, providing our Einsteins and our Salks in many fields besides science, so it is no wonder that a Jewish refugee from Russia, Irving Berlin, wrote “God bless America.”
He was right. America is a land to be blessed. In addition, a senior Muslim Brotherhood operative recently arrested in Egypt worked for years at the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Foundation has also received millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and a foundation that is an Iranian regime front. The current Egyptian government, which was put in power after the military overthrew the […] Five hundred years ago, on December 10, 1513, Niccolò Machiavelli wrote a letter to a friend in Rome describing one day in his life as an exile from Florence and remarked casually that he had just completed writing The Prince. This momentous book, together with its companion, the Discourses on Livy, neither published until […] At the end of May 2010, Israel seized control of a ship called the Mavi Marmara as it approached Gaza. It intended to violate Israel’s blockade of Gaza, which is meant to stop weapons from reaching Hamas; the ships carried no humanitarian cargo. Israel stopped the ship, but the incident did Hamas some good: […] The Iranians have given no indication that they would be willing to suspend all uranium enrichment. Speaking to the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Wednesday, Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz explained Israel’s concerns about the nuclear negotiations with Iran in Geneva. “We’re worried Geneva […] At present the military is not being allocated enough money to carry out the tasks it is being asked to do by the realities of our security. “While the military will run to the sound of the guns, we may not be ready to go.” — General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the U.S. Joint […]
While the price of tuition has been skyrocketing, jobs for new college graduates have become ever scarcer, with most starting annual salaries less than the amount each graduate owes (and many new graduates unable to land full-time work at all). I won’t barrage you with facts and figures, but here’s a sobering one: According to the Project on Student Debt, students from the class of 2011 who borrowed to gain their bachelor’s degrees — that’s two-thirds of graduates — emerged with an average of $26,600 in student-loan debt.
The good news is that there are more affordable options where, with the right guidance and a little initiative, a student can get a true education. The Intercollegiate Studies Institute scoured the country to find the best low-cost educational options in America. In the latest edition of our Choosing the Right College, we provide detailed guidance on how to get a good education at each of them.
Some Blue Collar Ivies we profile offer full-tuition scholarships to students, sometimes in return for full-time work on campus. They are worth a careful look. But because these colleges can afford to be extremely selective, and some have income restrictions on whom they admit, we also profile at least one public university in each of the 50 states. Paying in-state tuition, a student can attend at one-third or even one-fourth of what others would pay.
The advantage of such a cost savings is obvious. And there really are excellent opportunities at most state universities. In these profiles, we point you to honors programs at state schools that often are nearly as rigorous as the options at elite private colleges. Some public institutions even offer Great Books programs; we tell you which ones. We highlight options for honors housing, which lets serious students escape the zoo atmosphere that pervades too many state-college dorms. We also tell you about schools that have set up internship programs with local employers or enable science students to work closely with senior faculty in research.
Even outside these programs, the Blue Collar Ivies have many dedicated professors — frequently people whose own degrees come from the best schools in the country. Such teachers are often frustrated by the mediocrity and ideological pressure that prevails at state universities, and they uniformly report that they are delighted when eager, intellectually curious students seek them as mentors. You will find in every college profile some names of such professors.
While spotlighting outstanding programs at state universities, we also call attention to land mines you should avoid. We flag programs and departments that are directionless, underfunded, or flooded by radical activists (as many liberal-arts departments sadly are), and we try to steer students to the strong ones. The good news is that state universities are so big, there is almost always some worthwhile path a proactive student can forge through the trackless forest. We find you that path, combing through each school’s catalogue to select a solid core curriculum of classes that will guarantee a basic liberal-arts education to any student, regardless of major.