This Friday marks the Chicago, Seattle, and Los Angeles premiere of a documentary called The Muslims Are Coming!, which features a band of Muslim comedians touring middle America “to explore the issue of Islamophobia!” The exclamation mark is there to let you know that the show is going to be great fun! And all just in time for the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks (as they say in comedy, timing is everything).

As the film’s website explains, this project arose in a context in which “Islam has been duly tarnished by the mainstream media.” Actually, it has been duly tarnished by the barbarism of Islamic fundamentalists, and duly defended and whitewashed by the mainstream media. “We are so many years out of 9/11,” the website continues, “and Muslim fear-mongering hasn’t dissipated.” Yes, 9/11 was so long ago and yet the Islamophobia inexplicably never ends! When are we Americans going to get over it and realize we have nothing to fear from Muslims?

As FrontPage Magazine has pointed out many times, “Islamophobia” is a Muslim Brotherhood construct to paint legitimate concern about the demonstrable threat of fundamentalist Islam as bigotry and “Muslim fear-mongering.” That threat didn’t end on 9/11 – it is a continuing danger not just on our own soil but worldwide, as the most cursory look at history and current events will show. It is offensive and dishonest to claim that the media are to blame for Islam’s bad reputation and that 9/11 is in the distant past. The day that the victims of 9/11 stop living in American hearts will be a day of shame and surrender for this country.

The movie description on the website goes on to say that “the idea that Islam is somehow antithetical to American culture just won’t go away.” I wonder why that is. Could it be because the foremost clerical authorities on Islam keep openly declaring that the faith is antithetical to Western values? Could it be because the Muslim Brotherhood’s stated mission is the elimination of Western civilization? Could it be because sharia law is unquestionably incompatible with our constitutional rights and freedoms?

The description continues: “If all you’ve ever heard about Islam”

is that it’s a dangerous religion, that women cover themselves, and that those shifty eyed Muslims have evil ulterior motives, this movie wants to give you a new stereotype. Yeah, this movie is going to convince you that Muslims are just a bunch of hilarious people. By the end of this movie, you’re gonna love the pants out of Muslims.

THE ISLAMIC FUTURE OF BRITAIN: VINCENT COOPER If population trends continue, by the year 2050, Britain will be a majority Muslim nation Britain is in denial. There is no real public debate on a historic event that is transforming the country. Mention of it occasionally surfaces in the media, but the mainstream political class never openly discuss it. What is that […]

ALAN CARUBA: WE NEED ZERO TOLERANCE FOR “ZERO TOLERANCE” (AMEN!!!!) When I was a youngster a prize possession of every boy was a set of toy cowboy six-shooters and, if you were especially blessed, a belt and holsters as well. In the pre-television days we all went to the Saturday matinees to see our heroes and to learn what it meant to be a […]

FREEDOM AS A NATURAL CONDITION? HERBERT LONDON It has been argued in several of the intellectual journals in the West, that the aspiration for freedom is a universal goal, that most societies admire the freedoms we enjoy and wish to emulate us. As I see it, this proposition is one of the more pernicious illusions we entertain. Surely there are those […]

The Education Debit Card By Lindsey M. Burke ‘The public-school system has no ability to handle Shawn’s sensory needs,” says Jennifer Doucet, mother of the Arizona fourth-grader. “We needed a program that understood him, that [we] could gear toward his needs, instead of him having to fit into someone else’s box.” So the Doucet family enrolled Shawn in Pieceful Solutions, a private […]

MARC SIEGEL ON OBAMACARE:If the Feds Really Wanted to Help Uninsured Patients, They Would Have Hired More Doctors My patients are not signing up for the new Obamacare insurance at the New York State exchange. Not a single patient so far. A few have tried, but they haven’t managed to get past the bureaucracy and come away with anything real. One of my patients, 45 years old — a computer expert who […]

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: AMERICA IS INTERVENED OUT Our security interests have changed, along with our sense that we can make a difference. In the immediate future, I do not think the United States will be intervening abroad on the ground — not in the Middle East or, for that matter, many places in other parts of the world. The reason is […]

We are Fighting so Men can Beat their Wives? Allan Erickson

Ours is a military family. Grandpa served in the Navy during WWII. Our son serves in the Marine Corps. Those who volunteer to serve cannot speak out for themselves, so civilians must step up and do their duty in that regard.

It is safe to say most military personnel and their families feel a deep, deep alienation from this president. That is bizarre. Isn’t the commander in chief supposed to support and respect the troops? Isn’t it optimal for line troops to respect their commander? Our sons and daughters are being killed and maimed fighting wars the commander either denies or opposes. Our sons and daughters are hamstrung by this president’s rules of engagement. These rules make sitting ducks of our troops. The president is responsible for this, and many crimes, along with his stumbling, mumbling secretary of defense.

Funding Al Qaeda in Syria and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is bad enough, but allowing Jihadist sympathizers to serve in the administration as well? Funding and employing the enemy is prudent military and foreign policy? No, it’s treason.

Few civilians stop to think about what it is like for active-duty individuals in a combat zone, serving under a president who refuses to acknowledge the war they fight but frequently speaks and acts in ways supportive of the enemy.

As if to destroy morale on purpose, this president acts to reduce military compensation and benefits. He works to destroy the chaplaincy and enforce the homosexual agenda, already a source of internal conflict damaging combat readiness.

Does it get worse? Well, yes, of course it does. Veterans benefits have been cut. Veterans have been prevented from visiting war memorials in the capitol. The president’s security forces have identified veterans as potential terrorists. And it gets worse.

Richard Snow Reviews ‘The Men Who United the States,’ by Simon Winchester

From Lewis and Clark, to the canal system, to the steam train, America’s expansion across the continent kept on speeding up.

I had always thought that the tumbleweed—”a ghostly botanical thing looking like a bouffant hairpiece,” as Simon Winchester describes it in his vivid, valuable book—disturbed the stegosaurus in its grazing. But no: This fixture of the American West arrived in a sack of flax carried by settlers to the Dakotas in the 1870s, not even a fraction of a second compared with the near-eternal ancestry I’d believed the weed could claim.

“The Men Who United the States” is all about recent arrivals. Mr. Winchester (himself something of a recent arrival, being naturalized in 2011) explores the alchemy that made residents and settlers come to feel part of a country whose whole turned out to be much more than parcels of real estate inhabited by people who didn’t have any evident common ties.

This is a story of many individuals, well known and less so, who worked, very often with no such goal in mind, to unite physically the various parts of the country. That this enterprise was largely a commercial one does nothing to diminish the somehow spiritual architecture of its results. When a farmer’s grain reaches a market—and thus allows him to get a Sunday suit for himself and shoes for his daughter and a nice corner shelf for his wife’s knickknacks—the farmer forms a social link to the people who sell him the suit and the shoes and the shelf. “The Men Who United the States” explores these connections and shows those involved steadily overcoming the limits of what seemed possible at the time.

Stephens: Nobels and National Greatness :Bret Stephens

Anyone who thinks America’s best days are behind it should take a close look at the latest Nobel haul. In its proud and storied history, Hungary has produced a dozen winners of the Nobel Prize: four for chemistry; three for physics; three for medicine; one for economics; and one for literature. Not bad for a […]