‘You know, I actually believe my own bull****.”That’s what President Obama once told a reporter. If the man ever uttered a statement that spoke more to his approach to politics, I haven’t heard it.”
Always Running for a Job He Already Has
The only thing Barack Obama knows how to do is be Barack Obama. He thinks that’s his job, like a king whose only real responsibility is to be kingly. The problem is that the one person (who matters, at least) who doesn’t understand this is Barack Obama. As he once said, Obama believes his own bull***t. (
Charlie offers some good examples of Obama’s own Olympian self-regard. For instance:
“I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Obama told him. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”
Though I immediately thought of this bit from New York magazine:
Emanuel’s ad-hocracy, meanwhile, didn’t faze Obama. The president’s friend and adviser Valerie Jarrett sometimes pointed out that not only had he never managed an operation, he’d never really had a nine-to-five job in his life. Obama didn’t know what he didn’t know, yet his self-confidence was so stratospheric that once, in the context of thinking about Emanuel’s replacement, he remarked in all seriousness, “You know, I’d make a good chief of staff.”
Those overhearing the comment somehow managed to suppress their laughter.
Obviously, Obama always has a healthy ego, in the same way Godzilla had a healthy physique and the sun has a healthy mass. But part of the problem stems from the fact that he cannot see the difference between campaigning and governing. That would be bad enough, if it were not for the fact that Obama seems to think that he ran his campaign. As I noted the other day in the Corner, here’s Obama’s response to the charge that Sarah Palin had more executive experience than he did: