Is it because there are verses in the Qu’ran that can be, and have been, used to justify violence against non-Muslims? If this is the situation, then it is time for us to lift our heads out of the sand, and understand that the enemy is within.
The past week has been bloodier than usual in the Muslim world. Three major attacks in different parts of the world — Iraq, Pakistan and Kenya — have one thing in common: they were pre-meditated terror attacks on civilians executed in a wanton manner as part of an armed jihad.
On the attack in Kenya at Nairobi’s Westgate Mall, Kenya’s President Uhunu Kenyatta made a clear statement: “We shall hunt down the perpetrators wherever they run to. We shall get to them and we shall punish them for this heinous crime. We have overcome terrorist attacks before. We will defeat them again. They want to cause fear and despondency in our country, but we will not be cowed.” Then, referring to Somalia’s al-Shabab terrorists who claimed responsibility for the assault, he added, “Terrorism is a philosophy of cowards.”
For those of us sitting in North America in the wake of such carnage, Kenyatta’s words resonate well: he addressed the problem head-on. We look for support to the leader of the free world, the U.S., because the OIC [Organization of Islamic Cooperation] has let us down by giving priority to their own agenda on Islamophobia in the West and remaining silent when Muslims indulge in wanton terrorism — in fact, they object to use of the word “terrorist” attached to Muslims. It seems, however, that the free world has a soft stance on terrorism. The only bold statement made a while ago was, “we have destroyed Al-Qaeda.” Then why is the U.S. continuing to arm it in Syria?