Obama does many things. He prevaricates, manipulates, defrauds, abuses and usurps. But one thing that he does not do is compromise.
Any strategy built on forcing Obama to compromise is inherently flawed. He may occasionally throw Republicans a tiny bone to make them feel better about giving in, but only as long as his is the only plate with meat on it.
Obama never compromises because he has never really lost. He has been insulated from defeat by his fanaticism, his arrogance and his media… and by Republican incompetence.
Obama can only be beaten on his own terms. He can’t be beaten legislatively or judicially as long as he wields executive powers whose limits he refuses to accept. If Congress passes something, he can and will choose to ignore it. If the Supreme Court strikes something down, he will do it anyway.
That is why Justice Roberts, like so many other conservatives, blinked in a confrontation with Obama and chose to preserve the system while legalizing ObamaCare, rather than see ObamaCare implemented anyway while the system of checks and balances was trashed.
The Roberts mistake is the same one that Congressional Republicans have made in their games of chicken with Obama. They have chosen to preserve the system, whether it’s the political system, the economic system or any other part of the status quo, over defeating Obama.