There are number of problems with the Iranian version. Not only has the British newspaper never printed any such story, but the journalist named as its author, Brian Craig, does not even exist. In an effort to discredit Iranian opposition figures abroad, agitators in the regime doctored a screenshot and invented a crime. Since […]
Any nation which has an influx of immigrants has to deal with the problems of teaching English. Our schools try to do it through a process of bi-lingual education which renders the students functionally illiterate in two languages rather than one. In the years following 1948 and the rebirth of Israel, the small nation was flooded with immigrants from every corner of the earth. None spoke Hebrew….estimates hold that about 100 different languages were the “mother” tongue of the new citizens, many with different alphabets. By instituting a system of Ulpans- similar to the deep immersion techniques of the Berlitz system, within months all were able to speak and communicate in Hebrew. I attended an Ulpan in 1956 and I witnessed the rapid success which continued throughout the entire decade after independence.
However, there is a real man made miracle related to the fact that today all Israel’s citizens, about 6 million, speak Hebrew. and that is the story of Eliezer Ben Yehuda who redeemed a language long relegated only to ritual and scripture and made it a modern language. You must see the video of Ben Yehuda and his incredible dedication and success. Please watch David Isaac’s video The Revival of Hebrew- :
“Revival of Hebrew” tells the story of how an ancient language used only for study and prayer once again became the common tongue of the Jewish people. Even the father of modern Zionism, Theodor Herzl, did not think it possible.
Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, the man who did more than any other to make the renaissance of Hebrew possible, wrote:
“It flashed before my eyes like lightning… I heard a strange voice calling within me: ‘The resurrection of Israel and its language in the Land of Our Fathers!’”
Speeding up stem cell production. (Thanks to Israel21c) Weizmann scientists have discovered removing the protein MBD3 from cells reprograms them into stem cells within 8 days instead of the current 4 weeks. Stem cells have the potential to become any cell in the body and are able to regenerate damaged tissue and organs.
See Israel’s stem cell experts. Speakers at Jerusalem’s 5th International Stem Cell conference in October include 22 Israeli professors and six Israeli specialist doctors. Oh yes, and there will also be eight international professors speaking.
Another Israeli non-invasive glucose monitor. In June I highlighted Integrity Application’s GlucoTrack that takes readings from your earlobe. Now I’ve come across Cnoga’s TensorTip Combo Glucometer which measures the effect of infrared light passing through a finger. Diabetics now have a choice of Israeli devices.
Israel’s Teva teams up with UK Cancer Research. Cancer Research UK’s technology development arm, and Teva Pharmaceuticals have signed a multi-project alliance agreement to research and develop first-in-class cancer drugs that modulate DNA damage and repair response (DDR) processes in cancer cells. The US FDA also approved two of Teva’s cancer medications – for secondary cancers and for non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Brainsway treatment improves OCD patients. Trials of Deep TMS treatment by Israel’s Brainsway at Sheba Medical Center have shown a 27 percent improvement in patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. These were OCD patients that had previously failed to respond to both pharmacological and psychological therapy.
Handwriting test detects early stage Parkinson’s. A non-invasive handwriting analysis technique developed at the University of Haifa and Rambam Medical Center can detect the onset of Parkinson’s disease. Changes in handwriting occur years before a clinical diagnosis can be made. – Much safer than current tests. Fifteen years after al-Qaeda’s attack on the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, one of its burgeoning affiliates in Africa left its macabre calling card at a popular mall — and left myriad concerns about how Washington plans to address this unchecked terrorist growth. After all, 1998 was an alarm that preceded the 2001 attacks, an […]
Do you want to know what is really wrong with higher education in this country? Leave aside, for a moment, the financial aspects of The Bubble [1]. Those are important, and will be decisive, as will the advent of new avenues of learning brought to you by the internet, not to mention the revitalization of old avenues of learning such as home schooling. But what is going to make the imminent collapse of the higher education establishment pass without much public sorrow is the rottenness at the core of the system. Evidence of this rot is patent at almost all colleges and universities, wherever terms like “post colonial,” “gender studies,” and kindred lures to menacing unintelligibility litter the public square. As a mild but still minatory instance, I reproduce in its entirety this syllabus, sent to me by a friend doing missionary work among the barbarians, from Cornell University. How much had to go wrong in how many institutions to make this festival of minatory garbage possible?
Radical Thought on the Margins II
Cornell Theory Reading Group Conference
Organized in collaboration with the Princeton Theory Reading Group
October 4-5, 2013
*All panels will be held in 258 Goldwin Smith Hall*
FRIDAY, Oct. 4
I don’t really comment much on the Catholic religion or its strong beliefs and tenets. I am, however, so impressed by the dignity, the insight, and the careful considerations of multicultural and political trends of both Popes- Benedict and Francis. As religious leaders they are admirable….rsk A. Anderson
In an interview this week, Pope Francis noted that the Church should focus on mercy and salvation through Jesus Christ rather than “rules.” The headlines that followed suggested that the Church was suddenly charting a new course.
One might think this is the first time a pope said something like this. It isn’t.
Though it garnered little media attention, Pope Benedict XVI made a similar statement in 2006. Asked why he hadn’t spoken about same-sex marriage, abortion, or contraception in a speech, he noted that “Catholicism isn’t a collection of prohibitions; it’s a positive option.”
With neither pope has the full story been told. Furthermore, as Francis went to great lengths to point out in his encyclical Lumen Fidei, continuity is a hallmark of the papacy.
The first setting in which faith enlightens the human city is the family. I think first and foremost of the stable union of man and woman in marriage. This union is born of their love, as a sign and presence of God’s own love, and of the acknowledgment and acceptance of the goodness of sexual differentiation. Bonn, Germany — Even though Germany is the economic powerhouse of Europe, the issue of how much it should surrender its sovereignty and wealth to Europe has been pretty much a non-issue in its elections this coming Sunday. But a new protest party challenging the wisdom of the euro and the bailouts Germany keeps […] Tuesday, on the Corner, I decried Republican assent to the Obama policy of arming the opposition to Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. As I’ve previously observed, these so-called rebels are more accurately described as mujahideen — meaning jihad warriors, which is what many of them proclaim themselves to be. Throughout its ranks and in key […] The IPCC’s fifth assessment report is another politico-scientific document. For the first time, an assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will be widely judged more for what it says about the IPCC than for what it says about the climate. Its 2007 predecessor bombed during the 2009 Copenhagen climate conference […]
Bad week. These items capture something about modern Britain and how it is all it sixes and sevens over what to do about extreme expressions of Islam
All there is to do is read, share and comment. It’s been an interesting week and this is not an issue to miss:
1) Bizarre landmark ruling on Muslim veil by English court: Now you see her, now you don’t
2) Muslim veil ruling? Nonsense upon stilts
3) Top British Conservatives grovel to Islamist agenda over veils
4) Why truth wears a veil
If next week is as bad as this one, we’re doomed…