Somalia has a long and virtually uninterrupted history of hating America. In 1969, after a bloody coup, it was taken over by Maj. General Mohammed Siad Barre, a bloodthirsty killer who formed a military alliance with the Soviet Union from whom he obtained training and ordnance in exchange for Soviet access to naval ports. Barre was, like Nasser and Qaddafi, a pseudosecular, Arab nationalist, Marxist crackpot, who combined Islam with Lenin. To burnish his Islamic credentials he joined the all Muslim Arab League in 1984.

Tribal and regional wars intensified and in 1991 Siad Barre was ousted in a coup that left Mohammed Ali Mahdi and Mohammed Farah Aidid “sharing” control of the Somaliland Republic. The brutal civil war that followed was compounded by a devastating drought in 1992 which resulted in the deaths of 300,000 lives.

President Bush, Clinton’s predecessor, sent U.S. peacekeeping forces to relieve famine and restore order in 1992 arousing congressional demands to “bring our troops home.” His successor, William Clinton, at first announced that he would keep the troops, that the mission was a success, but ceding to the “Murthaites” in Congress, he withdrew all but 1,200 troops. This was followed by months of ambush and attacks of UN peacekeeping troops – in June during an inspection of a Somali arms weapons storage site, 24 U.N.Pakistani soldiers were massacred – wanton murders, theft of all relief materials and unprecedented brutality against Somali civilians, some of whom were given succor and asylum in the United States.

By October of 1993, Clinton launched a new mission and sent United States Rangers and Special Forces to capture Mohammed Aidid and stabilize Somalia. His plan, presented to Congress with a timetable, was “to conclude our role there honorably but we do not want to see a reversion to the absolute chaos and the terrible misery which existed before.” His words came back to bite him.

Mogadishu was a disaster for the United States. Subsequent investigations disclosed that U.S. soldiers on the ground were left without armed vehicles or sufficient firepower from the air. The Clinton administration and then Secretary of Defense, the late Les Aspin, repeatedly denied the Special ops teams’ and the Rangers’ requests for more armored vehicles, AC-130 gunships and tanks.


The American public witnessed gruesome televised scenes of rampaging Muslim Somalis dragging and desecrating the bodies of American troops. Congress demanded a withdrawal and Clinton did a “cut and run” operation leaving Somalia in worse shape than ever and Aidid unbowed. The end result was the perception that America can be defied by any rag tag army of terrorists.

Les Aspin took the fall for his boss but the buck really stopped with President William “Un”Jefferson Clinton.

Since 1983 we have admitted 83,991 Muslim Somali immigrants into the U.S. More then half, 43,682, came since September 11th, and of those, the majority went to Minnesota .
There are millions of African refugees in America – decent, hard working people who escaped the chaos and brutality of failed states. The Office of Refugee Resettlement, under the guidelines of the Refugee Act of 1980, must report hard numbers to Congress each year.

Somali Americans did not assimilate and have grown increasingly militant in cities where they have a significant presence. And they remain of concern to law-enforcement agencies.

RYAN MAURO ON IBN WARRAQ’S NEW BOOK “SIR WALTER SCOTT’S CRUSADES AND OTHER FANTASIES” **** The cultural relativists on the Left and apologists for radical Islam like to blame the Crusades for almost everything. The Muslim extremists are only responding to the deeds of Christian extremists, the argument goes. In his new book, Sir Walter Scott’s Crusades and Other Fantasies, former Muslim Ibn Warraq takes on this misleading theme […]

DANIEL PIPES: ISRAEL’S STUNNING RESPONSE TO PALARAB AGGRESSION In retaliation for the shooting on Sep. 22 of an Israeli soldier, Sgt. Gabriel Koby, 20, while patrolling in Hebron, killed by a sniper with a shot to the neck, the Government of Israel has allowed the immediate resettlement of Beit Hamachpela (“House of the Patriarchs”) a three-story apartment building in that city near […]

MARK TAPSON: THE ANTI-AMERICAN, ANTI ISRAEL BRITISH ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT When Britain elected recently to stay out of any military involvement in the Syria conflict, the opposition was certainly not limited to the left. But an organization called Stop the War Coalition played a key role in that Parliamentary vote, and as Andrew Gilligan at the Telegraph reported last week, central to the Coalition […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: IN THE NAME OF ISLAM Denial is the first stage of coming to terms with the unthinkable. In Westgate, a Kenyan mall oriented toward expats, terrorists separated Muslims from non-Muslims before killing them. The Muslims were allowed to go free if they could recite a Muslim prayer. During the attack, Al Shabaab’s Arabic Twitter account quoted the Koran, “Plant […]


We’ve heard this “they’re-not-real-Muslims” line many times since 9/11. Last time I heard, the British PM was not a scholar of Islam. So, what’s he playing at?

Quickly, as The Commentator has asked of me, on the blog part of their site. OK. There is a tragedy in Nairobi that all decent people will and should condemn. Al-Shabab, an extreme Islamist terror — “militant” in the BBC’s lexicon — group has killed at least 68 people in a shopping centre massacre in the Kenyan capital.

This is news worldwide. Since three Britons were amongst the dead, British Prime Minister David Cameron has understandably made a sincere (and that is not doubted) statement condemning and lamenting this terrible tragedy.

But please explain this (reporting from the BBC, who else?):

“These appalling terrorist attacks that take place where the perpetrators claim they do it in the name of a religion – they don’t,” said Prime Minister Cameron.

“They do it in the name of terror, violence and extremism and their warped view of the world. They don’t represent Islam or Muslims in Britain or anywhere else in the world.”

Hold on David. Since when did you become a scholar of Islam?


A very telling tale from South Africa on the Israel boycotters. “Kill the Jews” had always expressed underlying sentiment. But it must never be said out loud

Words in the Xhosa tongue exposed the cover of anti-Zionists talking in mother tongues by the score. A riddle wrapped in a mystery – until the words are put into English.

‘Dubula iJuda:’ Kill the Jews, a boycott mob chanted at patrons of a campus jive in Johannesburg. The artists were Israeli and the promoter was a Zionist body – two combustible elements to ignite even a well-disposed mob. Dubula iJuda!

Boycott leaders had no choice but to recoil in horror. “We condemn any and all incitement to violence and racism — including anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism” declared Farid Esack, Director of BDS South Africa. Not to be outdone by a Muslim, Jewish boycotters condemned the chant “in the strongest terms” and couldn’t fathom how Muhammed Desai, who runs BDS affairs, could defend the chanters.

Not even the Palestine Solidarity Forum offered an excuse. The chant had “unacceptable and explicit anti-Semitic elements” said different chapters of the Forum, demanding that comrades make a public apology.

Were these public statements from stricken figures or just plain embarrassed ones?

Half and half. It both horrified and embarrassed boycott leaders to see the true colours of the movement unfurled to all and sundry. Reports and commentaries on the event got it all wrong. If there was a schism between the hooligan mob and contrite leaders it was over the mob’s stupid display of the Jew-hatred that leadership had been at great pains to hide.


Al-Shabaab is claiming that there are American gunmen among those still holed up in the Westgate mall in a standoff with Kenyan and Israeli special forces.

The Somali al-Qaeda affiliate tweeted a series of names on its latest account before Twitter against suspended the group. Al-Shabaab has been creating new accounts each time they get shut down but a movement of pro-Kenyan tweeters has been tracking down the new accounts and complaining to Twitter.

“We received permission to disclose the names of our mujahideen inside #Westgate,” their latest account tweeted.

They proceeded to tweet the names one by one, including Ahmed Mohamed Isse, 22, “native” of St. Paul, Minn., Abdifatah Osman Keenadiid, 24, of Minneapolis, and Gen Mustafe Noorudiin, 27, of Kansas City, Mo.

Al-Shabaab recently released a PR video targeted at Somali-Americans in Minnesota, trying to lure them to jihad as more than two dozen have already done so through the state’s “terror pipeline.” Three Americans — Abdisalan Hussein Ali, Farah Mohamed Beledi and Shirwa Ahmed — from Minnesota have been suicide bombers for Al-Shabaab in a series of attacks in Mogadishu over the past few years.

Other gunmen were named as being from locations such as Finland, Canada, the UK., Somalia and Kenya. None of the names were female, even though witnesses reported a white woman among the shooters.

Report from the ‘War on Coal’ By S. Fred Singer A major project has been quietly underway, within the executive branch of the U.S. government, trying to calculate a “social cost of carbon” (SCC) — a so-called “non-market externality” (i. e., not captured by the normal price system of a free market).  This calculated cost would then be imposed on all government programs in […]

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