It’s an article of American faith that Japan is an incredibly strange place. The world has been mapped and GPS’ed to death ruining much of the thrill of discovery. There probably aren’t any hidden cities with remnants of lost civilizations lurking in the deserts of Africa or the jungles of South America. That just […]
A version of this column is scheduled for publication Monday, September 2, 2013, at Syrian Crisis [Cont.] Pres. Barrack Obama’s sudden volte-face on a strike against the Syrian regime of Pres. Basher al Assad has only put on hold the enormous stakes in the crisis’ ultimate outcome. In one of those curious turns […]
Obama Pushes Syria Intervention With Same Argument He Ignores On Iran This article by Anne Bayefsky originally appeared on President Obama has turned to Congress to save him from staggering political isolation on the global stage. It is an isolation that is the inverse of the promise of a passionate and reciprocal multilateral […]
Once in a while, a great book – like a great red wine – becomes better over the years. “High Noon for America,” by the managing editor of FrontPage Magazine, Jamie Glazov, is such a rare book.
This breathtaking work was published in 2012, soon after our military intervention in Libya, and it rightfully starts with an in-depth analysis of our administration’s Middle East policy. We are now facing a similar intervention in Syria, and I strongly recommend that anyone even slightly interested in foreign policy and long-term peace go back to this book.
“High Noon for America” is not Jamie Glazov’s book. It is America’s book, conceived and developed over several years of roundtable dialog between Jamie and some of the most authoritative experts in foreign policy, intelligence, political affairs, economics and religion of our day. Among them: Robert McFarlane, President Reagan’s national security adviser; Richard Pipes, former member of the National Security Council, one of the world’s leading authorities on Soviet history; Natan Sharansky, former Soviet prisoner, later member of the Israeli cabinet; Roger L. Simon, prize-wining screenwriter, founder and CEO of PJMedia; Vladimir Bukovsky, former leading Soviet dissident and candidate for president of the post-Soviet Russia; and Michael Ledeen, America’s foremost authority on Iran. Full disclosure: I also contributed to Jamie Glazov’s book, and I have been a longtime contributor to FrontPage.
On Sept. 1, 1945, ( September 2 in Japan)representatives of the empire of Japan formally surrendered to the Allies aboard the Missouri, anchored in Tokyo Bay.
The only person to have interviewed the last seven presidents of the US and the last six prime ministers of the UK, Frost had been with Al Jazeera English since its launch in 2006.
No comment. rsk
“About 25 minutes after concluding his remarks, Mr. Obama departed the White House with Mr. Biden in a motorcade to play golf at Fort Belvoir in suburban Virginia.”
In a dramatic turnaround, President Obama said Saturday that he will wait for congressional authorization to punish Syria for a chemical weapons attack, even though he has decided a military strike is needed.
“We should have this debate,” the president said in an announcement in the White House Rose Garden. “I respect the views of those who call for caution.”
After more than a week of deliberation, Mr. Obama essentially put the onus on Congress to stop him from launching missile strikes against targets of the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Lawmakers are not scheduled to return from their August recess until Sept. 9.
“I have decided that the United States should take military action against Syrian regime targets,” Mr. Obama said, adding that he intends such action to be “limited in duration and scope.”
With Vice President Joseph R. Biden at his side, Mr. Obama said, “I’m confident we can hold the Assad regime accountable for their use of chemical weapons, deter this kind of behavior, and degrade their capacity to carry it out.”
The president said U.S. military forces are positioned in the region to strike at his command. At a news conference in Washington today, President Obama announced that he is directing the Environmental Protection Agency to act immediately to enforce a new set of regulations to limit emissions of dihydrogen oxide gas, or water vapor, one of the primary causes of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change. “The world faces a crisis,” the […]
Australia’s Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Foreign Affairs Minister Senator Bob Carr have gone underground since Carr announced on 8 August at the Lakemba Mosque in Sydney that Rudd personally as well as the Labor Party had adopted as policy that Jews had no right to legally live in the West Bank.
“I’ve been to Ramallah, I’ve spoken to the Palestinian leadership, and we support their aspirations to have a Palestinian state in the context of a Middle East of peace. And that means respect for the right of Israel to exist. But we want that Palestinian state to exist, in the context of a peace in the Middle East, and that’s why we say, unequivocally, all settlements on Palestinian land are illegal under international law and should cease. That is the position, of Kevin Rudd, the position of the Federal Labor government, and we don’t make apologies for it.”
Attempts to elicit whether Rudd personally and the Labor Party had adopted this policy prior to Carr’s announcement have ended in total confusion.
Labor’s candidate for the seat of Stirling, Dan Caddy, received no answers from Carr when he asked those pertinent questions.
An embarrassed Caddy wrote to the constituent seeking such information:
“I have received advice from our (Foreign) Minister’s office which I have included below. I appreciate that it does not specifically address the questions you have posed, but I hope it clearly articulates what the position is.”
Caddy’s response was however seriously undermined when sitting Labor Member for Melbourne Ports — Michael Danby — spoke out a few days later:
If there exists a more undeniable testament to the mindlessness of some modern women than the Seattle Slutwalk, I would honestly like to know what it is. The belief that after laws have been passed against rape, that after hefty penalties exist for its punishment, that after unjust laws give women a very publicly known advantage in rape’s prosecution — in other words, that the very guns of the state have been turned against even questionably alleged rapists — that women can somehow, by debasing themselves and chanting slogans, curb such sinister acts is so ridiculously absurd that I wonder whether a comedian could have invented it.
But I do not believe that the endeavor’s primary flaw exists in woman’s inability to recognize that marches against criminals do not stop crime. Rather, I believe that it exists in her poor understanding of man’s mind — that she marches perhaps in anger, but not in efficacy, being completely knowledgeable of rape’s end, but entirely unwilling to acknowledge the means. Or, to put this in a more simple way, she knows the crime but does not know the criminal. And if we are to correct her willful blindness, or at least arm ourselves against both its calamities and her poisonous invectives, we must first acquaint ourselves not with women, but with men.