The irony isn’t merely rich. It’s tragic. As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech this week, the Obama Justice Department is suing the state of Louisiana to stop it from distributing school vouchers to kids seeking to escape failing schools. Justice wants the vouchers stopped […] Al Gore and his traveling medicine show is back in town with his new, improved snake oil, guaranteed to grow hair, improve digestion, promote regularity and kill roaches, rats and bedbugs. Al and his wagon rumbled into town on the eve of “a major forthcoming report” from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which […]
Personnel is policy, and the Obama administration knows it. That’s why they hired swarms of committed leftist lawyers to populate the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division.
Bobby Jindal and school choice advocates are finding out the hard way how it works.
Mike Flynn at Breitbart covers a lawsuit filed last week to block school choice in Louisiana by the Educational Opportunities Section of the Civil Rights Division. (Copy of complaint is here.) The lawsuit alleges that school choice in Louisiana means too many white kids are going to private schools. Never mind the fact that black children can do the same thing.
People regularly underestimate the enormous power held by radical bureaucrats. People often wrongly assume Eric Holder or President Obama are masterminding these radical and absurd policies. They are wrong. Holder and his downstream political appointees often only green-light radical legal theories cooked up by lifelong radicals.
So let’s meet the lifelong radicals attacking Bobby Jindal’s state education policies, as profiled in the PJ Media Every Single One series.
Anurima Bhargava: Ms. Bhargava was hired as the new chief of the Section after working for the previous six years at the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund. Although her days were likely busy there, she managed to find time to make a $250 contribution to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. She also produced the “Jazz for Obama” concert back in October 2008. “Disrespectful people should be eliminated.” — Allama Muhammed Farooq Nazimi, presenter on UK’s Noor TV, May 3, 2012 An Islamic television channel has been hit with a hefty fine after a Muslim hate preacher told viewers, live on air, that it was the duty of all Muslims to murder anyone who shows disrespect for […] The National Archives is readying an exhibit of Iraqi Jewish artifacts due to open on October 11. Appallingly, the U.S. government has agreed to then return the Iraqi Jewish archives — including holy books — to Iraq, which systematically expelled its Jewish community, by June of 2014. How did the Jewish Iraqi community — […] It is one thing to criticise Obama’s muddled Syria policy. it’s another for those who routinely slam American “meddling” to blame him for the massacre This week’s terrible massacre using chemical weapons against Syrian civilians, almost certainly perpetrated by Bashar Al-Assad’s forces, was bound to raise emotions, and understandably so. But some of what […] You would never wear a Hermann Göring t-shirt or use the swastika in a value-neutral fashion, so why should it be okay to whitewash and/or rehabilitate communists? I spoke earlier this week at the 2013 Liberty Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland. But I don’t think anybody is going to remember my speech about the collapse of the […] Hamas-ruled Gaza is feeling the ripple effects of the ouster of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and the decimation of the Muslim Brotherhood. The new military ruling regime accuses Hamas, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, of fomenting anti-Egypt attacks in Sinai. In turn, Cairo has put a noose around the only land crossing from […] Democrats think a rodeo clown’s jokes are racist, Republicans think they are healthy free speech. Democrats think Trayvon Martin was shot for being black, Republicans think he was shot in self-defense because of his thuggish assault on Zimmerman. Republicans think the President should show leadership to counter the violent Rapper culture that leads to […] Nicolás Maduro needs a circus because there is no bread in Venezuela. Hyperinflation and political witch hunts seem to go together. Just ask the Venezuelan opposition. With the bolivarcollapsing and prices spiraling higher, the government alleged this month that its No. 1 adversary, former presidential candidate Henrique Capriles, is linked to a prostitution ring […]