Since, as most predict, Arab-Israeli negotiations will fail, why try again now? Overlooked is the timetable: nine months, or more. This means stretching the process until mid-term elections in the US, in 2014, which set the stage for the presidential election in 2016. The timing of negotiations, therefore, has nothing to do with achieving a durable peace, but pressuring Israel to freeze new building […] Nothing to See Here: 44 More People Slaughtered by Boko Haram (updated) Nothing to See Here: 44 More People Slaughtered by Boko Haram (updated): Militants from the Boko Haram group have killed at least 35 people in north-eastern Nigeria, local officials have said. They say the gunmen raided the village of Demba in Borno state after […] The Jewish State in its true light. — ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Patients can breathe easier. Students in the bio-design program of the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem’s Hebrew University have designed a robotic intubation device that guides itself to the lungs. The “GuideIN Tube” prevents accidental insertion of the air tube […]
This is a dangerous companion program to Common Core and CSCOPE designed to indoctrinate your children and grandchildren about Islam. As part of a National Endowment for the Humanities program funded by $150 million of our taxpayer dollars, 25 books and a DVD are being provided to 800 public libraries. No books are included on Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.
Islam is a totalitarian, misogynistic, supremacist doctrine that teaches Muslims to deceive and kill non-believers. There is NO feature of this hate ideology that teaches brotherly love, compassion, tolerance or service to mankind. The goal of Islam is complete submission with three options for non-Muslims: conversion, dhimmitude or death.
Circulate the information about this dangerous, subversive program throughout your communities and organizations. We MUST stop the stealth jihad to subvert Western laws and values and eliminate ALL human rights.
Janet Levy
Colorado: American Library Association teaching librarians how to push Islam
via Gilpin Library Footnotes | The Mountain-Ear
Larry Grieco, Librarian
Gilpin County
Having just returned from a two-day workshop on our new “Let’s Talk About It:Muslim Journeys theme, Literary Reflections,” I’m enthusiastic about getting the word out, as well as introducing you to the five books in the series. Dr. Nancy Ciccone, chair of the English Department at the University of Colorado, Denver, and I are working together for the third time on a “Let’s Talk about It” series.
Nancy and I didn’t have to travel far, this time — just to the Grand Hyatt in downtown Denver — to hear project scholars develop the content, andcoordinators from the American Library Association recommend effective ways to implement the project. We joined more than 75 representatives from other libraries around the country who received this “Let’s Talk About It” grant, many of whom were accompanied by their local scholars.
When Harry Met Ivan (And They Disagreed Over “Joe”…Stalin)
Andrew Bostom
US Army “Communist Specialist” Col. Ivan Yeaton Recognized Harry Hopkins’s Pro-Soviet Perfidy
Would the followers of the Rasputin of the White House…would these apostles of the [Rexford] Tugwellian philosophy, which would roll up its sleeves and make America over—use this war as a smoke screen to saddle upon America a type of government and a kind of economy entirely foreign and contrary to those we have ever known?
—Rep Dewey Short, (R, Mo.), quoted in Walter Trohan. “ ‘White House Harry’ Hopkins—A Modern Rasputin”, Chicago Daily Tribune, August 29, 1943
Hopkins is the leading admirer of Russia in the administration. He came back from his visits to Russia as personal envoy of the President singing the praises of Joe Stalin and the Russian system. In Russia he found the type of democracy he and the palace guard would like to see in America—one which would perpetuate them in office.
—Walter Trohan. “Fascists! That’s New Deal Tag For Its Critics”, Chicago Daily Tribune, March 31, 1944
In a recent column, I concluded with a passing reference to the city of Ariel, a Jewish enclave that juts into the West Bank 10 miles beyond the Green Line. The column dealt with boycotts, and specifically with the EU’s recent announcement that it will withhold any scientific collaboration, investment or the awarding of grants to institutions with “direct or indirect” ties to settlements in the West Bank, Gaza or East Jerusalem. I concluded the column by saying that “I do not call for a boycott of Ariel; like many in Israel’s cultural community, I just won’t go there.”
Upon reflection, I think those words are flip. Upon reflection, Israel’s anti-boycott law notwithstanding, I call for a boycott of Ariel. Specifically, I believe American Jews visiting Israel should stay away from the city, treat it as an offense against peace.
I can hear the gasps of incredulity. There were times when Arab spokespeople refused to share a platform with Israelis, and while the situation has improved somewhat, Israel is and has been so often the target of boycotts, both personal and governmental, calling for a boycott seems out of synch with even a vague hope for reconciliation between Jews and Arabs. Boycotts, by an large, draw a decisively negative response from supporters of Israel.
Yet boycotts have a long and often honorable history. Likely the most famous boycott in recent American history remains the Montgomery bus boycott, which also marked Martin Luther King’s emergence as the key black leader of his day. The year was 1955, the date was December 1st. When Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat so that a white passenger could sit down, a black woman named Ann Robinson, a professor of English at Alabama State, the youngest of 12 siblings and the first to have gone to college, convened the Women’s Political Council, most of whose members were active in Martin Luther King’s Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, and that very night they mimeographed a leaflet that said, “The next time it may be you, or you or you. This woman’s case will come up Monday. We are, therefore, asking every Negro to stay off the buses on Monday in protest of the arrest and trial.”
A version of this column is scheduled for publication Monday, August 26, 2013, at Picking up the pieces When a young, flibbertigibbet reporter asked the old Edwardian Harold Macmillan what might derail implementing the prime minister’s promised political agenda, he rejoined, “Events, dear boy, events!” For pseudo-aristocrat that he might have been […]
The ridiculous parade of awards and shows is a rerun of how Obama, an uninteresting Illinois politician, was transformed into the most interesting figure in American politics through obsessive attention and hysterical praise. But Hillary Clinton, who will be pushing seventy by the time her big moment in the sun arrives, has fewer excuses for needing to slap this much greasepaint on an undistinguished resume.
The positions that will be used as props in her quest for higher office came to her only by way of being married to the former President of the United States. And it’s impossible to find anything revolutionary that she did with those positions, except use them as launching pads for an office she was even less qualified for.
The miniseries, the series, the movies, the books and the adoring pundits will zoom in on her gender, but even that isn’t a breakthrough.
Hillary Clinton was one in a long line of female senators. She was the third female Secretary of State. Albright and Rice, for all their flaws, were hard workers with interesting biographies. Hillary Clinton, like John Kerry, was a mediocrity who got their job as a consolation prize for not winning a presidential election.
The Guns of August (1962), is a history by Barbara Tuchman- a spellbinding narrative of World War I… which started in early August 99 years ago. Most people, myself included, know as much about this great war as they do about the Peloponnesian Wars. Many of the British television presentations-Downtown Abbey, Mr. Selfridge, Upstairs, Downstairs- include scenes and drama from that war. Barbara Tuchman is a master historian and narrator. There is nothing to equal reading it on a rocking chair in Nantucket, but this book is so good one could read it in a phone booth. The opening description of the funeral of King Edward VII of England in May 1910 is perfection in prose and description.
Product Details
The Guns of August: The Pulitzer Prize-Winning Classic About the Outbreak of World War I by Barbara W. Tuchman and Robert K. Massie (Aug 3, 2004) The Framers did not see impeachment as outlandish. To the legacy media, that shriveling adjunct of the White House press office, the story is not why Americans would think it worth asking whether the president should be impeached. It is, as one would expect, why some prominent Republicans are dignifying the question with serious […]