Reprinted from Palestinian Media Watch. Fatah’s official Facebook page continues to promote and glorify violence and terror for children. In one post, young Palestinian boys are shown holding rifles with the text: “The children of Palestine – this is how they celebrated their holiday.” [Facebook, “Fatah – The Main Page,” Aug. 9, 2013] In […] Europe is awash in dhimmitude, but Sweden is a case unto itself. There’s something desperate and demented about the levels of dhimmitude on display in Ikea-land. In no other European country, moreover, is there so little pushback in the media. As I wrote just yesterday, Sweden has the highest percentage of rapes in the […]
The false “hockeystick” graph with which (in 2001) the UN climate panel claimed that current surface temperatures are “unprecedented” in a millennium is at odds with hundreds of scientific papers and with their own previous position. There is nothing unusual about today’s temperatures; the world was warmer in the Middle Ages. However, the “hockeystick” graph showing a rapid increase in 20th century CO2 concentration is genuine.
The Third Assessment Report (2001) of the UN-sponsored IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) espouses a temperature history over the last thousand years that resembles a ‘hockeystick’ (HS). The ‘shank’ is the smooth decline of temperature from 1000 to 1900AD, followed by an apparent sharp rise in the 20th century (forming the ‘blade’ of a hockeystick). IPCC-AR3 promoted this rise as definitive evidence of human influence on climate; emission of carbon dioxide was supposed to cause the 20th century warming. But this temperature history is fake; it is contradicted by much other evidence.
This past May, Muslim Arab Member of the Knesset (MK) Ibrahim Sarsour introduced a bill in Israel’s parliament that would prohibit blasphemous speech. Sarsour’s demand on Israel, a model of liberal democracy, to subject herself to sharia blasphemy laws is dubious. Further, Sarsour’s own provocative, even hateful, statements against fellow Israelis is further evidence that Islamist sensitivities entail no reciprocity for other groups.
Sarsour described his bill, first introduced in an earlier version in 2008, as prohibiting “any offense in any form” against “religious sentiments.” This would include cursing, defaming, and depicting religious books and figures such as Muhammad, Moses, and Jesus. Sarsour cited as motive a future possibility in Israel of derogatory Muhammad caricatures and soccer game chants offensive to Muslims. Concerning free speech concerns, Sarsour discerned a “clear difference between… opinions and harming religious sentiment” as a “red line” having “no justification to cross.”
Sarsour stated that current Israeli law in this area is not strong enough. Section 173 of Israel’s Penal Law, according to one English translation, imposes up to a year’s imprisonment for spoken or written words “liable crudely to offend the religious faith or sentiment of others.” Sarsour’s bill would eliminate “crudely” from the law and add the aforementioned specific applications. President Obama and his political allies have dismissed as “phony scandals” mounting evidence that the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies hindered and punished conservative advocacy groups. Meanwhile, efforts are under way to impose even more regulation on core political speech. The government’s abuses are very real, but the scandal’s lessons are not […]
Al Gore isn’t even honest about his own movie.
In case you’ve forgotten, “Al Gore was vice president of the United States from 1993-2001.” The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein delivers that news in setting up an interview with Gore, who is known these days mostly as an alarmist advocate of global warmism.
Gore uses the interview to claim vindication for his 2006 “documentary,” “An Inconvenient Truth”: “You mentioned my movie back in the day. The single most common criticism from skeptics when the film came out focused on the animation showing ocean water flowing into the World Trade Center memorial site. Skeptics called that demagogic and absurd and irresponsible. It happened last October 29th, years ahead of schedule, and the impact of that and many, many other similar events here and around the world has really begun to create a profound shift.”
The reference is to Hurricane Sandy, a Category 2 storm when it struck the Northeastern U.S., flooding parts of New York and New Jersey, including downtown Manhattan. (Sandy peaked in the Caribbean as a Category 3 storm. By comparison, 2005’s Hurricane Katrina went as high as Category 5 and made landfall at Category 3.)
But if we roll the film–which is less than scintillating, but the clip lasts less than 2½ minutes–we find that what Gore predicted in “An Inconvenient Truth” was something far direr than a storm and a flood. He predicted that lower Manhattan–along with vast and heavily populated swaths of Florida, California, the Netherlands, China, India and Bangladesh–would be permanently submerged owing to higher sea levels. I wrote an article once titled: Lies, Damned lies, and Palestinian Propaganda in Descending Order. That title paraphrased 19th century British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli’s aphorism: Lies, damned lies, and statistics in descending order. Few have mastered the art of dissimilitude more than long time Palestinian Arab spokesman, Saeb Erakat, who continues to […] Information Monopoly: Facebook’s Suckerberg Wants 7 Billion People Online Information Monopoly: Facebook’s Suckerberg Wants 7 Billion People Online: Food, water and the Internet? Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wants to get all of the world’s 7 billion people online through a partnership with some of the largest mobile technology companies. He says the Web is […] The Arab-Muslim world is currently a cauldron of violence, murder and carnage. Similar to a volcanic eruption but not in any way a force of nature, it is a man-made disaster that threatens world peace. Some people mistakenly think that the post-Arab Spring terrorism and murder plaguing the Middle East are somehow confined to […]
Another Tack: Egypt’s Polish syndrome Jewish culpability always was – and apparently still remains – a key element in lending moral authority to any contentious cause. Jews have known this for millennia but the dispiriting fact of our existence is that it still goes on, unabated, in the 21st century and that it motivates not only […]