Today Israel will free 26 murderers, a price exacted by the PLO before it would return to peace negotiations. Israel has entered into such deals before, for example freeing over 1,000 prisoners in exchange for the captured corporal Gilad Shalit. But in that case the decision was Israel’s own, and the United States rightly […]
I like and often post from American Thinker…but these past few days have set me to thinking…They have joined the jeremiad against Diana West. Two efforts are actually risible- by authors who have not read the book!!!!
Exhibit A:
All Feldman does is repeat the screeds of Radosh and Herf…..hhmmmmm……
“This week I’m making an exception in highlighting the imbroglio between Ron Radosh, an historian whose knowledge of the American Communist party and the McCarthy era is unmatched, and Diana West, author of American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on our Nation’s Character. I’m doing so, not to attack West whose work I have not read, but to point out the dangers of demagogic writers — everywhere on the political spectrum and the emotional bonds their fans form with them. ”
“I haven’t read West (I do intend to), but from the scuttlebutt and reviews circulating the internet, it is fairly apparent that she is a reckless historian of the McCarthy school of history. This, Ron Radosh is not. Unlike the conspiratorial school, populated on the left by Oliver Stone, and onthe right by West, Radosh dares to take a complex view of history. He is grown up enough to realize that both Hiss was guilty and McCarthy was a reckless demagogue; that the blacklist was wrong and that the Hollywood Ten were selective civil libertarians.”
More egregious, however is the following by raging Ron Radosh where it is obvious that he got an advance copy of Diana West’s submitted rebuttal. That’s really unsavory.
Diana West submitted a rebuttal of false claims against her by Radosh to American Thinker, but instead of publishing them AT ran this by Ron Radosh which shows in his words that he saw her column:
“Now let me turn to some of Diana West’s key assertions regarding World War II, which she argues in the new piece she is writing for this site I do not really effectively challenge.”
And by the way…..AT has not posted West’s rebuttal……rsk Despite the howls of some reactionaries against American immigration reform, it is clear that most people come here to better their lives. They are decent, hard working, and ready to become real Americans, (with the exception of the radicalized few, such as the Somali youths bamboozled into becoming suicide bombers). With exceptions (in Michigan […] “Because Israel is the only non-Muslim state in all of the Middle East and North Africa, it represents a small victory for religious minorities in the region, and serves as the last protector of freedom and security for Jews, Christians, Bahai, Druze, and others. Without Israel, how much more vulnerable would Christians in the […] The job description for Iran’s president, or for that matter, defense minister, seems to include “strong yen for mass murder, if not involvement in it.” It’s a requirement that continues to be upheld. It was certainly honored by previous president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose frequent calls for Israel’s annihilation were a direct violation of international […] The man once accused of inciting 2012’s terror attack in Libya fears that once his prison sentence for a probation violation ends, authorities may continue to detain him for his own “protection.” Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the 55-year-old whose online short film “Innocence of Muslims” was falsely blamed by the Obama administration for setting off […] President Obama often rails against “perpetual campaigns” in politics, but the White House is increasingly waging a partisan-edged campaign funded by taxpayers through a flood of daily emails to the public in support of his agenda. Whether the topic is gun control or immigration reform, the White House is using taxpayer dollars for staff […] A controversy has re-ignited over Franklin Delano Roosevelt “co-President” Harry Hopkins’s potential role as an agent promoting Soviet influence operations during World War II. Diana West, in her new book, American Betrayal (and summarized here), makes the case that Hopkins was a conscious agent; Ronald Radosh rejects this contention . The career trajectory […] A distinct pattern of racial bias can be seen in three recent actions that have President Obama’s blessings. The first was the Executive Order of July 26, 2012 wherein Barack Hussein Obama “establishes a government panel to promote ‘a positive school climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use […]
My Rock of Gibraltar (Not Yours)
Sure, Britain should give the rock back to the Spanish. But why stop there?
Francis Drake setting sail from Plymouth to fight the Spanish Armada it was not. Yet on Monday the British press ran heavy with images of the helicopter carrier HMS Illustrious leaving Portsmouth Naval Base, destination Gibraltar. Madrid is kicking up a fuss, again, over the Rock they have coveted ever since ceding it to Britain “for ever” in the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht. And London, says the Times of London, “is drawing up plans to take unprecedented legal action against Spain for imposing additional checks at the Gibraltar border.”
I’m sympathetic to the Spanish claim. Rather than waste time and money on a fruitless diplomatic brawl, Prime Minister David Cameron should say he’s prepared to relinquish Gibraltar to Spain—on just one condition.
That would be a declaration by the Spanish government that it will renounce its own claims to the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, which lie opposite Gibraltar on the northern coast of Africa. Morocco has long claimed these Spanish enclaves for itself, and in July 2002 it even sent troops to seize an uninhabited Spanish islet near Ceuta. Madrid responded a week later by deploying its navy, air force and special forces to bloodlessly retake the island, but tensions still simmer.
Spaniards might object to returning the two cities on the grounds that local inhabitants overwhelmingly consider themselves Spanish and wish to remain a part of Spain. Then again, the last time Gibraltarians took a vote on their sovereignty, 99% of them wished to remain British.